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Gujarat plans world’s tallest statue of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

he was responsible in uniting all princeli state /nizam , junagarh and kashmir and many other to the republick of India and was known as iron man for bieng very honest and principlled and shrewd to some extend ruthless in his aproach when matters of state were at stake while nehru was soft & too idealistick in his approach ps. he was first home minister of india

hey wasn't that your army? or was this patel fella one man army going from Kashmir to Hyderabad and forcefully occupying these areas?
hey wasn't that your army? or was this patel fella one man army going from Kashmir to Hyderabad and forcefully occupying these areas?

well brother there is a difference in approach in this dept. here owr army works as per orders by the home ministry ie..army is the tool while it is controlled by the GOI not like PA does or works in your nation here things work as per the wishes of democraticalli elected govt and Sardar Patel was the home minister who was instrumental in uniting all the princli states/rajwaras to the indian union as it is today he was the reason behind bringing & arm twisting hydrabad daccen and junagarh to indian fold when there nawabs/nizams wanted them be part of pakistan he even had a fight with idelistick nehru over taking kashmir cause to UN but nehru dint listen to him on this as nehru wanted to leave a legacy and indians are still paying the price
Isn't $300 million just too much for a statue.How about making monument in the country in remembrance of all the souls who lived and died for the country.Just saying :coffee:
300 million dollars?:cuckoo:

What is that, 2000 crore rupees?:undecided:

Let me give another longer perspective...

First it is a political decision from Modi to invogarate a proud and nationalist spirit in Gujarat which might help him in upcoming elections as we all know how much we all have heard and seen gandhi bapu and other gandhi's on airports, roads, notes and other buildings. There is a unseen grudge (might be wrong word but not recollecting right word) in Gujarat about lack of Sardar Patel's glorification in reverence to work he did. For some indians and pakistanis, Sardar was the first choice as PM of India by Congress but gandhi jee was reluctant as he was from Gujarat and would show that he favoured another gujarati. (I might be wrong and stand corrected)

Another larger picture is related to tourism and area development which is one of the very strong reasons. You need to visit the Sardar sarovar dam to get the natural beauty and surroundings. People in gujarat have started using this place as a one day picnic spot. This statue could significantly increase the attractiveness of the place. Also the area around the dam which is not that developed and is still considered backward could greatly benefit.

In shorter duration there is cost but if you amortize it over say 20 or 30 yrs may be longer, the costs are nothing.. I dont know how longer the statue of liberty has been..
The presence of leaders like Sardar Patel is what made India such a strong political unit, with undivided unity to the nation state, instead of multiple loyalties and power centers. Professing an ideological commitment is very different from nation building, and that is what made the difference between India and Pakistan post independence. Why democratic institutions flourished in India despite such ethnic and cultural and linguistic and religious diversity. But not in Pakistan, where a state religion was expected to unify the nation. Throughout the independence movement, we had freedom fighters who traversed the length and breadth of the country, and political parties (national or state level) that sprung from the native soil. People's power was represented through politicians and elected representatives, and not through the barrel of a gun.

Post independence, for the first time in centuries/millennia, the citizens of all the hundreds of princely states gave up their old allegiance to their kingdoms, and adopted a new allegiance to their state and country. Rajputs and marathas and nizams and nawabs all decided to live as one political unit. That is a major accomplishment, perhaps unparalleled anywhere else in the world, given the sort of diversity we have. Sardar patel personally went from king to king, giving them an offer they could not refuse - integrate peacefully with a nice retirement pension, or be annexed forcefully by the Indian army. All the kings and princes knew better than to resist the changing times, or battle the new idea who's time had come - a united republic, as opposed to archaic monarchies.

Besides, he modeled a system of pan-Indian government service, which we still follow today. (The IAF, IFS and IPS.) That, among other similar measures, helped forged a, overarching, pan-Indian identity.

Only a few people on earth can boast the accomplishments of Sardar Patel.

But that being said, 300 million dollars is a helluva lot of taxpayers' money to be spent in building a statue. A better tribute to him would be to build a power plant or hydroelectric dam or hospital or industrial unit or university in his name, which enriches the country further, and is not a monetarily unproductive asset.
Let me give another longer perspective...

First it is a political decision from Modi to invogarate a proud and nationalist spirit in Gujarat which might help him in upcoming elections as we all know how much we all have heard and seen gandhi bapu and other gandhi's on airports, roads, notes and other buildings. There is a unseen grudge (might be wrong word but not recollecting right word) in Gujarat about lack of Sardar Patel's glorification in reverence to work he did. For some indians and pakistanis, Sardar was the first choice as PM of India by Congress but gandhi jee was reluctant as he was from Gujarat and would show that he favoured another gujarati. (I might be wrong and stand corrected)

Another larger picture is related to tourism and area development which is one of the very strong reasons. You need to visit the Sardar sarovar dam to get the natural beauty and surroundings. People in gujarat have started using this place as a one day picnic spot. This statue could significantly increase the attractiveness of the place. Also the area around the dam which is not that developed and is still considered backward could greatly benefit.

In shorter duration there is cost but if you amortize it over say 20 or 30 yrs may be longer, the costs are nothing.. I dont know how longer the statue of liberty has been..

I have no beef with Sardar Patel, and prefer to see a statue of him than of Mayawati or unimportant congress fellows. (BTW Sardar Patel was himself a congressi.) As my previous post shows, I hold him in high regard, and my grievance is not with him or his work. It is with the spending of taxpayers' money.

That red part, if true, is very problematic - should he be using taxpayers' money to help his own electoral prospects? Isn't that corruption? Shouldn't he be using party funds for that?

And yes, I know that congress has done that as well. I am not taking any political sides here. My question is economic. There are far better ways to inculcate national spirit, with better yield in the long run. (The examples I gave in the previous post.) Sardar Patel was a champion of industrialization - which India needs badly today - so how about starting industrial projects in his name?

Your opinion that the cost will be recouped over twenty years doesn't make economic sense, unless you are suggesting that the place will be a hub for foreign tourists. I mean, using people's money to build a statue, and then charging people to see it doesn't really enrich the people, does it? Sure, the govt accounts may say that the money spent was recovered from tourist activity - but it was people's money in the first place, recovered from the people themselves. But in the overall picture, the nation would not have earned money through it. (If it brings in a lot of foreing money then it is a different issue.)

On the other hand, the govt building a power station or a rail network brings actual value to the nation, real return for investment through economic productivity.
Well said!

BTW Maninagar, Ahmedabad is Modi exactly from and go and ask Mulims how highly regard them.

Isn't India near China and Pakistan ;)

Even CM Modi is known to be from a 'ghanchi' or a lower caste strata.

Most sekoolars or their masters don't know this as well. They imagine nationalists like either Patel ji or Modi to be some high caste Nazi-style 'Bharamins'. :lol:

BTW, Are you living in Siachen or something? That's the only point that intersects with both p0k and c0k. :P
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