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Growing income inequality in Bangladesh causes concern

They will get cancer eventually. Unpigmented skin has little Melanin, which protects against cancer.

This is proven. Several of my white friends in LA got cancer living on the beach and baking under the hot sun.

If you live in colder northern climates, you won't get enough sun of course and melanin in skin does not develop. Then you start boasting about white skin.
Thanks for the information @Bilal9 bhai.
This is proven. Several of my white friends in LA got cancer living on the beach and baking under the hot
That's very bad , I hope Allah will help them.
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Before barking on me with that foul mouth, read some latest scientific book to know better. The world has moved since Rakhal Das Bandapadhya wrote that book 100 years ago.
View attachment 768791

And I am proud with my Sudra heritage. Why do you think, I would find branding me Sudra is anything humiliating? Brahman, Sudra and other Hindu castes have no relevance for me as neither me nor anyone in my extended family or any known ancestor of mine is a Hindu. Even among Hindus these caste classification do not conform with your notion of physical characteristics. Northern Indian Jat community are Sudra, yet they are as tall and as caucasoid looking as other Punjabis.
Most Bengalis have this Sudra heritage a little or more but it is not something that can be explained just in one straight line.

In any case, some people should not be denied their own Aryan or Semitic heritage by demeaning their history. Pathans are culturally Pathan but if it is DNA they are also mixed with Tajik people from nearby places during the course of history.

Punjabis are also about 30% mixed with Dravidians. Note that Dravidian cities Taxila and Moenjodaro are in Punjab. Like the Aryans, Dravidians also have sharp and high noses although their complexion is dark and features are different.

In the case of Bengali, we were basically mixed during the pre-historic time between Mongolian, Dravidian, and Negroid people. A time came when some Aryan Hindus people came and settled in Bengal, too. Many Muslims arrived from Afghanistan, Central Asia, North India, Arab countries, especially Yemen, and Negro from Ethiopia/ Eritrea during a long period from 1200 AD to 1757.

Note that Ethiopians are not really pure Negro. They are again a mixed-race people between Africans there and Arabs in the east of the Red Sea since pre-historic times. Bengal had a Negro/ Ethiopean Sultan named Sultan Muzaffer Shah. The military was already infested with them.

All of these arrivals to Bengal mixed among themselves during the course of time and finally during the last two centuries with those local Muslims who converted to Islam from all castes of Hindus.

However, Punjabis and Pathans have different types of intermixing that I noted already. This is why our average facial features are different from theirs though many look similar. However, Bihari Pakistanis are very near to our kind of mixing of population.

UP, Delhi and Agra have other types of mixing of foreign Muslims who migrated and settled around those places. They may have mixed with the local Aryan Hindus who converted to Islam.

However, all together we are Muslims of South Asia without distinction.
Dark skin female still can be very appealing

This Indonesian famous model where her half blood is Tamil (South Indian). 100 % Asian blood

View attachment 768636

Damm girlllll :cheers:
They will get cancer eventually. Unpigmented skin has little Melanin, which protects against cancer.

This is proven. Several of my white friends in LA got cancer living on the beach and baking under the hot sun.

If you live in colder northern climates, you won't get enough sun of course and melanin in skin does not develop. Then you start boasting about white skin.

The Sun is racist against White People , Imma go cancel the SUN on Twitter :nana:
Most Bengalis have this Sudra heritage a little or more but it is not something that can be explained just in one straight line.

In any case, some people should not be denied their own Aryan or Semitic heritage by demeaning their history. Pathans are culturally Pathan but if it is DNA they are also mixed with Tajik people from nearby places during the course of history.

Punjabis are also about 30% mixed with Dravidians. Note that Dravidian cities Taxila and Moenjodaro are in Punjab. Like the Aryans, Dravidians also have sharp and high noses although their complexion is dark and features are different.

In the case of Bengali, we were basically mixed during the pre-historic time between Mongolian, Dravidian, and Negroid people. A time came when some Aryan Hindus people came and settled in Bengal, too. Many Muslims arrived from Afghanistan, Central Asia, North India, Arab countries, especially Yemen, and Negro from Ethiopia/ Eritrea during a long period from 1200 AD to 1757.

Note that Ethiopians are not really pure Negro. They are again a mixed-race people between Africans there and Arabs in the east of the Red Sea since pre-historic times. Bengal had a Negro/ Ethiopean Sultan named Sultan Muzaffer Shah. The military was already infested with them.

All of these arrivals to Bengal mixed among themselves during the course of time and finally during the last two centuries with those local Muslims who converted to Islam from all castes of Hindus.

However, Punjabis and Pathans have different types of intermixing that I noted already. This is why our average facial features are different from theirs though many look similar. However, Bihari Pakistanis are very near to our kind of mixing of population.

UP, Delhi and Agra have other types of mixing of foreign Muslims who migrated and settled around those places. They may have mixed with the local Aryan Hindus who converted to Islam.

However, all together we are Muslims of South Asia without distinction.

Europeans are full of White Caucasoid aka Caucasians , while South Asia for the most part is full of Brown Caucasoids

There you go
In the case of India, the caste system has a historical background. It was established about 1000 years after the Aryans from India's west arrived and settled in India. The reason was to discourage Arynas to mix with the locals anymore. It was about 4000 years ago.

The natives were dark-skinned with different physical features than the Aryans. But, during the period of the first 1000 years, Aryan blood had also mixed with the locals. Males with power and wealth would like to marry many wives. The first wife would be an Aryan, but others could be non-Aryan locals.

An Aryan husband would maintain separate households for his local wives. The Aryan society accepted the offsprings of the Aryan wives as belonging to their own but the others from local women were not.

When the Aryan society leaders saw dangers in the mixing of their own blood with the locals, they introduced the CASTE system that segregated the entire Indian society.

The caste system divides Hindus into four main categories - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and the Shudras. Brahmins are those who are pure-blooded Aryans. The next two groups have some admixed with the Aryans. So, people mixed with the Aryan group were given higher status like Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. Baiddyos (doctors) are basically Brahmin.

"The main castes were further divided into about 3,000 castes and 25,000 sub-castes, each based on their specific occupation. Outside of this Hindu caste system were the achhoots - the Dalits or the untouchables".

So, you can see some similarities in the segregation of modern society with that of the old-time Hindu Aryan-led society. Both are based on segregation and division of communities on the basis of skin and physical features.
I think you are using the word "Indians" but you want to mean Hindus.

Religion is the combination of a set of faiths. There is little harm to remain Hindus in India although they are divided and sub-divided by the caste system. Religion is like alcohol. You cannot just get rid of this faith matter even though it discriminates among the population.

Hindu Indians believe in KARMA which means they belong to a lower caste in this life because of Karma in the past life. It is very easy to convince people in that way or you can say people are taught with this inborn conviction since childhood, wrong or right.

However, in reality, the caste system was introduced by the societal leaders of the settler fair-skinned and sharp-nosed Aryans who did not want to intermingle with dark-skinned and flat-nosed locals.
Thank you. Let me learned a lot. I have never touched this knowledge.

Dark skin female still can be very appealing

This Indonesian famous model where her half blood is Tamil (South Indian). 100 % Asian blood

View attachment 768636
WOW, beautiful girl.
Most Bengalis have this Sudra heritage a little or more but it is not something that can be explained just in one straight line.

In any case, some people should not be denied their own Aryan or Semitic heritage by demeaning their history. Pathans are culturally Pathan but if it is DNA they are also mixed with Tajik people from nearby places during the course of history.

Punjabis are also about 30% mixed with Dravidians. Note that Dravidian cities Taxila and Moenjodaro are in Punjab. Like the Aryans, Dravidians also have sharp and high noses although their complexion is dark and features are different.

In the case of Bengali, we were basically mixed during the pre-historic time between Mongolian, Dravidian, and Negroid people. A time came when some Aryan Hindus people came and settled in Bengal, too. Many Muslims arrived from Afghanistan, Central Asia, North India, Arab countries, especially Yemen, and Negro from Ethiopia/ Eritrea during a long period from 1200 AD to 1757.

Note that Ethiopians are not really pure Negro. They are again a mixed-race people between Africans there and Arabs in the east of the Red Sea since pre-historic times. Bengal had a Negro/ Ethiopean Sultan named Sultan Muzaffer Shah. The military was already infested with them.

All of these arrivals to Bengal mixed among themselves during the course of time and finally during the last two centuries with those local Muslims who converted to Islam from all castes of Hindus.

However, Punjabis and Pathans have different types of intermixing that I noted already. This is why our average facial features are different from theirs though many look similar. However, Bihari Pakistanis are very near to our kind of mixing of population.

UP, Delhi and Agra have other types of mixing of foreign Muslims who migrated and settled around those places. They may have mixed with the local Aryan Hindus who converted to Islam.

However, all together we are Muslims of South Asia without distinction.

It was one psychedelic love fest @bluesky bhai. Milon o misroner mohona....

Europeans are full of White Caucasoid aka Caucasians , while South Asia for the most part is full of Brown Caucasoids
I am not talking about Pakistan and North India, but, where do you find Caucasian DNA in Bengal? With 5' - 3" height on average, flat/ round noses, and dark skin, do we look like the Europeans who are very tall, white-skinned with sharp/ straight noses?

Please read a few books on anthropology. Bengali people look more like small Pigmies than they look like tall and handsome Europeans. We have to accept the reality and improve the quality of our daily diets.
I am not talking about Pakistan and North India, but, where do you find Caucasian DNA in Bengal? With 5' - 3" height on average, flat/ round noses, and dark skin, do we look like the Europeans who are very tall, white-skinned with sharp/ straight noses?

Please read a few books on anthropology. Bengali people look more like small Pigmies than they look like tall and handsome Europeans. We have to accept the reality and improve the quality of our daily diets.

I'm talking about bone structure aka Caucasoid bone structure which is present from Europe to all the way in South Asia.

BD does have a terrible diet which led us to not grow as tall or strong , and the only reason Europeans look that good is due to their cold @ss climate which ended up giving them mutations such as blue eyes or blondehair which led to men wanting women with such qualities.

The rest is history , if you want such qualities for your child in the future then maybe look towards something called Crispr or Genetic Engineering
I'm talking about bone structure aka Caucasoid bone structure which is present from Europe to all the way in South Asia.
Which part of South Asia you are talking about? Is it not Pakistan and North India up to Lukhnow exclusively? Even then they are sooo different than the Europeans.

However, you may say all human beings are the same because all came from Africa.

Please watch carefully the facial/ physical features of Bengalis to know what we look like.
Which part of South Asia you are talking about? Is it not Pakistan and North India up to Lukhnow exclusively? Even then they are sooo different than the Europeans.

However, you may say all human beings are the same because all came from Africa.

Please watch carefully the facial/ physical features of Bengalis to know what we look like.

I mean my dad has Caucasoid bone structure sooo yeah lol , other Bengalis may be a mix of Mongoloid
Are Bengalis Caucasoid? - Quora
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