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Growing Hindu extremism in india

Use the GHQ section. The Brahman rulers(when the caste system truly existed in full force) are recorded within Indian history itself to have abused their quasi-religious cultural powers. This is the same as the priest class within South America(Ironically, also called Indians by westerners)..many places in Africa.. and was also persistent with many rulers within Mongol and Muslim lands. While glorified there are recorded instances of the Ottoman rulers capturing slave women for their harem's and forcefully converting them(even though some later rose to the rank of wives).

However, this thread talks of the effect of Hindu extremism(which cannot really be reflected by the news posted).. but it is a very real phenomenon and this forum is ample proof that a vermin is rising within India that parallels that of the ISIS... and this vermin will breed more vermin within Indian Muslims(in retaliation) and Indian society will be the ultimate sufferer of this.
Ummm Brahmins were not rulers, Rajputs were rulers. Brahmins were a priestly class, just because they were higher on the caste pedestal doesn't mean they held any real power.

However, this thread talks of the effect of Hindu extremism(which cannot really be reflected by the news posted).. but it is a very real phenomenon and this forum is ample proof that a vermin is rising within India that parallels that of the ISIS... and this vermin will breed more vermin within Indian Muslims(in retaliation) and Indian society will be the ultimate sufferer of this.
Completely wrong, Hindutvadis show little to no parallels with ISIS, please explain how they do?
@Oscar what about this post? Or Its also justifies with topic?

I dont, because India is much more diverse than depraved nutcases(who now have internet accounts and frequent Defence.pk) from India. There is much more sense available in India but at the same time a plethora of social issues that(while not much different from Pakistan or Bangladesh) have a different environment to develop and infest. These issues then reflect on the MUCH larger population India has and hence what may be a proportional percentage of idiots in Indian society makes it look much more larger than say the number of idiots in Bangladesh. Additionally, it also depends on the number of reports generated within the media for the region. How much is reported within India vis-a-vis its neighbours and/or comparable nations.

What is deplorable is trying to justify injustice by either diverting attention to brainwashed ideals of enemies or other nations in an attempt to emulate the Ostrich in burying its head in the sand.
However, this thread talks of the effect of Hindu extremism(which cannot really be reflected by the news posted).. but it is a very real phenomenon and this forum is ample proof that a vermin is rising within India that parallels that of the ISIS... and this vermin will breed more vermin within Indian Muslims(in retaliation) and Indian society will be the ultimate sufferer of this.

OH lord, now who all are included in these supposed Hindutvadi ISIS ? am i a proud member of that supposed group u have imagined ?
However, this thread talks of the effect of Hindu extremism(which cannot really be reflected by the news posted).. but it is a very real phenomenon and this forum is ample proof that a vermin is rising within India that parallels that of the ISIS... and this vermin will breed more vermin within Indian Muslims(in retaliation) and Indian society will be the ultimate sufferer of this.

:lol: :lol:
Comparing Keyboard warriors with ISIS? Seriously? :hitwall:

As far as your comments on Indian society, INDIAN LAW doesn't discriminate (Unlike some other countries) and all are equal before it.

If anyone, be it a MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN, PARSI, BUDDHIST or even a HINDU is a victim of religious hatred. Courts will dish out appropriate punishment and adequate protection is provided to them
Ummm Brahmins were not rulers, Rajputs were rulers. Brahmins were a priestly class, just because they were higher on the caste pedestal doesn't mean they held any real power.

Completely wrong, Hindutvadis show little to no parallels with ISIS, please explain how they do?

Real power comes from ideology, hence my comparison with the various priestly/ruler classes of other civilizations. They essentially made cultural policy from their perspective and were majorly responsible for the atrocities inflicted by the rulers on the people. Egypt for e.g. is a case in point.. the Pharoahs were fully supported and even provided ideas to engage in genocide based on the priestly class. What the animals within ISIS do now is essentially nothing more than the interpretation of their leadership/priest class.

Where do you think ISIS started? It started out as only a "anti-extension" ideology for Muslims against other Muslims. It started with "awareness" and lectures on the threat to the purity of Islam(just as Hindutva preaches on the sanctity and purity of hinduism being threatened)... then it moved onto open but verbal admonishing of other sects,ideals and religion(just as Hindutva is moving onto).. and eventually.. it started using force to first achieve "conversion" to their cause/religion..and after that genocide... which is exactly where the modern Hindutva phenomenon within India is heading to.
@Oscar what about this post? Or Its also justifies with topic?

I think he is quite right, the fanaticism was there, within segments of the society even more so when the Hindus saw their lands and lives plundered by the outside invading Muslims. They have to vent their anger or depression in one way or the other. Not much different than what the idiots like Taliban/Al-Qaida/ISIS do.
:lol: :lol:
Comparing Keyboard warriors with ISIS? Seriously? :hitwall:

As far as your comments on Indian society, INDIAN LAW doesn't discriminate (Unlike some other countries) and all are equal before it.

If anyone, be it a MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN, PARSI, BUDDHIST or even a HINDU is a victim of religious hatred. Courts will dish out appropriate punishment and adequate protection is provided to them

Who do you think the ISIS militants who left for Kerala were my simple minded fellow? Internet warriors with the idea to bring back the glory days of Islam.. did not take them long to take up a gun and start murdering people.. who knows.. you might be out there with a machete cutting up Muslim women and Children if in the unfortunate circumstance you end up following a extremist Hindu preacher.

and this is your last warning on dragging "other countries" in it to try and suck your own phallus. Otherwise you will turn pink for either a very long time or permanently.

OH lord, now who all are included in these supposed Hindutvadi ISIS ? am i a proud member of that supposed group u have imagined ?

Depends on your beliefs about other religions and people.. and the potential it has to turn genocidal.
:lol: :lol:
Comparing Keyboard warriors with ISIS? Seriously? :hitwall:

As far as your comments on Indian society, INDIAN LAW doesn't discriminate (Unlike some other countries) and all are equal before it.

If anyone, be it a MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN, PARSI, BUDDHIST or even a HINDU is a victim of religious hatred. Courts will dish out appropriate punishment and adequate protection is provided to them

Still waiting for 'appropriate' punishment for the thousands killed in the past 20-30 years. Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Christians.....where is the court justice for them?
Real power comes from ideology, hence my comparison with the various priestly/ruler classes of other civilizations. They essentially made cultural policy from their perspective and were majorly responsible for the atrocities inflicted by the rulers on the people. Egypt for e.g. is a case in point.. the Pharoahs were fully supported and even provided ideas to engage in genocide based on the priestly class. What the animals within ISIS do now is essentially nothing more than the interpretation of their leadership/priest class.

Where do you think ISIS started? It started out as only a "anti-extension" ideology for Muslims against other Muslims. It started with "awareness" and lectures on the threat to the purity of Islam(just as Hindutva preaches on the sanctity and purity of hinduism being threatened)... then it moved onto open but verbal admonishing of other sects,ideals and religion(just as Hindutva is moving onto).. and eventually.. it started using force to first achieve "conversion" to their cause/religion..and after that genocide... which is exactly where the modern Hindutva phenomenon within India is heading to.
Your analogy with Egypt is not even comparable with India, Brahmins never held any power or influence within India apart from a few minor states, read our history in detail if you want to know in more detail.

Please tell me where the proponents of Hindutva have used force to convert others on a major scale comparable to ISIS? Also the stages you mentioned could be used for any religion or nation, it's clear you have some sort of agenda or bias here, you may as well admit it instead of making assumptions on a topic you know very little about.

I think he is quite right, the fanaticism was there, within segments of the society even more so when the Hindus saw their lands and lives plundered by the outside invading Muslims. They have to vent their anger or depression in one way or the other. Not much different than what the idiots like Taliban/Al-Qaida/ISIS do.
I think it would be more accurate to call them invading Turks and not invading Muslims.
I think he is quite right, the fanaticism was there, within segments of the society even more so when the Hindus saw their lands and lives plundered by the outside invading Muslims. They have to vent their anger or depression in one way or the other. Not much different than what the idiots like Taliban/Al-Qaida/ISIS do.
Kindly refrain from painting Hindus in general with some rooten eggs the same way you tell other people not to use word Islam with Al queda, ISIS and Taliban. For rest, I hardly comment in some religious threads unless I am dragged or forced to say something so I will leave that to other members.
Who do you think the ISIS militants who left for Kerala were my simple minded fellow? Internet warriors with the idea to bring back the glory days of Islam.. did not take them long to take up a gun and start murdering people.. who knows.. you might be out there with a machete cutting up Muslim women and Children if in the unfortunate circumstance you end up following a extremist Hindu preacher.

The problem with your assessment is that there aren't many Hindu extremist preachers. There may be a few morons who teach hatred against Muslims for political gains but they are very few and there is a constant media glare on them and let me make it clear to you, The people of India would stand by each and every Indian who adheres to the constitution of India, be it a Hindu, Muslim or anyone else.

The reason i have brought the other countries is: Many of the Islamic countries (especially countries where minorities are ill treated) have a biased law against the minorities, which give a feeling of supremacy to the majority. Unlike in India, everyone is EQUAL before the law. Get it?
so what does horus represent?? calling brahmins scums is fine according to you?? and what is the difference between an internet warrior and him??

Mods have the freedom to talk all kinds of nonsense , especially that one mod u talk back and u go pink
Your analogy with Egypt is not even comparable with India, Brahmins never held any power or influence within India apart from a few minor states, read our history in detail if you want to know in more detail.

Please tell me where the proponents of Hindutva have used force to convert others on a major scale comparable to ISIS? Also the stages you mentioned could be used for any religion or nation, it's clear you have some sort of agenda or bias here, you may as well admit it instead of making assumptions on a topic you know very little about.

So you are suggesting that at no time within pre-Islamic Indian history was the caste system used to commit excesses?
If you wish to bury your head into the ground I have no problem. If you cannot argue without your own bias against other religious, you will be thrown out of this forum with the very same speed at which you continue to post bigoted ideals.

I for one am open to suggestions that the caste system, and its upper echelons did not commit excesses against the lower caste within pre-Islamic Indian History.
so what does horus represent?? calling brahmins scums is fine according to you?? and what is the difference between an internet warrior and him??
The irony is that @Horus is from the Sheikh tribes whose ancestors were Brahmins who started calling themselves Sheikh after conversion to retain a high ranking status within society and falsifying Arab lineage.:lol:
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