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Growing income inequality in Bangladesh causes concern

In 1988, China and India had the same economic scale, but China's average life expectancy was 69 years and India's was 58 years. And the mortality rate of children under the age of 5 in China is 6.1%, and that in India is 12.8%. And the literacy rate is 89% in China and 49% in India. The gap is caused by the different welfare between the two countries.
1, 9 years of free education. China's compulsory education began in 1951 when China was carrying out two wars and was fighting the Korean war with the USA, and helping Vietnam with France carry out the first Indochina war.
Japan's compulsory education began in 1947, when Japan had just ended World War II and was still in ruins. Compulsory education in South Korea and North Korea began in 1953, when the two countries had just ended the Korean War and were in ruins. Therefore, we believe that no government in the world has any excuse to refuse to give its people the right to education, which is a real human right.
The human right to education is only inferior to the right to life, and the right to education is the second priority human right.

2, The government on providing for the disabled, orphans and the elderly without children (women over 55 and men over 60).
By the way, according to Chinese standards, those with IQ lower than 85 are mentally handicapped and can receive government support every month. Therefore, it is difficult for India to implement our standards…LOL

3, The government subsidizes transportation, food, residential electricity and water, fuel and other livelihood projects. This is a train ticket for 2017. The train ticket from Taishan city to Shanggao city. The distance between them is about 100 kilometers, which is equivalent to half the distance from Dhaka to Chittagong. The ticket price is equivalent to 13 Bangladesh Taka(1 CNY). But there is no subsidy for high-speed rail tickets and air tickets. China has always refused to privatize enterprises such as railway hospitals in order to enable the people to enjoy these resources at a low price.
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4, Chinese farmers don't have any taxes, and the government will give them subsidies. China's agriculture is very weak and their production cost is very high. In order to protect China's food security, we must prevent farmers from going bankrupt, because the West has been deliberately pushing down food prices. The Chinese government buys farmers' grain at a price higher than the market, subsidizes the transportation and sales of agricultural products, and gives subsidies to farmers every year (South Korea and Japan also subsidize farmers because their agricultural status is the same as that in China. Because China hardly exports agricultural products, it will not be prosecuted for dumping because of subsidies. Of course, no country has sued the Chinese government for agricultural subsidies in China). By the way, there is no private land in China, and every farmer owns the same amount of land.
By the way, China was founded in 1949, but the CCP had begun land reform in 1947, when they were still fighting a civil war.

5, In 1964, the government provided free sports and cultural facilities to citizens on a large scale, which was the first step in the strength of Chinese sports. At that time, we had just spent three years of famine (1959-1961). Incidentally, the reason for the three-year famine is that the government is too eager to repair infrastructure and industrial foundation. For example, there are 15 large reservoirs in Zhuzhou City, of which 12 were built in 1959, and there are 3 large state-owned enterprises(the 601 factory, the 331 factory, the 430 factory) in Zhuzhou, all of which were established in 1959. The government spent three years doing 30 years of work, which led to famine.

6, The government subsidizes pregnant women and prohibits the dismissal of pregnant women, reduces taxes for enterprises employing disabled people, arranges jobs for veterans, builds cheap rental houses, gives extra points to ethnic minorities and poor areas in the college entrance examination (universities must have a certain number of ethnic minorities and students in poor areas), and so on.
Wow so it was not what we were led to believe that China was a more capitalist society than even US

China had Social programs even during poverty

I feel India is a such a dominant power in our region that we feel full blown capitalism is the only way forward, Indian model is the only.way for SA to prosper

Maybe just maybe there's a middle way to this growth

You don't interfere in business, you train your workforce for em, give them incentives

But at the same time have some sort of programs where your people are not living like slaves - you don't have to become a welfare state per se but have some sort of middle ground
It was a communist state, therefore social safety net were present. May be one of the Chinese members can comment.
So in Pak our PM is talking about Chinese model, poverty alleviation constantly and honestly most are confused on what it entails

And is going towards that direction as except for 1 province we already have and in some cases will have free universal healthcare in couple of months, free nutritious food for poor mothers and thier newborns, (this is pipeline and some are already available) reforms in banking sectors where gov is subsidizing loans for lower middle class homeowners, incentivizing construction firms to build 30 lack pkr homes (magic number to target low income people), paying half of downpayment for poor people, (the housing schemes are mostly in plans only though), (this one just launched couple months ago) providing intrest free loans through banks (no gov involvement in decision making) to enterpaunuers and loans can range from low to high depending on business feasibility study, providing vocational, tech training too lower middle, lower classes

So as they may on face value seems good but I was a little hesitant as we grew up studying that only a capitalist way is the way forward

But maybe the Chinese model is this

Cut the bad parts of sociolist model's

So following that model this gov started giving energy subsidies to industry, lowering taxes for importing of materials that are needed for exports, making.tons of SEZ, and tax free tech zones for tech companies to invest in, focusing on specific industries like mobile phones, tech, electronics, automobiles and giving them big incentives
(Mind you all of these devolpments are fairly recent and some are just at planning phase on how to role these out- we have no idea how they'll work out)

If Pak starts achiveing consistent at or above 6% growth in about 2-3 years time

than that means we can replicate China model in SA (with ofcourse our own twist) and there's another way out of poverty, a little less painful one

If it doesn't, it was just a pipe dream

I am a little pessimistic/anxious on how this gamble works out
So in Pak our PM is talking about Chinese model, poverty alleviation constantly and honestly most are confused on what it entails

And is going towards that direction as except for 1 province we already have and in some cases will have free universal healthcare in couple of months, free nutritious food for poor mothers and thier newborns, (this is pipeline and some are already available) reforms in banking sectors where gov is subsidizing loans for lower middle class homeowners, incentivizing construction firms to build 30 lack pkr homes (magic number to target low income people), paying half of downpayment for poor people, (the housing schemes are mostly in plans only though), (this one just launched couple months ago) providing intrest free loans through banks (no gov involvement in decision making) to enterpaunuers and loans can range from low to high depending on business feasibility study, providing vocational, tech training too lower middle, lower classes

So as they may on face value seems good but I was a little hesitant as we grew up studying that only a capitalist way is the way forward

But maybe the Chinese model is this

Cut the bad parts of sociolist model's

So following that model this gov started giving energy subsidies to industry, lowering taxes for importing of materials that are needed for exports, making of SEZ, and tax free tech zones for tech companies to invest in, focusing on specific industries like mobile phones, tech, electronics, automobiles and giving them big incentives

collaborating with the Chinese to increase agricultural yield, bringing new tech so Pak can solve it's hunger issues

(Mind you all of these devolpments are fairly recent and some are just at planning phase on how to role these out- we have no idea how they'll work out)

If Pak starts achiveing consistent at or above 6% growth in about 2-3 years time

than that means we can replicate China model in SA (with ofcourse our own twist) and there's another way out of poverty, a little less painful one

If it doesn't, it was just a pipe dream

I am a little pessimistic/anxious on how this gamble works out

It's different from what you think. China is generally optimistic about Bangladesh's economy, and Vietnam is also doing well. But we don't suggest you learn from China. You should find your own way.
No country should blindly learn from China. For example, if India learns from China to establish a secular state and abandon Hinduism, India will split. Because China has a 5000 year tradition of unification and a strong main nation, India does not. India was forcibly merged by the British, so they can't even abandon the toxic legacy of the British. Because if the British colonial government is illegal, it also means that the current Indian government has no right to rule all States.
Therefore, each country should carefully consider its own situation and not blindly learn from China.

btw: The Chinese are actually surprised that Indians attribute their failure to the caste system.
The caste system is actually a hierarchy. Is there no hierarchy in developed countries?
For example, are blacks, WASP, angles, Asians and Latinos really equal in the United States? China and other socialist countries are closer to equality, but these socialist economies are not good. India's caste system is the core of Hindu culture. If India forcibly abolishes castes, is it not afraid of national division?
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It's different from what you think. China is generally optimistic about Bangladesh's economy, and Vietnam is also doing well. But we don't suggest you learn from China. You should find your own way.
No country should blindly learn from China. For example, if India learns from China to establish a secular state and abandon Hinduism, India will split. Because China has a 5000 year tradition of unification and a strong main nation, India does not. India was forcibly merged by the British, so they can't even abandon the toxic legacy of the British. Because if the British colonial government is illegal, it also means that the current Indian government has no right to rule all States.
Therefore, each country should carefully consider its own situation and not blindly learn from China.
Yep, look at China, SK or even Vietnam models etc

Learn from em, take the good parts

But always give your own twist/flavor to it

So it matches your ground reality as a nation
Wow so it was not what we were led to believe that China was a more capitalist society than even US

China had Social programs even during poverty

I feel India is a such a dominant power in our region that we feel full blown capitalism is the only way forward, Indian model is the only.way for SA to prosper

Maybe just maybe there's a middle way to this growth

You don't interfere in business, you train your workforce for em, give them incentives

But at the same time have some sort of programs where your people are not living like slaves - you don't have to become a welfare state per se but have some sort of middle ground

Many people don't understand the reality of China:

China is neither an extreme capitalist country nor a communist country(Sorry, I don't know what country we are), maybe we're somewhere in between. We have many powerful private enterprises, such as Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei, Xiaomi and so on. But the main body of our economy is still state-owned enterprises(about 40% of GDP).
We are not dictatorial countries, because each of our leaders has only 10 years in office. They do not come from the political family. For example, Jiang Zemin used to be a cake maker. Hu Jintao used to be a hydroelectric factory worker. Xi Jinping was the only special case. His father was a senior official, but he started with the grass roots officials.


But we have only one party in power, because this party has 96 million members, 84 million members of the Communist Youth League and 130 million young pioneers. Any family has one of their members, and the election is meaningless.
I know many countries say that China's success is because China has turned state-owned enterprises into private enterprises. But it's a lie. We didn't. Only when the Soviet Union collapsed did all state-owned enterprises become private enterprises, but this led to serious consequences (famine and a large number of oligarchs in Russia). We are not fools. We will not repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union.
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The country including its police.. army... govt ...media is full of indian boot lickers. Bd wont go further with these policies. After bunch of infrastructure projects done gdp growth will come down significantly.
Oh come on! Who said that army is Indian boot licker? If Army was boot licker you would be posting here as an Indian, not as Bangladeshi!

Even inside govt Indian boot lickers became weakest in 50 years history.

It's true that govt develop less and rant much, and specifically in covid-19 management govt created a mess , but if Pro Indians will be neutralised, BAL many return to It's pre 71 form when they were working for common people.

I wish soon it happens. Global politics has changed, China is not in driving seat , so surely democracy won't be required.

That means all path will merge in BAL and pro Indian will be completely neutralised!
Oh come on! Who said that army is Indian boot licker? If Army was boot licker you would be posting here as an Indian, not as Bangladeshi!

Even inside govt Indian boot lickers became weakest in 50 years history.

It's true that govt develop less and rant much, and specifically in covid-19 management govt created a mess , but if Pro Indians will be neutralised, BAL many return to It's pre 71 form when they were working for common people.

I wish soon it happens. Global politics has changed, China is not in driving seat , so surely democracy won't be required.

That means all path will merge in BAL and pro Indian will be completely neutralised!
It won't be that easy getting rid of cockroaches. Indian bootliers like prothomalo has huge influences. Not to mention daily star most tvs same...entire fucking bd media is indian influenced.

Cockroaches survived since ice age. Bd Indian boot lickers cockroaches wont be gone as easily as you are hoping for.

We need to get rid of them. Bd Hindus are culprits too. These Hindus are too much integrated inside bd government. Each of them working as an indian agent.

That hindu woman got released after three hours. Pretty sure bd govt face pressure from indian high commission. I wont be surprised she is involved in recording videos for blackmailing.
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It won't be that easy getting rid of cockroaches. Indian bootliers like prothomalo has huge influences. Not to mention daily star most tvs same...entire fucking bd media is indian influenced.

Cockroaches survived since ice age. Bd Indian boot lickers cockroaches wont be gone as easily as you are hoping for.

We need to get rid of them. Bd Hindus are culprits too. These Hindus are too much integrated inside bd government. Each of them working as an indian agent.

That hindu woman got released after three hours. Pretty sure bd govt face pressure from indian high commission. I wont be surprised she is involved in recording videos for blackmailing.

Oh you're talking about Chayanika Chowdhury?

Yeah I'm 100% certain they're Indian propagandists. RAW finds new ways to control narrative in Bangladesh which is India-friendly.

In fact there was a company Jaaz MultiMedia which was owned by some Kolkata guy, that started making movies in Bangladesh, importing all manners of movie industry workers (and lead actors/actresses) from Kolkata, their plan was takeover of Bangladesh film industry, it was clear they want Indian Bollywood cultural and religious propaganda to continue, under our patronage no less.

Pretty bold if you ask me.

Pori Moni was in a few of their recent R-rated movies (all third rate titillation based Bollywood-copy trash) but they mainly employ Indian Kolkata movie actors and actresses (Puja and Jeet mainly), trying to find them a career here, foregoing our local actors/actresses. There was quite a bit of controversy over this and they cancelled the owner's visa. Company still running under a Bangladeshi proxy director.

Coming back to Income inequality, the best way to ensure income equality is setting up more safety nets and creating more jobs in SEZs, and creating situations conducive to inviting more FDI. We have our homework cut out for that front. Our score on "Ease of doing business ranking", is far worse than India for example.
Japan's compulsory education began in 1947, when Japan had just ended World War II and was still in ruins.
I will not talk about education in Korea or China. But you are wrong to say that Japan introduced compulsory education after WWll. It is just not true. Please go through a few paragraphs from wiki and other sources to know about Japanese emphasis on education for all its people, rich, middle-class, and poor.

"They (Meiji leaders) returned (from the West) with the ideas of decentralization, local school boards, and teacher autonomy. Such ideas and ambitious initial plans, however, proved very difficult to carry out. After some trial and error, a new national education system emerged. As an indication of its success, elementary school enrollments climbed from about 30% percent of the school-age population in the 1870s to more than 90 percent by 1900, despite strong public protest, especially against school fees".

"In 1871, the Ministry of Education was established. Elementary school was made compulsory from 1872,[4] and was intended to create loyal subjects of the Emperor. Middle Schools were preparatory schools for students destined to enter one of the Imperial Universities, and the Imperial Universities were intended to create westernized leaders who would be able to direct the modernization of Japan".

Do not please forget that Japan was the first Asian country that modernized its economy long before other Asian countries ever dreamt of it. It was almost the end of 19th Century when modernization started to penetrate Japanese society. And nothing it could have achieved without mass education for its people and not without learning from Germany, France, UK and the USA.

By the way, do many people know that Japan built its first Subway in 1927? And today, our great country BD cannot build even a freight coach.
I will not talk about education in Korea or China. But you are wrong to say that Japan introduced compulsory education after WWll. It is just not true. Please go through a few paragraphs from wiki and other sources to know about Japanese emphasis on education for all its people, rich, middle-class, and poor.

"They (Meiji leaders) returned (from the West) with the ideas of decentralization, local school boards, and teacher autonomy. Such ideas and ambitious initial plans, however, proved very difficult to carry out. After some trial and error, a new national education system emerged. As an indication of its success, elementary school enrollments climbed from about 30% percent of the school-age population in the 1870s to more than 90 percent by 1900, despite strong public protest, especially against school fees".

"In 1871, the Ministry of Education was established. Elementary school was made compulsory from 1872,[4] and was intended to create loyal subjects of the Emperor. Middle Schools were preparatory schools for students destined to enter one of the Imperial Universities, and the Imperial Universities were intended to create westernized leaders who would be able to direct the modernization of Japan".

Do not please forget that Japan was the first Asian country that modernized its economy long before other Asian countries ever dreamt of it. It was almost the end of 19th Century when modernization started to penetrate Japanese society. And nothing it could have achieved without mass education for its people and not without learning from Germany, France, UK and the USA.

By the way, do many people know that Japan built its first Subway in 1927? And today, our great country BD cannot build even a freight coach.
Thank you for your correction.

On March 31, 1947, Japan announced that law No. 25 was implemented for 9 years of compulsory education.
In 1890, Japan implemented 3 years compulsory education.
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I will not talk about education in Korea or China. But you are wrong to say that Japan introduced compulsory education after WWll. It is just not true. Please go through a few paragraphs from wiki and other sources to know about Japanese emphasis on education for all its people, rich, middle-class, and poor.

"They (Meiji leaders) returned (from the West) with the ideas of decentralization, local school boards, and teacher autonomy. Such ideas and ambitious initial plans, however, proved very difficult to carry out. After some trial and error, a new national education system emerged. As an indication of its success, elementary school enrollments climbed from about 30% percent of the school-age population in the 1870s to more than 90 percent by 1900, despite strong public protest, especially against school fees".

"In 1871, the Ministry of Education was established. Elementary school was made compulsory from 1872,[4] and was intended to create loyal subjects of the Emperor. Middle Schools were preparatory schools for students destined to enter one of the Imperial Universities, and the Imperial Universities were intended to create westernized leaders who would be able to direct the modernization of Japan".

Do not please forget that Japan was the first Asian country that modernized its economy long before other Asian countries ever dreamt of it. It was almost the end of 19th Century when modernization started to penetrate Japanese society. And nothing it could have achieved without mass education for its people and not without learning from Germany, France, UK and the USA.

By the way, do many people know that Japan built its first Subway in 1927? And today, our great country BD cannot build even a freight coach.

China : Invents gunpowder in the 9th century CE
Britain : Invents the computer during WW2
Germany : Invents the car
Russia : Sends the first man in space
America : Sends a man to the moon in 1969

Bangladesh : Can't even indigenously make a bridge :omghaha:
Oh you're talking about Chayanika Chowdhury?

Yeah I'm 100% certain they're Indian propagandists. RAW finds new ways to control narrative in Bangladesh which is India-friendly.

In fact there was a company Jaaz MultiMedia which was owned by some Kolkata guy, that started making movies in Bangladesh, importing all manners of movie industry workers (and lead actors/actresses) from Kolkata, their plan was takeover of Bangladesh film industry, it was clear they want Indian Bollywood cultural and religious propaganda to continue, under our patronage no less.

Pretty bold if you ask me.

Pori Moni was in a few of their recent R-rated movies (all third rate titillation based Bollywood-copy trash) but they mainly employ Indian Kolkata movie actors and actresses (Puja and Jeet mainly), trying to find them a career here, foregoing our local actors/actresses. There was quite a bit of controversy over this and they cancelled the owner's visa. Company still running under a Bangladeshi proxy director.

Coming back to Income inequality, the best way to ensure income equality is setting up more safety nets and creating more jobs in SEZs, and creating situations conducive to inviting more FDI. We have our homework cut out for that front. Our score on "Ease of doing business ranking", is far worse than India for example.
Yes i was talking about chayanika. And how afraid bd government is to arrest these hindus. They becoming too powerful. In india Muslims treated as shit and in bd hindus can get away with murder.

Any way we were talking about economy. Ease of doing business is not the only problem for bd. We are bad at branding bangladesh. I heard govt might hire bloomberg and cnn to promote bd. I hope they do.
It won't be that easy getting rid of cockroaches. Indian bootliers like prothomalo has huge influences. Not to mention daily star most tvs same...entire fucking bd media is indian influenced
Indeed it won't be easy. Carefully observe the weeping of our media for Pori Moni. Don't forget about Rozina Islam. If war is easy , it's no war.

Nowadays war mostly fought as proxy wars through espionage operators.
Cockroaches survived since ice age. Bd Indian boot lickers cockroaches wont be gone as easily as you are hoping for.
Yes ,that's why it took 50 years to take a proper step. I know Delhi Honuj dur austo, still we shouldn't be pessimistic.
That hindu woman got released after three hours. Pretty sure bd govt face pressure from indian high commission. I wont be surprised she is involved in recording videos for blackmailing.
I think she will be under observation. It's hard for govt when the case is about religious minority. You know uncle Sam has agenda.

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China : Invents gunpowder in the 9th century CE
Britain : Invents the computer during WW2
Germany : Invents the car
Russia : Sends the first man in space
America : Sends a man to the moon in 1969

Bangladesh : Can't even indigenously make a bridge :omghaha:

Well large 7 KM bridges to be exact. Smaller bridges are made with local expertise and engineering. I would not scoff at it without knowing the details. More when I have some time.
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