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Growing income inequality in Bangladesh causes concern

Of course, there is a clear distinction between the Aryan and non-Aryan populations of the Indian sub-continent. But, there have been inter-mixing as well. Look at the faces of Pakistanis and north Indians.

They are taller and have sharper noses than the people of Bengal. Many of them have green/ blue/ brown eyes and most have fairer skin than Bengalis who have flatter noses and darker and very dark skin like the Negroes.

Get out of your Ghetto village and visit many places of the vast areas of three countries to see the differences. I have already done it and you have not.

Read history and learn to study the physical features of high caste Hindus including those living in BD and Pakistan. you will see what I said is correct with certainly many variations. A person needs a keen mind to see the difference. You are a person who even ridiculed the Pakistanis for claiming that they are mostly the descendants of settler Aryans. But, this is historically true that they descended from the Aryans and mixed also with the locals.

Do you think the Caste system was introduced by the locals? No, it was imposed by the superior Aryan clans who settled in India in scores after they defeated the locals and later imposed their political and societal power over the latter.

Did I say that Aryans were the majority? Locals were the majority but Aryan might and influence were overwhelming and the locals had to accept their supremacy. People of Aryan descent remain a minority. In the case of Bengal, it is Brahmin, Boiddyo (Kobiraj), Kayastha, and Koibarta,

I ask why Nomosudras in Bengal look so distinct from the higher caste people, and how about you? Muslims in Bengal also do not look alike to each other. But, why? One reason is many Muslims from northern India, Afghanistan, and Central Asia came and settled in Bengal, and also many Nomosudras took Islam. They ultimately intermixed gradually through marriages.

Read the political history from 1200 AD to 1757 AD when many northern and western Muslims came and settled in Bengal during different political upheavals. But, you think like you all are the descendants of Sudra. Very strange!!

There are also Negro traits among the Bangali Muslims because of two large admixtures, one during the pre-historical time and one during Muslim time. Please read authentic history books before you make random comments on race relations in the Indian Sub-Continent. Why do you have to deny and counter everything as usual?

I remember your self-assertion on Naf Dariya that Ayub Khan gave the other side of this river to Burma. It is a complete lie and distortion of history, but you love to follow BAL-written history.
Pakistanis being taller or lighter skin have very little to do with any ancient migration. It is mostly about climate, geography and diet. Northern part of Pakistan is as north as Greece or southern Italy. If the native inhabitants of Greece or Sicily can be termed as white, then there is no reason why the native inhabitants in northern Pakistan can not be fair skinned. You should study the effect of UV light on human skin color and latitude before supporting dubious theory. Taller in stature is mostly related to diet. Wheat and milk based diet give greater nutrition to body and create taller population over generations. Sharp nose is also the function of climate, the inhabitants of colder and dryer climate inherit that feature through natural selection.

Brahman being on average lighter skin in Bengal than namasudra have more to do with lifestyle and sex selection than any distant past migration. Brahman are not used to do the farming, they do not burn on Sun, they enjoy sedentary lifestyle generations after generations and also strictly maintain marriage with other Brahman, this created on average a little lighter skin among the Brahman. But those poor Brahman who work on the field can be as dark as their namasudra co-workers. For Muslims, this distinctions are gone long time ago. Muslims are mixing in all direction and there is no caste in Bengali Muslim, nor skin color difference can be associated through heritage. In Bangladesh, fair skin parents give birth to darker child and vice versa. I don't understand why you are trying to forcefully propagate that theory of Aryan migration and why you are making distiction of 'northern and western Muslim' and 'Sudra convert' among Bangladeshis? Are you trying to find mental peace and sense of superiority by imagining yourself as 'Aryan' or Northern and Western Muslim'? Muslims of Bangladesh do not worry about this things at all and unless someone is a special case like you are not bothered to find out whether their ancestors were 'Sudra' or 'Northern and Western Muslim'. Except of 'Bengali Muslim' there is no other identity among Bangladeshi Muslims.
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Pakistanis being taller or lighter skin have very little to do with any ancient migration. It is mostly about climate, geography and diet. Northern part of Pakistan is as north as Greece or southern Italy. If the native inhabitants of Greece or Sicily can be termed as white, then there is no reason why the native inhabitants in northern Pakistan can not be fair skinned. You should study the effect of UV light on human skin color and latitude before supporting dubious theory. Taller in stature is mostly related to diet. Wheat and milk based diet give greater nutrition to body and create taller population over generations. Sharp nose is also the function of climate, the inhabitants of colder and dryer climate inherit that feature through natural selection.

Brahman being on average lighter skin in Bengal than namasudra have more to do with lifestyle and sex selection than any distant past migration. Brahman are not used to do the farming, they do not burn on Sun, they enjoy sedentary lifestyle generations after generations and also strictly maintain marriage with other Brahman, this created on average a little lighter skin among the Brahman. But those poor Brahman who work on the field can be as dark as their namasudra co-workers. For Muslims, this distinctions are gone long time ago. Muslims are mixing in all direction and there is no caste in Bengali Muslim, nor skin color difference can be associated through heritage. In Bangladesh, fair skin parents give birth to darker child and vice versa. I don't understand why you are trying to forcefully propagate that theory of Aryan migration and why you are making distiction of 'northern and western Muslim' and 'Sudra convert' among Bangladeshis? Are you trying to find mental peace and sense of superiority by imagining yourself as 'Aryan' or Northern and Western Muslim'? Muslims of Bangladesh do not worry about this things at all and unless someone is a special case like you are not bothered to find out whether their ancestors were 'Sudra' or 'Northern and Western Muslim'. Except of 'Bengali Muslim' there is no other identity among Bangladeshi Muslims.
You are just another BAL brat who wants to deny history to please other Sudra BAL brats like you. Stop bickering and read history and learn anthropology, idiot.

If it is climate only, why do their handsome faces have so sharp noses and our Sudra noses are so flat? Is it because of climate? However we try to portray ourselves as descendants of Alexander, only Pakistanis and north Indian people have a very large number of Aryan descendants. Their physical/ facial features and history of Aryan settlement in those places are the proofs.

Go to Europe and live there for 10,000 years and you will see your Sudra features not to change even in that climate. You will not get sharp noses like the Iranians.

We are basically Sudras and to know it, please look at the mirror in front of you. You will see what you and others are.
If it is climate only, why do their handsome faces have so sharp noses and our Sudra noses are so flat? Is it because of climate?
Although I don't agree with @Homo Sapiens , still it's amazing that there are black Brahamins.

However some say that those black brahmins are fake brahmins. Or maybe they could be the children of brahmins and their secrete sudra mistresses?

Also in bangali region you won't find any other caste that shudras and few brahmins.

It's ballal sen (বল্লাল সেন) or his son lokkhon sen ( লক্ষণ সেন)( forgot who did this) bought some brahmin in the region, and rest of are declared sudras. So lower sudras and higher sudras ( উত্তমর্ণ শুদ্র) are only caste in this region with few brahmins who works mostly as priest.

There is no kshatriya ot vaiysha caste in bengal region.

Although not sure of I am right or not , as I read it somewhere.

We are basically Sudras and to know it, please look at the mirror in front of you. You will see what you and others are.

But does that really matter? Even if we are from shudra caste , does it make us worse than others?
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Although I don't agree with @Homo Sapiens , still it's amazing that there are black Brahamins.

However some say that those black brahmins are fake brahmins. Or maybe they could be the children of brahmins and their secrete sudra mistresses?

Also in bangali region you won't find any other caste that shudras and few brahmins.

It's ballal sen or his son lokkhon sen ( forgot who did this ) bought some brahmin in the region, and rest of are declared sudras. So lower sudras and higher sudras ( উত্তমর্ণ শুদ্র) are only caste in this region with few brahmins who works mostly as priest.

There is no kshatriya ot vaiysha caste in bengal region.

Although not sure of I am right or not , as I read it somewhere.

I am not an expert on Hindu castes. Maybe ask one of the Tripura guys on this forum...

Not a point of worry with me - my name is Allah'r Banda. Which is good enough.
But those poor Brahman who work on the field can be as dark as their namasudra co-workers
Well, is it possible that a white British or white American will be turned into dark if they work on field under sun in any tropical areas?
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You are just another BAL brat who wants to deny history to please other Sudra BAL brats like you. Stop bickering and read history and learn anthropology, idiot.

If it is climate only, why do their handsome faces have so sharp noses and our Sudra noses are so flat? Is it because of climate? However we try to portray ourselves as descendants of Alexander, only Pakistanis and north Indian people have a very large number of Aryan descendants. Their physical/ facial features and history of Aryan settlement in those places are the proofs.

Go to Europe and live there for 10,000 years and you will see your Sudra features not to change even in that climate. You will not get sharp noses like the Iranians.

We are basically Sudras and to know it, please look at the mirror in front of you. You will see what you and others are.
It seems you are the Sudra, that's why Sudra complex is so heavy in you mind and can not let it go. It's clear from your posts that you are deeply ashamed about your look and feel jealousy towards those who are fair skinned, taller and have sharp noses. This is reason you are bitching about Bangladeshi people being Sudra and have flat noses. You remind me of that fox in the storybook who want to cut the tail of all other foxes so that he does not feel ashamed. This is reason you are attributing your own physical traits to all other Bangladeshi people.

To overcome this deep inferiority complex you are in denial and deluding yourself that your tall, fair, sharp nosed ancestors came to Bengal riding horse as a conqueror. This is the reason you are dividing Bangladeshi people into Sudra vs foreigners to heal your bruised psyche. It's now clear to me.
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It seems you are the Sudra, that's why Sudra complex is so heavy in you mind and can not let it go. It's clear from your posts that you are deeply ashamed about your look and feel jealousy towards those who are fair skinned, taller and have sharp noses. This is reason you are bitching about Bangladeshi people being Sudra and have flat noses. You remind me of that fox in the storybook who want to cut the tail of all other foxes so that he does not feel ashamed. This is reason you are attributing your own physical traits to all other Bangladeshi people.

To overcome this deep inferiority complex you are in denial and deluding yourself that your tall, fair, sharp nosed ancestors came to Bengal riding horse as a conqueror. This is the reason you are dividing Bangladeshi people in Sudra vs foreign to heal your bruised psyche. It's now clear to me.
@Homo Sapiens, even if Bangladeshi people are scheduled caste , does it really make us look bad? Does race matter?

Isn't it true that most of Bangladeshi people were hugely oppressed by caste Hindus and later converted to Buddhism? And then into Islam?

If people are bad looking, does that make them lower?

I personally don't think brahmins or whites ( Europe American white) are any better than the darkest people on earth! So why bothered?
Well, is it possible that a white British of white American will be turned into dark if they work on field under sun in any tropical areas?
Skin color do not change significantly in a single generation no matter how much he burns under the sun. Even a very tanned white man and woman produce white child. To turn dark skinned ethnic group, a white population need to lives in the tropical region for several hundreds of generation. All the variation in skin color, facial structure, skull shape in human population happened in the last 70 thousand years. During the Toba catastrophic volcanic eruption, there was population bottolneck of human species. It is estimated that only about 2000 homo sapience were alive in East Africa after that event. Since then, those 2 thousand individual spread around the world and populated all the continents. Every human now on this planet are generically related to that 2 thousand people. Europe was first settled by anatomically modern humans only about 40 thousand years ago and European turned white(pale skin, lighter hair and eyes) much later, after the invention of agriculture. So it is possible to turn dark ethnics into white and white ethnics into dark if they switch their location and lives enough time to allow natural selection for skin color to hold through evolutionary forces.
@Homo Sapiens, even if Bangladeshi people are scheduled caste , does it really make us look bad? Does race matter?

Isn't it true that most of Bangladeshi people were hugely oppressed by caste Hindus and later converted to Buddhism? And then into Islam?

If people are bad looking, does that make them lower?

I personally don't think brahmins or whites ( Europe American white) are any better than the darkest people on earth! So why bothered?
I never said people are superior or inferior based on skin color, nose shape or whatever. And I never said bad looking people are lower. Why are you asking me these? You should look who are here triggered and started all these talk of Bangladeshis being this or that. Who is talking disparagingly about 'dark flat nosed' Bengali? Is it me or he? He became this abusive towards Bengalis only because I disputed his dubious claim of Aryan migration theory and Hindu caste system was much more lenient in ancient times. These are not my claims but scholarly opinions. This foul mouth do not know any scientific fact of why human evolved into different so called races and think that socalled 'Aryan master race' were made by God from different materials than other human being and commanded them to conquer the Sudra inhabited Bengal. He want to create an imaginary upper class and lower class among the Muslims of Bangladesh based on foreign vs local ancestry, skin color and shape of nose. I dispute this attempt and for this reason I became a target of that foul mouth.
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I don't know if caste-ism is relevant as a point of discussion in this thread, but since I have spent most of my life in Western shores, what I value is - (given the opportunity) the effort and momentum to better one's own lot and those around us (if we can) regardless of each of our humble backgrounds without resorting to chori, thievery and corruption. Of course this has a religious and spiritual aspect as well. Less talk and more work.

In this respect, White Americans were very accomplished in personal life in the previous generation. This is no longer true. Brown and Chinese Immigrants (including Bangladeshis) have taken up this mantle.

Of course the USA has opportunity in scads as well, which enables tremendous social mobility.

I have seen people arrive here with literally not more than $5 in their pocket, work under risky circumstances and make themselves millionaires in less than a decade.

Of course this does not change the culture or refinement of these immigrants, but this is testament to the opportunities this country offers and the rewards of hard work that are available. This would be very hard (if not impossible) to achieve in a country like Bangladesh.
It seems you are the Sudra, that's why Sudra complex is so heavy in you mind and can not let it go. It's clear from your posts that you are deeply ashamed about your look and feel jealousy towards those who are fair skinned, taller and have sharp noses. This is reason you are bitching about Bangladeshi people being Sudra and have flat noses. You remind me of that fox in the storybook who want to cut the tail of all other foxes so that he does not feel ashamed. This is reason you are attributing your own physical traits to all other Bangladeshi people.

To overcome this deep inferiority complex you are in denial and deluding yourself that your tall, fair, sharp nosed ancestors came to Bengal riding horse as a conqueror. This is the reason you are dividing Bangladeshi people into Sudra vs foreigners to heal your bruised psyche. It's now clear to me.
I am Negroid, so what? I am not changing history. But, being a low-breed Sudra descendent you have the audacity of changing the history of Aryan settlement in Pakistan and North India only because a mean-looking ugly guy like you are jealous of the Pakistanis?

BAL has been trying to change many things as usual. Read history and learn that Bengali people are basically a mix of Mongoloids from the north, Dravidians from the south, and Negroids from Chota Nagpur. Read "বাঙ্গালার ইতিহাস" by Rakhaldas Bannerjy, and learn instead of making your own history.

Rakhaldas was responsible for the discovery of Moenjodaro and Harappa. And you discovered Ayub Khan gave away half of Naaf river to Burma. What silly idiot are you!!

Because you look like a Sudra, you are here denying the arrival of Aryans in Pakistan and North India. What a BAL crap you are!! So, better keep on looking at the mirror and compare it with the faces of Pakistanis.

Idiot, learn that Iranians are basically Aryan people. Hence their country is Iran. Some Afghan people want to change the name of their country to Aryana because they are Aryan people.

Learn before you vomit your ignorance continuously.
Well, is it possible that a white British or white American will be turned into dark if they work on field under sun in any tropical areas?
Aryans/ Brahmins are generally fair-skinned, Europeans are white-skinned and we are brown/ dark-skinned. So, it may take more than 10,000 years for a white to live in our part of the world to become a man of brownish skin.

However, his facial features will change very little unless his descendants take non-white women as wives. The descendants will still be carrying sharp noses. It is the same with Punjabis and Pathans. Some of them living in humid Punjab have turned brownish but their noses remain sharp.
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Although I don't agree with @Homo Sapiens , still it's amazing that there are black Brahamins.
Bengal is humid. An Aryan/ Brahmin whose job is to worship in the Temples remain almost fair-skinned. But, you can see that a Brahmin who works in the field like others become brownish. It is because he is exposed to sunlight and humidity.

However, his facial features will not change from a high-nosed to a flat nose. However, I have said earlier that the Aryanas were already mixing for about a thousand years before the caste system was introduced to stop further mixing.

Many of them would not look like their original ancestors. So, you can see brownish Brahmins, especially in the Bengal region where it is humid.
I am Negroid, so what? I am not changing history. But, being a low-breed Sudra descendent you have the audacity of changing the history of Aryan settlement in Pakistan and North India only because a mean-looking ugly guy like you are jealous of the Pakistanis?

BAL has been trying to change many things as usual. Read history and learn that Bengali people are basically a mix of Mongoloids from the north, Dravidians from the south, and Negroids from Chota Nagpur. Read "বাঙ্গালার ইতিহাস" by Rakhaldas Bannerjy, and learn instead of making your own history.

Rakhaldas was responsible for the discovery of Moenjodaro and Harappa. And you discovered Ayub Khan gave away half of Naaf river to Burma. What silly idiot are you!!

Because you look like a Sudra, you are here denying the arrival of Aryans in Pakistan and North India. What a BAL crap you are!! So, better keep on looking at the mirror and compare it with the faces of Pakistanis.

Idiot, learn that Iranians are basically Aryan people. Hence their country is Iran. Some Afghan people want to change the name of their country to Aryana because they are Aryan people.

Learn before you vomit your ignorance continuously.
Before barking on me with that foul mouth, read some latest scientific book to know better. The world has moved since Rakhal Das Bandapadhya wrote that book 100 years ago.

And I am proud with my Sudra heritage. Why do you think, I would find branding me Sudra is anything humiliating? Brahman, Sudra and other Hindu castes have no relevance for me as neither me nor anyone in my extended family or any known ancestor of mine is a Hindu. Even among Hindus these caste classification do not conform with your notion of physical characteristics. Northern Indian Jat community are Sudra, yet they are as tall and as caucasoid looking as other Punjabis.
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Well, is it possible that a white British or white American will be turned into dark if they work on field under sun in any tropical areas?

They will get cancer eventually. Unpigmented skin has little Melanin, which protects against cancer.

This is proven. Several of my white friends in LA got cancer living on the beach and baking under the hot sun.

If you live in colder northern climates, you won't get enough sun of course and melanin in skin does not develop. Then you start boasting about white skin.
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