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Growing Hindu extremism in india

What truth? You are talking as if it was the inbuilt trait of brahmins to rape women and lower casts. Yes there were atrocities committed by the brahmins against other casts but generalizing and calling them scum is not expected from a person of your stature wrt this forum.

What i stated is proven by recorded history. If you can prove me wrong, i will retract my statement.
What ever you said was utter bullshit. I can start criticising your religion and why ram takes agni praksha from seta when Ram saw her wife with his brother in bed. How can god dont know her wife is pure or not but leave that. And learn your religion then criticise others ;)
Sure, you can mock somebody else's religion. The point is that your religion can be mocked as well. And on this forum, it is better not to indulge in such behaviour.

I have no desire to criticize any religion here. As I made clear, my post was intended to prove a point, that keeping religion out is better for the forum, as the rules also state.

(BTW Ram did not see her in bed with his brother. I don't know how you came up with that one.)
Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee"

Disgusting filthy religion which highlights slavery

And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess."

As long as she is not married it is okay to enslave her lol wtf

And marry those among you who are single and those who are fit among your male slaves and your female slaves..." Breeding slaves based on fitness.

the filthy cult even promotes racial breeding like Hitler did
You bigot hindu where is references or you just copy past ot from some hindu writer book who is also a bigot incest lover
What i stated is proven by recorded history. If you can prove me wrong, i will retract my statement.
As I have said, I acknowledge your point of view that the brahmins were ruthless regarding some issues. But See the other side of the coin too. Saying "brahmin scum" is gross generalization and not expected from a respected member. Brahmins were looked upon as teachers/gurus in Hindu culture. Some bad apples is not the reason to target the whole community. We rever them as you do with your mufti/mullah.
Rama, Krishhna, Buddah are avatars of the one supreme being and the final one will be lord kalki


Just compare the chapters in the Gita to the toilet paper Quran, the Quran has chapters like the bee and the cow lol and you think that is from God?
Dude...please stop. If you are abusing Allah, you are abusing Lord Shiva. They are one and the same.
As I have said, I acknowledge your point of view that the brahmins were ruthless regarding some issues. But See the other side of the coin too. Saying "brahmin scum" is gross generalization and not expected from a respected member. Brahmins were looked upon as teachers/gurus in Hindu culture. Some bad apples is not the reason to target the whole community. We rever them as you do with your mufti/mullah.

Its not.

Brahmin when i refer to it are not individuals but a 'status quo structure'
This thread should be block immediately intolerance are shown by both of the sides
I guess you're a dalit. Dil pe mat le yaar.
I may be a dalit, then again I may not be. I may be a rigvedin brahmin, then again maybe not. But I sure am one of those people who judge the worth of a person by his or her accomplishments, rather than accidents of birth like religion or caste or skin color. And I pity people who try to take pride in such things because they have no personal acomplishments worth boasting about.
What truth? You are talking as if it was the inbuilt trait of brahmins to rape women and lower casts. Yes there were atrocities committed by the brahmins against other casts but generalizing and calling them scum is not expected from a person of your stature wrt this forum.

@StormShadow .... What stature?...just because he has some 30K postes!...Please!..He needs to earn it not demand it...Anyways on topic..simple question ...how do you convert to Hinduism?..whatever that means..(According to me its a way of life)
All extremists need to be rooted out from EVERY community. However the last people I am going to take news from regarding such matters are Christian NGOs they have been stirring sh*t up in India for a while now (thankfully the GoI shut many of them down). Many here laugh at ToI but if that is the TOIlet then this is the gutter...

And the title has been changed completely from the original article yet Moderators have commented on here and don't seem to care one iota......
@StormShadow .... What stature?...just because he has some 30K postes!...Please!..He needs to earn it not demand it...Anyways on topic..simple question ...how do you convert to Hinduism?..whatever that means..(According to me its a way of life)
I was not referring to the no: of posts...I was referring to his role ie.,Admin.
Nothings growing, it was always there.India was always a country of extremist hindutvas with a national psyche of bigotry and hatred.
Luffy,u r a Bangladeshi first. Will the Hardliners in Bangladesh accept conversion,let me know. I mean Bangladeshi mulsim converting into Christanity.What will be the reaction of Muslim Hardliners.

Open the link given below


Christian Tourists in Kashmir Face Violence over Conversion C... | Gleanings | ChristianityToday.com
Its not.

Brahmin when i refer to it are not individuals but a 'status quo structure'
Why should we take your word for it? Your historical knowledge is poor, you though the Buddha was born in Tibet.
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