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Growing Hindu extremism in india

Which is why if you would have actually bothered to read and comprehend, i mentioned '.....within segments of the society even more so......' and did not mention it as a generalization.

Good thing, you shouldn't post.

Because learning to read comes before ranting.
Oh wait, Did you bother to read luffys post? you supported his post which was a clear generalisation of all Indians. So much for preaching about comprehension skills.
Real power comes from ideology, hence my comparison with the various priestly/ruler classes of other civilizations. They essentially made cultural policy from their perspective and were majorly responsible for the atrocities inflicted by the rulers on the people. Egypt for e.g. is a case in point.. the Pharoahs were fully supported and even provided ideas to engage in genocide based on the priestly class. What the animals within ISIS do now is essentially nothing more than the interpretation of their leadership/priest class.

Where do you think ISIS started? It started out as only a "anti-extension" ideology for Muslims against other Muslims. It started with "awareness" and lectures on the threat to the purity of Islam(just as Hindutva preaches on the sanctity and purity of hinduism being threatened)... then it moved onto open but verbal admonishing of other sects,ideals and religion(just as Hindutva is moving onto).. and eventually.. it started using force to first achieve "conversion" to their cause/religion..and after that genocide... which is exactly where the modern Hindutva phenomenon within India is heading to.

That is some real stretch. Also purity of Hinduism being threatened? Hindutvas preaching about this? Since when? Hindutva is entirely about variety. So why will purity come into it? Hell I am a hardcore Hindutva person and you would have seen me arguing for the drunks of Ganesha festival, the dances of Garba, and even defend sexually active saints. So what exactly are you comparing me to a purist of any sort?

I think he is quite right, the fanaticism was there, within segments of the society even more so when the Hindus saw their lands and lives plundered by the outside invading Muslims. They have to vent their anger or depression in one way or the other. Not much different than what the idiots like Taliban/Al-Qaida/ISIS do.

I do not think you understand. Hindus fought against the invasion and paid back the Muslims in the same coin long before this. All that is part of history. Today the anger is not so much on Muslims but the Marxists who twisted our history. There is no anger among Hindutvas which seeks to pull down mosques (except those 3 mosques which are in birth places of Krishna and Ram) or destroy Islam. More often than not Hindus get along with Muslims.

Assailants threaten to kill church members who refuse to convert to Hinduism.

March 26, 2014 By New Delhi Correspondent
View attachment 78753
Pastor Tilas Bedia, (left), with the family of his brother Chandra Bedia (center). (Morning Star News)

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A police station official in India’s Jharkhand state this month reviled Christians who sought protection after Hindu extremists beat and threatened to kill them for refusing to convert to Hinduism, area church leaders said.

Accusing Christian leaders of forcible conversion, the Hindu extremists earlier this month attempted to forcibly convert several church members after disrupting a home worship service, beating them and parading them half-naked through the street, area pastor Rampath Nath told Morning Star News.

Police subsequently registered a case of forcible conversion against four Christians, he said.

Virender Singh, the police official at the station in Patratu Thana, Ramgarh District, verbally abused the Christians who fled their homes, rebuked them and sent them away without taking their complaint after the Hindu extremists beat them on two consecutive days, stripped off their clothes and chased them from Pali village, Nath said.

Some 10 Hindu extremists stormed into the March 4 worship meeting at the house of pastor Tilas Bedia at 7 p.m. and began beating the Christians, including the pastor’s 60-year-old mother, Christian leaders said.

“The extremists asked the Christians why they are following Christ when they should be worshipping their tribal god and threatened to kill them if they continued to follow Christ,” Nath said. “They left after they told the Christians that they will teach them a lesson the next day.”

On March 5 at about 11 a.m. a mob of extremists appeared, led by Suresh Upadia, leader of the local Vishwa Hindu Parishad, youth wing of the Hindu extremist Bajrang Dal, and village head Rohan Bedia. They dragged several Christians from their homes to the compound of the village head, who summoned a public meeting.

“The extremists dragged about 15 people who come to our prayer meetings,” said Jodhan Bedia, a pastor at the church. “They let us stand in the middle and started to verbally abuse us for following Christ, for being low-caste, and warned us to convert back to Hinduism or face harm.”

Several terrified church members denied they were Christians, pastors said.

“They ran off after saying they were Hindus,” Tilas Bedia said, “and two teenage girls who did not deny Christ were forcefully ‘converted’ back to Hinduism.”

Manita Kumari, 16, and Meenu Kumari, 17, refused to renounce Christ, he said.

“The extremists slapped them, verbally abused them for their faith in Christ, threatening them that they will never find a husband if they remain Christians, and forced them to worship Hindu idols at the spot,” he said.

The extremists continued to mock and beat Tilas Bedia, and his brother, Chandra Bedia, as well as the latter’s family; they also beat Jodhan Bedia.

“We told the extremists that we are ready to leave our house, but we cannot leave Christ,” Tilas Bedia said.

The Hindu nationalists slapped and kicked the Christians and struck them with their hands, slippers and clubs. The mother of Tilas and Chandra Bedia fell to the ground from the beating, spraining her ankle as her face swelled up from the blows, they said.

The extremists then dragged Tilas Bedia, Chandra Bedia and another Christian leader along a road, paraded them half-naked as they jeered and beat them, and dragged them to the outskirts of the village.

“They forced us to sign on a blank paper and told us that we will be cut into pieces if we ever return to the village,” Tilas Bedia said. “They said, ‘Those who worship Jesus cannot stay in the village.’”

The three Christians, who converted to Christianity about four years ago, sustained bruises and marks on their backs, and swelling on their faces and other areas, Nath said.

“On March 10, we received a copy of a First Information Report registered against pastor Tilas Bedia, Chandra Bedia, pastor Jodhan Bedia and myself by police officer Virender Singh of forceful conversion,” Nath said.

Singh was not available for comment, but Ramgarh Superintendent of Police Shri Ranjit Kumar Singh told Morning Star News that he had received the Christians’ police complaint and had sent a deputy to investigate.

“Nobody can say anything about the faith that a person chose,” the superintendent said. “The Constitution of India has given the right to each individual to follow the faith that he or she likes. Appropriate action will be taken against the culprits.”

The pastors were scheduled to appear before a judge on April 4. Area Christian leaders said there was no instance of forceful conversion by the accused.

Since Tilas Bedia, Chandra Bedia and Jodhan Bedia began following Christ, their families have been shunned and boycotted and have faced continual threats, Nath said.

“They are not allowed to fetch water from the public well, they are not allowed to walk on the main road and they were prohibited from buying and selling in the village,” Nath said. “They were often beat up and verbally abused and warned to renounce Christ or face harm.”

Police in India Rebuke, File Case against Christians Fleeing Hindu Extremist Attack

Why the hell they want to bring dalits back to hinduism. These low cast converts can go to hell is all I care.
The entire debate started because you said:
"The Brahman rulers(when the caste system truly existed in full force) are recorded within Indian history itself to have abused their quasi-religious cultural powers. This is the same as the priest class within South America(Ironically, also called Indians by westerners)..many places in Africa.. and was also persistent with many rulers within Mongol and Muslim lands. While glorified there are recorded instances of the Ottoman rulers capturing slave women for their harem's and forcefully converting them(even though some later rose to the rank of wives)."
I've been continuously asking you where the Brahmins have been abusing there powers in history?

Perhaps I should have used Upper castes then... but the proof is in the pudding below .. the problem is well and alive.
Why the hell they want to bring dalits back to hinduism. These low cast converts can go to hell is all I care.
God bless Mohammed bin Qasim for destroying stupid myth centered beliefs, stones and for killing an inbred fool Raja who married his own sister. Chiii, thank God such an ugly and enslaving way of life was tore into shreds by a 17 year old. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be eating beef nihari, chapli kabab and beef sajji today.

and then they converted to a cult which lists visiting a old black stone as part of the duty !
God bless Mohammed bin Qasim for destroying stupid myth centered beliefs, stones and for killing an inbred fool Raja who married his own sister. Chiii, thank God such an ugly and enslaving way of life was tore into shreds by a 17 year old. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be eating beef nihari, chapli kabab and beef sajji today.

And you follow a man who "married" a six year old child and did statuatory rape on her. And began a cult that promises 72 virgins for mass murder.And believe that this statuatory rapist went flying to heaven on a winged horse. And believes the same old simplistic myths of Adam and Eve and heaven and hell that were made up by primitive jewish desert tribes. And then have the nerve to mock others for following myth centered religions. All religious beliefs by definiton are myth centered, and made up by pre-scientific societies who did not know how to find real explanations for natural phenomena.

If an admin can ridicule religious beliefs in such flagrant violation of forum rules, I don't see why I cannot either. When you infract me, ask yourself how horus' statements are halal, and why he shouldn't be infracted or banned. You cannot expect us to abide by rules which admins openly flout. Jaisa raja, vaisa praja.
And you follow a man who "married" a six year old child and did statuatory rape on her. And began a cult that promises 72 virgins for mass murder.And believe that this statuatory rapist went flying to heaven on a winged horse. And believes the same old simplistic myths of Adam and Eve and heaven and hell that were made up by primitive jewish desert tribes. And then have the nerve to mock others for following myth centered religions. All religious beliefs by definiton are myth centered, and made up by pre-scientific societies who did not know how to find real explanations for natural phenomena.

If an admin can ridicule religious beliefs in such flagrant violation of forum rules, I don't see why I cannot either. When you infract me, ask yourself how horus' statements are halal, and why he shouldn't be infracted or banned. You cannot expect us to abide by rules which admins openly flout. Jaisa raja, vaisa praja.
Post reported
All of them are a new brand of mercenaries. Hindutvas on the other hand locked its own followers in a pathetic caste system, which no one could escape, unless they were either killed or converted to another faith.

For many thousands of years based on a historic myth of a 'cleaner race', the Brahmin scum has inflicted a level of barbarity upon the women, widows, Shudras and other low castes which no terrorist group can even contemplate to match.
Keep your mouth shut if you cant debate with respect. You being an admin dosent give you a right to talk crap.

Assailants threaten to kill church members who refuse to convert to Hinduism.

March 26, 2014 By New Delhi Correspondent
View attachment 78753
Pastor Tilas Bedia, (left), with the family of his brother Chandra Bedia (center). (Morning Star News)

NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A police station official in India’s Jharkhand state this month reviled Christians who sought protection after Hindu extremists beat and threatened to kill them for refusing to convert to Hinduism, area church leaders said.

Accusing Christian leaders of forcible conversion, the Hindu extremists earlier this month attempted to forcibly convert several church members after disrupting a home worship service, beating them and parading them half-naked through the street, area pastor Rampath Nath told Morning Star News.

Police subsequently registered a case of forcible conversion against four Christians, he said.

Virender Singh, the police official at the station in Patratu Thana, Ramgarh District, verbally abused the Christians who fled their homes, rebuked them and sent them away without taking their complaint after the Hindu extremists beat them on two consecutive days, stripped off their clothes and chased them from Pali village, Nath said.

Some 10 Hindu extremists stormed into the March 4 worship meeting at the house of pastor Tilas Bedia at 7 p.m. and began beating the Christians, including the pastor’s 60-year-old mother, Christian leaders said.

“The extremists asked the Christians why they are following Christ when they should be worshipping their tribal god and threatened to kill them if they continued to follow Christ,” Nath said. “They left after they told the Christians that they will teach them a lesson the next day.”

On March 5 at about 11 a.m. a mob of extremists appeared, led by Suresh Upadia, leader of the local Vishwa Hindu Parishad, youth wing of the Hindu extremist Bajrang Dal, and village head Rohan Bedia. They dragged several Christians from their homes to the compound of the village head, who summoned a public meeting.

“The extremists dragged about 15 people who come to our prayer meetings,” said Jodhan Bedia, a pastor at the church. “They let us stand in the middle and started to verbally abuse us for following Christ, for being low-caste, and warned us to convert back to Hinduism or face harm.”

Several terrified church members denied they were Christians, pastors said.

“They ran off after saying they were Hindus,” Tilas Bedia said, “and two teenage girls who did not deny Christ were forcefully ‘converted’ back to Hinduism.”

Manita Kumari, 16, and Meenu Kumari, 17, refused to renounce Christ, he said.

“The extremists slapped them, verbally abused them for their faith in Christ, threatening them that they will never find a husband if they remain Christians, and forced them to worship Hindu idols at the spot,” he said.

The extremists continued to mock and beat Tilas Bedia, and his brother, Chandra Bedia, as well as the latter’s family; they also beat Jodhan Bedia.

“We told the extremists that we are ready to leave our house, but we cannot leave Christ,” Tilas Bedia said.

The Hindu nationalists slapped and kicked the Christians and struck them with their hands, slippers and clubs. The mother of Tilas and Chandra Bedia fell to the ground from the beating, spraining her ankle as her face swelled up from the blows, they said.

The extremists then dragged Tilas Bedia, Chandra Bedia and another Christian leader along a road, paraded them half-naked as they jeered and beat them, and dragged them to the outskirts of the village.

“They forced us to sign on a blank paper and told us that we will be cut into pieces if we ever return to the village,” Tilas Bedia said. “They said, ‘Those who worship Jesus cannot stay in the village.’”

The three Christians, who converted to Christianity about four years ago, sustained bruises and marks on their backs, and swelling on their faces and other areas, Nath said.

“On March 10, we received a copy of a First Information Report registered against pastor Tilas Bedia, Chandra Bedia, pastor Jodhan Bedia and myself by police officer Virender Singh of forceful conversion,” Nath said.

Singh was not available for comment, but Ramgarh Superintendent of Police Shri Ranjit Kumar Singh told Morning Star News that he had received the Christians’ police complaint and had sent a deputy to investigate.

“Nobody can say anything about the faith that a person chose,” the superintendent said. “The Constitution of India has given the right to each individual to follow the faith that he or she likes. Appropriate action will be taken against the culprits.”

The pastors were scheduled to appear before a judge on April 4. Area Christian leaders said there was no instance of forceful conversion by the accused.

Since Tilas Bedia, Chandra Bedia and Jodhan Bedia began following Christ, their families have been shunned and boycotted and have faced continual threats, Nath said.

“They are not allowed to fetch water from the public well, they are not allowed to walk on the main road and they were prohibited from buying and selling in the village,” Nath said. “They were often beat up and verbally abused and warned to renounce Christ or face harm.”

Police in India Rebuke, File Case against Christians Fleeing Hindu Extremist Attack

Hindu extremism is still not at tthe levels with other religious extremism entities.
I agree castle system is the biggest obstackle in india's progress. Its a evil existed which we need to overcome.
Do not reply if you are too shallow to swallow the truth.
What truth? You are talking as if it was the inbuilt trait of brahmins to rape women and lower casts. Yes there were atrocities committed by the brahmins against other casts but generalizing and calling them scum is not expected from a person of your stature wrt this forum.
As expected. BTW every sentence there is true.

The lesson is to not mock other religions if you cannot stand the same treatment for yours.
What ever you said was utter bullshit. I can start criticising your religion and why ram takes agni praksha from seta when Ram saw her wife with his brother in bed. How can god dont know her wife is pure or not but leave that. And learn your religion then criticise others ;)
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