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Growing income inequality in Bangladesh causes concern

I mean one of our own scientists did invent bio degradable plastic bags lol
Russia has 145 million people and they are building Rooppur atomic power station, and BD has 165 million people.

Japan had about 40 million people when it constructed by Asia's first underground Subway in 1927 by its own engineering prowess. There was no IMF, ADB, or WB at that time to lend money.

The list goes on and we must not be complacent about the jute achievement although I believe degradable jute bags will be beneficial to the entire world.

I also believe that we remain behind and depend upon others for every tiny thing because of the unwise decisions taken by corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.

However, considering that last year BD paid back $1.93 billion against the $7 billion new borrowings, I have reasons to believe the country has lost an opportunity that will not return ever. The repayment of arrears will keep on increasing year after year.

A day is soon coming when we will borrow an amount that is needed to pay back the arrears (principal and interest).
I think @SpaceMan18 is still a teenager?
How about you? Are not you also a teenager with girlie characters making always rosy assumptions?
btw: The Chinese are actually surprised that Indians attribute their failure to the caste system.
The caste system is actually a hierarchy. Is there no hierarchy in developed countries?
For example, are blacks, WASP, angles, Asians and Latinos really equal in the United States? China and other socialist countries are closer to equality, but these socialist economies are not good. India's caste system is the core of Hindu culture. If India forcibly abolishes castes, is it not afraid of national division?
In the case of India, the caste system has a historical background. It was established about 1000 years after the Aryans from India's west arrived and settled in India. The reason was to discourage Arynas to mix with the locals anymore. It was about 4000 years ago.

The natives were dark-skinned with different physical features than the Aryans. But, during the period of the first 1000 years, Aryan blood had also mixed with the locals. Males with power and wealth would like to marry many wives. The first wife would be an Aryan, but others could be non-Aryan locals.

An Aryan husband would maintain separate households for his local wives. The Aryan society accepted the offsprings of the Aryan wives as belonging to their own but the others from local women were not.

When the Aryan society leaders saw dangers in the mixing of their own blood with the locals, they introduced the CASTE system that segregated the entire Indian society.

The caste system divides Hindus into four main categories - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and the Shudras. Brahmins are those who are pure-blooded Aryans. The next two groups have some admixed with the Aryans. So, people mixed with the Aryan group were given higher status like Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. Baiddyos (doctors) are basically Brahmin.

"The main castes were further divided into about 3,000 castes and 25,000 sub-castes, each based on their specific occupation. Outside of this Hindu caste system were the achhoots - the Dalits or the untouchables".

So, you can see some similarities in the segregation of modern society with that of the old-time Hindu Aryan-led society. Both are based on segregation and division of communities on the basis of skin and physical features.
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Well large 7 KM bridges to be exact. Smaller bridges are made with local expertise and engineering. I would not scoff at it without knowing the details. More when I have some time.
The Padma Bridge maybe a 7 or 6.2 km bridge but BD govt has not assigned local companies to learn from activities such as survey, site selection, soil investigation, structural design analysis, drafting of drawings, or the construction/ erection of temporary and permanent structures.

The same goes for the Jamuna Bridge. We did not learn anything there because a system was not put there for our local private companies to learn and subsequently apply it.

The next is another Meghna Bridge. The GoB is already negotiating with Korea. But where is BD companies here who can learn from them? So, the same story is being repeated.
In the case of India, the caste system has a historical background. It was established about 1000 years after the Aryans from India's west arrived and settled in India. The reason was to discourage Arynas to mix with the locals anymore. It was about 4000 years ago.

The natives were dark-skinned with different physical features than the Aryans. But, during the period of the first 1000 years, Aryan blood had also mixed with the locals. Males with power and wealth would like to marry many wives. The first wife would be an Aryan, but others could be regarded as non-Aryan locals.

An Aryan husband would maintain separate households for his local wives. The Aryan society accepted the offsprings of the Aryan wives as belonging to their own but the others from local women were not.

When the Aryan society leaders saw dangers in the mixing of their own blood with the locals, they introduced the CASTE system that segregated the entire Indian society.

The caste system divides Hindus into four main categories - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras. Brahmins are those who are pure-blooded Aryans. The next two groups have some admixed with the Aryans. So, people mixed with the Aryan group were given higher status like Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. Baiddyos (doctors) are basically Brahmin.

"The main castes were further divided into about 3,000 castes and 25,000 sub-castes, each based on their specific occupation. Outside of this Hindu caste system were the achhoots - the Dalits or the untouchables".

So, you can see some similarities in the segregation of modern society with that of the old-time Hindu Aryan-led society. Both are based on segregation and division of communities on the basis of skin and physical features.

Caste system has existed in India for a long time. It is an important part of Indian culture. Many Indians agree that they belong to India because they have a common culture, even if their ethnic and languages are different. If the abolition of caste system hurts Indian culture, I think India will face the risk of division. If there are different races, languages, cultures and beliefs, why do they still think they are Indians?

I think India should improve the caste system step by step rather than abolish it suddenly
If there are different races, languages, cultures and beliefs, why do they still think they are Indians?
I think you are using the word "Indians" but you want to mean Hindus.

Religion is the combination of a set of faiths. There is little harm to remain Hindus in India although they are divided and sub-divided by the caste system. Religion is like alcohol. You cannot just get rid of this faith matter even though it discriminates among the population.

Hindu Indians believe in KARMA which means they belong to a lower caste in this life because of Karma in the past life. It is very easy to convince people in that way or you can say people are taught with this inborn conviction since childhood, wrong or right.

However, in reality, the caste system was introduced by the societal leaders of the settler fair-skinned and sharp-nosed Aryans who did not want to intermingle with dark-skinned and flat-nosed locals.
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Dark skin female still can be very appealing

This Indonesian famous model where her half blood is Tamil (South Indian). 100 % Asian blood

The Padma Bridge maybe a 7 or 6.2 km bridge but BD govt has not assigned local companies to learn from activities such as survey, site selection, soil investigation, structural design analysis, drafting of drawings, or the construction/ erection of temporary and permanent structures.

The same goes for the Jamuna Bridge. We did not learn anything there because a system was not put there for our local private companies to learn and subsequently apply it.

The next is another Meghna Bridge. The GoB is already negotiating with Korea. But where is BD companies here who can learn from them? So, the same story is being repeated.

@bluesky bhai, I have given up worrying about this kind of thing.

Some countries (and populace) are meant to excel by using their group leadership, discipline and organization. Japan is that type of country (and people) among some. Our countries in the subcontinent do not fall into that category and no amount of bickering will change that. Relax and have a cup of matcha lemon tea.
However, in reality, the caste system was introduced by the societal leaders of the settler fair-skinned and sharp-nosed Aryans who did not want to intermingle with dark-skinned and flat-nosed locals.
Caste system was not always this rigid in the history of India. In the distant past, caste was more about profession and societal stability than protecting the blood lineage.

Aryan migration is not an universally accepted theory or fact. There is a huge debate around it, various genetic study both support or negate this theory. The most enthusiastic proponent of this Aryan migration theory were the British colonials in India. They wanted to make believe the Indians that, just like the ancient white skinned and civilized Aryans who brought civilization to India from north, the then current British also are modern day Aryans bringing civilization to the Indians. The sole purpose was to legitimize the colonial rule in the mind of the native population of the sub continent.

Even if in the distant past, Aryan migration happened, it can be not be in a large scale enough to alter the phenotype of the population of the sub continent. Indian sub continent(settled agricultural population) was always much more heavily populated than nomadic steppe population. And after passing several thousands of years, their effect would be nil in current population. There is no perceptable distinction between the socalled Aryan and non Aryan in current sub continent population. There are dark skinned Brahmin as well as fair skinned Sudra. The current skin color of the people of sub continent more reflective of climate and geography than any ancient migration. The northern part of Indian sub continent is distant enough from equator to produce fair brown skin in native population over a long time period. This notion of 'fair skinned outsiders vs dark skinned locals' is not always correct. Many of the India's Chota Nagpur plateau dark skinned adivasi tribe's ancient homeland was in South East Asia, they migrated in their current location 3 thousand years ago, probably as a response to Austronesian expansion in South East Asia in that times.
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And, unlike many other countries, BD remains stuck in garments only. All countries promoted themselves to mechanized industries after the initial cotton-based stitching tailor shops, but BD has chosen to remain a low-value producer of garments all time.

The result is unemployment, foreign loans, and aids. Go to a Langarkhana to collect your lunch. This is what destitute people are being forced to do because of a lack of jobs.

And, here you are glorifying this achievement as if BD has won the 3rd WW. Bloody greedy and shameless BAL brat!! Below is a random picture of a workshop. BD needs millions of workshops, mills, factories and plants to employ millions of people in productive jobs.

View attachment 768396

Again what makes you qualified to talk about issues like this?

You admit you are uneducated and a labourer.

Your constant analogies with Japan are totally inappropriate.

Like I say you cannot expect too much from BD, especially with the rubbish neighbourhood it is in. It is doing better than rest of region and that will suffice.

Pleas stick to the things your education allows you to understand. Economics and geopolitics are way beyond your abilities.
Caste system was not always this rigid in the history of India. In the distant past, caste was more about profession and societal stability than protecting the blood lineage.

Aryan migration is not an universally accepted theory or fact. There is a huge debate around it, various genetic study both support or negate this theory. The most enthusiastic proponent of this Aryan migration theory were the British colonials in India. They wanted to make believe the Indians that, just like the ancient white skinned and civilized Aryans who brought civilization to India from north, the then current British also are modern day Aryans bringing civilization to the Indians. The sole purpose was to legitimize the colonial rule in the mind of the native population of the sub continent.

Even if in the distant past, Aryan migration happened, it can be not be in a large scale enough to alter the phenotype of the population of the sub continent. Indian sub continent(settled agricultural population) was always much more heavily populated than nomadic steppe population. And after passing several thousands of years, their effect would be nil in current population. There is no perceptable distinction between the socalled Aryan and non Aryan in current sub continent population. There are dark skinned Brahmin as well as fair skinned Sudra. The current skin color of the people of sub continent more reflective of climate and geography than any ancient migration. The northern part of Indian sub continent is distant enough from equator to produce fair brown skin in native population over a long time period. This notion of 'fair skinned outsiders vs dark skinned locals' is not always correct. Many of the India's Chota Nagpur plateau dark skinned adivasi tribe's ancient homeland was in South East Asia, they migrated in their current location 3 thousand years ago, probably as a response to Austronesian expansion in South East Asia in that times.
Of course, there is a clear distinction between the Aryan and non-Aryan populations of the Indian sub-continent. But, there have been inter-mixing as well. Look at the faces of Pakistanis and north Indians.

They are taller and have sharper noses than the people of Bengal. Many of them have green/ blue/ brown eyes and most have fairer skin than Bengalis who have flatter noses and darker and very dark skin like the Negroes.

Get out of your Ghetto village and visit many places of the vast areas of three countries to see the differences. I have already done it and you have not.

Read history and learn to study the physical features of high caste Hindus including those living in BD and Pakistan. you will see what I said is correct with certainly many variations. A person needs a keen mind to see the difference. You are a person who even ridiculed the Pakistanis for claiming that they are mostly the descendants of settler Aryans. But, this is historically true that they descended from the Aryans and mixed also with the locals.

Do you think the Caste system was introduced by the locals? No, it was imposed by the superior Aryan clans who settled in India in scores after they defeated the locals and later imposed their political and societal power over the latter.

Did I say that Aryans were the majority? Locals were the majority but Aryan might and influence were overwhelming and the locals had to accept their supremacy. People of Aryan descent remain a minority. In the case of Bengal, it is Brahmin, Boiddyo (Kobiraj), Kayastha, and Koibarta,

I ask why Nomosudras in Bengal look so distinct from the higher caste people, and how about you? Muslims in Bengal also do not look alike to each other. But, why? One reason is many Muslims from northern India, Afghanistan, and Central Asia came and settled in Bengal, and also many Nomosudras took Islam. They ultimately intermixed gradually through marriages.

Read the political history from 1200 AD to 1757 AD when many northern and western Muslims came and settled in Bengal during different political upheavals. But, you think like you all are the descendants of Sudra. Very strange!!

There are also Negro traits among the Bangali Muslims because of two large admixtures, one during the pre-historical time and one during Muslim time. Please read authentic history books before you make random comments on race relations in the Indian Sub-Continent. Why do you have to deny and counter everything as usual?

I remember your self-assertion on Naf Dariya that Ayub Khan gave the other side of this river to Burma. It is a complete lie and distortion of history, but you love to follow BAL-written history.
Again what makes you qualified to talk about issues like this?

You admit you are uneducated and a labourer.

Your constant analogies with Japan are totally inappropriate.

Like I say you cannot expect too much from BD, especially with the rubbish neighbourhood it is in. It is doing better than rest of region and that will suffice.

Pleas stick to the things your education allows you to understand. Economics and geopolitics are way beyond your abilities.
I am sure an uneducated laborer. But, BD has to follow the examples of other Asian countries to get developed and Japan was the first Asian country that started developing during the 1880s and became more like Europe.

Has not BD begged Japan to build the MetroRail? Why do you then get angry over Japan? Out of jealousy?

I will report to the Moderator if you again make personal attacks in another post. Better you learn from an uneducated person like me for another 50 years. Include STEM subjects as well as economics, history, and politics. It can also be on the semi-conductor or astrophysics.

Now, tell me why the scientists have decided that the age of this Universe is 13.7 billion years?

Oh!! I forgot that you claimed you have gone through a 2-year course in some College in BD and got a Graduation degree. People in other countries regard it as an Associate course, and not a Bachelor's one.
I am sure an uneducated laborer. But, BD has to follow the examples of other Asian countries to get developed and Japan was the first Asian country that started developing during the 1880s and became more like Europe.

Has not BD begged Japan to build the MetroRail? Why do you then get angry over Japan? Out of jealousy?

I will report to the Moderator if you again make personal attacks in another post. Better you learn from an uneducated person like me for another 50 years. Include STEM subjects as well as economics, history, and politics. It can also be on the semi-conductor or astrophysics.

Now, tell me why the scientists have decided that the age of this Universe is 13.7 billion years?

Oh!! I forgot that you claimed you have gone through a 2-year course in some College in BD and got a Graduation degree. People in other countries regard it as an Associate course, and not a Bachelor's one.


Report away as there was no personal attack in my post.

You are an uneducated labourer as you admitted on this very forum.

That is a statement of fact and not a personal attack. Learn the difference between the two.

Report away as there was no personal attack in my post.

You are an uneducated labourer as you admitted on this very forum.

That is a statement of fact and not a personal attack. Learn the difference between the two.
"Pleas stick to the things your education allows you to understand. Economics and geopolitics are way beyond your abilities".

Please read above what you wrote in your post. Is it not a very personal attack? You are insulting me because I am not educated. Is it not a personal attack? Learn to be a civilized person. Any discussion forum is not limited to highly uneducated persons like you.

Please enlighten me about the age of this Universe. It is in books written by people like Dr. Stephen Willium Hawking. Please note that I am not asking you to read/ understand his books like "A Brief History of Time" or "The Blackholes and Baby Universes" because these are way beyond your Pea's brain to understand.

Yet, you can certainly try. After all, you have a 2-year Associate degree certificate.

An empty vessel sounds much.
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