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Guardian-India's shoot-to-kill policy on the Bangladesh border

Electrification will result in more death of children, animals. Bad idea. Minimum lethal force is good enough. BSF should shoot to injure not kill.
Now that we are planning to use rubber bullets, hope the body count will go down. But be prepared to face complaints about injury.
Whilst the problems of illegal immigration , extensive cattle smuggling and infiltration of extremists remain very serious concerns , leading to gradual demographic change in our border districts and a very real threat of extremist infiltration - We cannot loose our humanity and allow the unnecessary slaughter of innocents . These killings can be easily avoided by issuing no lethal weapons to the BSF troopers like stun guns and other immobilization weapons . In the interest of saving human lives , protecting rights and also good relations - the Government should equip the BSF with non -lethal weaponry.

And if these weapons do not work as an effective deterrent against illegal border trespass we can always arrest , and impose severe penalties like heavy fines , long terms of imprisonments with labor etc.

An understanding should be worked out with the BDR on this issue so as to avoid the situation deteriorating like the Indo-pak border on our western side ,
where shoot - at - sight include shooting at the other side 's soldiers .This would be to our mutual benefit.
Whoever tries to smuggle our "holy-cows" will find similar fate.
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Thanks for clarifying your stance.

NOW Please keep a few trucks handy to receive another 97 decomposed BSF bodies!! :sniper:

Bad memories eh. :lol:

please recieve the decomposed bodies of the BD smugglers. which fortunately gets killed everyday and then do the talking..lol

bad times for you NOW creating a long term bad memory...which does not seem to end. :D
Electrification is acceptable, but not killing of the innocents at the border by the BSF troops. BSF should rather be refrained from accepting bribes from all kinds of smugglers.

I guess, its rather time for BDR to make sure the smugglers dont reach anywhere the fence from their side...if any smuggler from our side try to infiltrate at ur side..please do whatever BDR wishes to do.
And if BDR does not do that then more lives will be lost due to electrocution than by bullets.
Most of the deaths occurs inside our territory. Is it too hard to guess what's going on? It's what happens when malnutritioned people carrying rifles all day get bored.

yeah and your healthy citizen with oil rich diet with their children infiltrate into India to loose weight isnt it ?? :D
Ideally Indian BSF should not shoot.

Instead the stupid Central government should electrify the fence and mine the border for 20 metres from the fence.

So if any suicidal jerk wants to cross over to India let him try his luck and if he is lucky enough let him live in India.

Till that happens, BSF stock up your bullets.
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Best thing to aviod getting shot by BSF is don't try to cross over illegally.Apply for Visa if want entry.This process is same everywhere.

We need stricter vigil,and coercive method,as BD is too mischievous not to accept its citizens who enter india illegals and take them back upon identification.

Also politicians and people in general of border states like West Bengal,Tripura, and Assam should on the forefront not to allow these illegal getting entry as they do not just stay their states , but usually spread out all over india increasing slum population of our cities.Currently their attitude at best could be summarized as lacklustre.
No, the one living and paying taxes in India certainly is. Since you are not an Indian, you will not understand. :no:

AGree with you man!Those in the developed part of the world are the meanest people i could see.They want a life for themselves only.But just for the sake of entertainment come out in defence of India only on the internet.
Those people have very less value for me.
BSF is doing the right thing. Look when they shoot everything that moves still so many people trying to cross the border.

Think about situation when they are more friendly, it will only give more courage to people to cross the border.

What people do not understand is that border crossing is a serious offence and every country has right to make sure their borders are protected. One way of doing is to create deterrence for people crossing it.

The good thing is we are now fencing the border, hopefully after it is done, we should get rid of these issues.

But you never know Bangladeshi's might still want to jump the fence. I still don't understand why these people do not want to respect the border.

They just find new ways of crossing. Last I remember someone was using ladder.
You do know that electrification can also result in deaths?... maybe even more than the current figures assuming that a lot more people make their way across the border without getting caught by the BSF.

Even if more peopler are killed as a consequence of electrification. But, direct shooting is not acceptable.
Electrification will result in more death of children, animals. Bad idea. Minimum lethal force is good enough. BSF should shoot to injure not kill.
Now that we are planning to use rubber bullets, hope the body count will go down. But be prepared to face complaints about injury.

In order to avoid killing the innocents, wire nets above 2m can be electrified.
^^ You know Bangladesh has a huge population for its small area. But thats not only issue Bangladesh govt specially the anti indian ones who were ruling BD encouraged the illegal migration for strategic purpose to decrease population and increase influence in neighboring area demographically so as expand its borders in future.
Whoever tries to smuggle our "holy-cows" will find similar fate.

We see thosands of cows every day pouring in from India. Most of these long-horn white cows are from Rajstan and Uttar Pradesh. BSF is paid handsomely to look the opposite side when these cattle pass through. But, there are some cattle smugglers, who try to avoid paying BSF. Only some of them are killed by BSF.

BSF has even entered BD territory at night to chase the herds and get their bribes. In some of the cases there were small skirmishes between BDR and BSF because of this intrusion.

Anyway, there is no way India can stop killing of these animals at the hands of muslims in BD. I personally detaste these killings, although, traditionally in Bengal, a Muslim father forces his sons to witness the slaughterings when it is in someone's house during Eid or other occasions. Purpose is, of course, to make these youngsters get used to blood.
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