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Growing Hindu extremism in india

="Horus, post: 6208819, member: 15719"]Do not reply if you are too shallow to swallow the truth.[/quote]
true! we can not compete with u when it comes to swallowing.
Use the GHQ section. The Brahman rulers(when the caste system truly existed in full force) are recorded within Indian history itself to have abused their quasi-religious cultural powers. This is the same as the priest class within South America(Ironically, also called Indians by westerners)..many places in Africa.. and was also persistent with many rulers within Mongol and Muslim lands. While glorified there are recorded instances of the Ottoman rulers capturing slave women for their harem's and forcefully converting them(even though some later rose to the rank of wives)..
hmm...its a sad fact.
However, this thread talks of the effect of Hindu extremism(which cannot really be reflected by the news posted).. but it is a very real phenomenon and this forum is ample proof that a vermin is rising within India that parallels that of the ISIS... and this vermin will breed more vermin within Indian Muslims(in retaliation) and Indian society will be the ultimate sufferer of this.
ISIS and Hindu extremism is quite different.
the former rose only recently (at least came to international recognition recently), whereas hindu extremism was always there (under the garb of culture and what not).
hindu extremism (at its heyday) concentrated on exploiting outcastes for socio-economic reasons while kept the muslims at bay to consolidate their own religion.
ISIS has a definite way and its too ugly compared to hindu extremism.
please do mind that, by hindu extremism, i am referring to "a state of mind" which is anti-assimilation rather than "preist burning". These isolated incidents come when there is a rightist govt in power and decrease when there is not.
true! we can not compete with u when it comes to swallowing
M8 Just take a look at the PDF, every day you guys make anti Islamic threads, calling Muslims extremist and bashing islam every day. But when we have made such threads, you guys can't even tolerate.
This shows the level of tolerance you guys have!

ISIS and Hindu extremism is quite different...............
There is no difference between ISIS and hindu extremist. They are both killing Muslims and Christians.
M8 Just take a look at the PDF, every day you guys make anti Islamic threads, calling Muslims extremist and bashing islam every day. But when we have made such threads, you guys can't even tolerate.
This shows the level of tolerance you guys have!

There is no difference between ISIS and hindu extremist. They are both killing Muslims and Christians.

a big lol to you and company. keep it up.
Its not.

Brahmin when i refer to it are not individuals but a 'status quo structure'

If its a status quo then what about the brahmins who have contributed to science, to mathematics, to economics??
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