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Guardian-India's shoot-to-kill policy on the Bangladesh border

Can we at least have a consensus here if there is illegal migration from BD to India at all. Most of the Bangladeshi members believe that there is no illegal migration into India. So I have no idea who the BSF is killing.

And the Indians here condemning the act of BSF, you should try and understand that why some Indians here are so pissed of at these "cow smugglers". Guess you guys were never around when some dic*head Bangladeshis on this forum were going on about "tasty Indian cows" or whatever. Its all about mutual respect to each others sensitivities.

What am trying to say is, you cant sit here on this forum, dis India, call it a slum, deny any illegal migration into India, protest against the construction of fence and also complain about getting killed on the border while trying to sneak into India at the same time and in return expect Indians to be on your side.
And the Indians here condemning the act of BSF, you should try and understand that why some Indians here are so pissed of at these "cow smugglers". Guess you guys were never around when some dic*head Bangladeshis on this forum were going on about "tasty Indian cows" or whatever. Its all about mutual respect to each others sensitivities.

We don't have to lose our ethics just because the BD members here are hostile. Who's the bigger jerk contest is fine as long as we don't rejoice at the loss of innocent lives.
We don't have to lose our ethics just because the BD members here are hostile. Who's the bigger jerk contest is fine as long as we don't rejoice at the loss of innocent lives.

Surprisingly, the vast majority of Germans supported the Nazis and their genocide on the Jews. It's called blind nationalism. Please do not attempt to teach humanity to religious or nationalist extremists. It's futile.
Can we at least have a consensus here if there is illegal migration from BD to India at all. Most of the Bangladeshi members believe that there is no illegal migration into India. So I have no idea who the BSF is killing.

Most of the deaths occurs inside our territory. Is it too hard to guess what's going on? It's what happens when malnutritioned people carrying rifles all day get bored.
And the Indians here condemning the act of BSF, you should try and understand that why some Indians here are so pissed of at these "cow smugglers". Guess you guys were never around when some dic*head Bangladeshis on this forum were going on about "tasty Indian cows" or whatever. Its all about mutual respect to each others sensitivities.

So much for mutual respect. I guess the mods need to do some troll extermination here. :lol:
16 Bsf fags were killed and they were screaming
that BDR commited war crimes and demanded trial.

Bunch of cowards, we just practice our patience
as any civilized country would.

We don't have to lose our ethics just because the BD members here are hostile. Who's the bigger jerk contest is fine as long as we don't rejoice at the loss of innocent lives.

See what i mean? You know no one here from Bangladesh or India has any say on the official policies of their countries. At the end of the day this is just a virtual forum, the way people interact and opine here isn't the same as they would in real life. My opinion towards the Bangladeshis members here isn't the same as for the ones I know in real life. Just cause i don't agree with some people here doesn't mean i hate Bangladeshis. Heck I am getting engaged to a Bangladeshi muslim girl later this year:smitten:

I personally don't endorse any killings on the border, but i would still insist on electrification of the fences, and joint patrolling on the border by BDR-BSF. As far as ethics and morals go, some people are more tolerant than the others, theres only so much bashing one can tolerate. I guess sensitivity is a two way traffic?
Thanks for clarifying your stance.

NOW Please keep a few trucks handy to receive another 97 decomposed BSF bodies!! :sniper:

Bad memories eh. :lol:

Most of the deaths occurs inside our territory. Is it too hard to guess what's going on? It's what happens when malnutritioned people carrying rifles all day get bored.

Here we go again, now what do you expect from people in return after saying all that :disagree:

And as far as deaths occurring in your territory ask your BDR to stop culling Army officers and do what they are meant to do, guard and patrol the borders! so that BSF doesn't get a chance to sneak into Bangladeshi land.
very good policy :sniper:

.........NOW Please electrify the fence !!

Electrification is acceptable, but not killing of the innocents at the border by the BSF troops. BSF should rather be refrained from accepting bribes from all kinds of smugglers.
This is not the point pal. People murder,rape,rob,kidnap and commit many other crimes knowing very well that if caught, they will face severe consequences. The point is, is it justified to adopt a Shoot on Sight policy even for the unarmed civilians?

Pakistani and Indian fishermen regularly cross over into each others territories by mistake while fishing. What do you suggest we do to them? Shoot on Sight or continue with the sane and legal procedure that is to detain,verify and deport them back to their country of origin.

I sincerely hope that you and my other Indian friends are able to come out of their belligerent fetish, and see the brutality in just simply shooting a person, even a teenage girl tangled in barbed wire.

I agree!!! Simply shooting people is unethical and morally wrong. Detention and deportation is the right way to go. Unless the illegal immigrant is armed and fires back, use of deadly force is not a civilized thing to do.

Despite our disagreements we should still treat each other as human beings rather than animals...
Electrification is acceptable, but not killing of the innocents at the border by the BSF troops. BSF should rather be refrained from accepting bribes from all kinds of smugglers.

I agree!

Patriotism aside... We all live or have lived in a third world country at some time. And we all know the high handedness of the police and the paramilitary forces. Unless you don't know some bigwig you can be ill-treated in your own country.

BSF and other forces need to be trained better to tackle civilians. A few bad apples give an entire organization a bad name. Its important that these apples we singled out and removed.

I know my countrymen feel compelled to support any and all activities of BSF, but then if we can't think logically and most importantly humanely, we are nothing more than educated illiterates...
Electrification is acceptable, but not killing of the innocents at the border by the BSF troops. BSF should rather be refrained from accepting bribes from all kinds of smugglers.

You do know that electrification can also result in deaths?... maybe even more than the current figures assuming that a lot more people make their way across the border without getting caught by the BSF.
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