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Growing income inequality in Bangladesh causes concern

What’s inside these glass buildings, looks beatiful, well planned and maintained.

Mostly commercial property, business offices, software companies, startups, research organizations etc.

To be honest, this is a high-rent district. Rest of Dhaka looks worse.

Dhaka is overburdened by emigrants from small towns, but not at the scale of India....we are fortunate and lucky.
Mostly commercial property, business offices, software companies, startups, research organizations etc.

To be honest, this is a high-rent district. Rest of Dhaka looks worse.

Dhaka is overburdened by emigrants from small towns, but not at the scale of India....we are fortunate and lucky.

Bilal bhai just a bit of dreaming here, but I wish our country becomes a mini hub of economic activity and greatness one day. And of course, thankful that we have a country we can call our own.
Bilal bhai just a bit of dreaming here, but I wish our country becomes a mini hub of economic activity and greatness one day. And of course, thankful that we have a country we can call our own.

Yes we definitely should be Thankful. But things are not ideal of course, not a 100%. Not even close.

At least because of the infinite greed of our leaders - infra is being built at a rapid break-neck pace, almost Malaysia-like pace, including SEZ's and investments (mostly led by local investors which is great).

Economic activity and internal consumption is also growing, unless govt. does something stupid to arrest that growth. This is a large part of our growth other than export growth.

Whether it will becomes truly useful for meeting our post Middle-income status goals to grow the technical knowledge-based export economy remains debatable/questionable.

We need to do a LOT MORE to train our youth in vocational skills like welding, forging, sheet-metal fabrication and other various shop-skills and trade skills. This is needed for manpower export as well as factory labor to make things.

We would need a Grameen type revolution for that.

I don't know if we can engage Dr. Yunus and BRAC folks to do that. Hasina and Jamaat folks both remain anti-NGO for strange dissimilar reasons. NGO's can certainly provide help to sustain a small scale business revolution for supplying large enterprises by providing loans to purchase shop-machines and seed capital.

Back in WWII (and after) It was Japanese small scale shops that used to supply companies like Canon, Nikon, Yashica for cameras/lenses and Toshiba/Sony for small transistor radios, before the Japanese set up large factories to make these items in the millions. In those days Japanese quality was nothing to speak of (prior to when Japanese companies actually took quality seriously and hired Deming from USA to improve their quality statistically using TQM etc.).

In the initial stages of a country's industrialization, all countries compete simply on volume and low pricing ( we all know about China's initial quality issues). But now look at China. They make quality items to compete in middle if not high-pricing sector.

The DJI Mavic Mini drone is one example. It is best of class. And costs more than a lot of lower priced items from China. However no one can beat the quality. Even those made/designed in EU/UK/US.


Closer to home we have seen SANY and LIUGONG construction and earth-mover products by the thousands building expressways, factories and buildings around Bangladesh. Price/performance ratio is unbeatable.

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Mostly commercial property, business offices, software companies, startups, research organizations etc.

To be honest, this is a high-rent district. Rest of Dhaka looks worse.

Dhaka is overburdened by emigrants from small towns, but not at the scale of India....we are fortunate and lucky.
Why do you say it looks worse? Even Delhi is the same, due to current government a great Delhi and legacy left by Mrs Dixit is now ruined, only NCR is a place which is a high rent area.
Of course, there is a clear distinction between the Aryan and non-Aryan populations of the Indian sub-continent. But, there have been inter-mixing as well. Look at the faces of Pakistanis and north Indians.

They are taller and have sharper noses than the people of Bengal. Many of them have green/ blue/ brown eyes and most have fairer skin than Bengalis who have flatter noses and darker and very dark skin like the Negroes.

Get out of your Ghetto village and visit many places of the vast areas of three countries to see the differences. I have already done it and you have not.

Read history and learn to study the physical features of high caste Hindus including those living in BD and Pakistan. you will see what I said is correct with certainly many variations. A person needs a keen mind to see the difference. You are a person who even ridiculed the Pakistanis for claiming that they are mostly the descendants of settler Aryans. But, this is historically true that they descended from the Aryans and mixed also with the locals.

Do you think the Caste system was introduced by the locals? No, it was imposed by the superior Aryan clans who settled in India in scores after they defeated the locals and later imposed their political and societal power over the latter.

Did I say that Aryans were the majority? Locals were the majority but Aryan might and influence were overwhelming and the locals had to accept their supremacy. People of Aryan descent remain a minority. In the case of Bengal, it is Brahmin, Boiddyo (Kobiraj), Kayastha, and Koibarta,

I ask why Nomosudras in Bengal look so distinct from the higher caste people, and how about you? Muslims in Bengal also do not look alike to each other. But, why? One reason is many Muslims from northern India, Afghanistan, and Central Asia came and settled in Bengal, and also many Nomosudras took Islam. They ultimately intermixed gradually through marriages.

Read the political history from 1200 AD to 1757 AD when many northern and western Muslims came and settled in Bengal during different political upheavals. But, you think like you all are the descendants of Sudra. Very strange!!

There are also Negro traits among the Bangali Muslims because of two large admixtures, one during the pre-historical time and one during Muslim time. Please read authentic history books before you make random comments on race relations in the Indian Sub-Continent. Why do you have to deny and counter everything as usual?

I remember your self-assertion on Naf Dariya that Ayub Khan gave the other side of this river to Burma. It is a complete lie and distortion of history, but you love to follow BAL-written history.
BUT BUT latest research is pointing that Aryan migration a myth.
You are just another BAL brat who wants to deny history to please other Sudra BAL brats like you. Stop bickering and read history and learn anthropology, idiot.

If it is climate only, why do their handsome faces have so sharp noses and our Sudra noses are so flat? Is it because of climate? However we try to portray ourselves as descendants of Alexander, only Pakistanis and north Indian people have a very large number of Aryan descendants. Their physical/ facial features and history of Aryan settlement in those places are the proofs.

Go to Europe and live there for 10,000 years and you will see your Sudra features not to change even in that climate. You will not get sharp noses like the Iranians.

We are basically Sudras and to know it, please look at the mirror in front of you. You will see what you and others are.
Please if you can provide sources for your hypothesis.
BUT BUT latest research is pointing that Aryan migration a myth.
What researches you are talking about in the east of Iran and Afghanistan which still remain the two motherlands of Aryans? Do you think no Aryan people then passed through the three Passes called Khaiber, Golan, and Bulan Passes? How stupid is this assertion?

All those researches/ demands are conducted by the low caste Hindus who just do not want Ayan supremacy or high caste supremacy that prevails now. They do not want to see the footprints of Aryans in India as if all Hindus came down from the sky at the same period.

Indian population is a mixture of Aryans, Mongolians, Dravidians as well as Negroids and Austrics. Watch the faces in Europe. They look similar. Look at our faces we look dissimilar. It is because of the intermingling of many races.

Tell me who did the actual researches, the method of researches, and which internationally recognized Journals published or accepted them? I have not heard of any such things. The Sudras and other low caste Hindus are trying to prove themselves to be equal to high caste people by demanding such things, and nothing else.

How about the Sanskrit language? Do you think it came down from the sky sent by Bhagwan or do you think it was a Dravidian or Negro language?

When people migrate they take their language to the new land. It is the same with the English language. English people did not choose to live here and they left. But, their language is prevalent among the people of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan.

Think of the footprint of English presence in the USA and Canada, both in population and language. Think of the Portuguese language presence in Brazil and many other Latin American countries. Think of the presence of the Spanish language in Mexico and others.

Portuguese and Spanish people went and settled in those countries only a few hundred years ago. The present population of these Latin countries does not deny history but Indian Acchyuts are denying the past history of their country to suit their own ego.

Please read the books written by BankimChandra and you will see our Bengali language was full of Sanskrit words even in the 1800s and 1900s. Read also "Bishad Shindhu" written by Meer Musharraf Hussain. It is full of Bengali words derived from Sanskrit.

If the Sanskrit language is in the Indian sub-continent, certainly there were speakers of this language. Do you think Mahabharata was written in the Dravidian language or it was written in Sanskrit?

Now, where are these people who brought this Sanskrit to the east of Khaiber Pass from present-day Afghanistan and Iran long before they became Muslim? Were they thrown out to the Indian Sea by the Dravidian? r
WOW,This is a beautiful and vibrant city. In my life, I must travel to Dhaka once.

Well this is the better part of Dhaka.

But there are educated people in Dhaka and the people in the Chambers of Commerce are indeed dynamic people...

Tourism wise it may not be ideal. Kind of like how Taiwan was twenty years ago. Too much business activity and traffic is too chaotic and busy. But yes - people are rather friendly.

Too many apparel factories In Dhaka.

On the plus side, many Chinese nationals are in Dhaka, you'll be in good company.

Please see the sticky infra thread for more pictures.

A video of the new metro rail viaduct will show you the condition of the actual streets.

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