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Gripen for Bangladesh?

Nah they said their country have money to spent on defense matter. Though its matter of believe

In my personnal opinion they should stick to Mig 29 and derivative like mig 35, and should complete one proper of 4 gen squadron fighter.
Today they allocated 300 milion to transfaer hundred thousand rohingya to a remote island, two weeks ago they gave close to 900 million to police to buy cc camera for dhaka city but they cant give mere 500 million to airforce. It happens when a woman heads the state.
Today they allocated 300 milion to transfaer hundred thousand rohingya to a remote island, two weeks ago they gave close to 900 million to police to buy cc camera for dhaka city but they cant give mere 500 million to airforce. It happens when a woman heads the state.
Problem is not only on govt.. BAF has pathetic leadership.This leadership crisis is present in all three branches of our armed forces, but BAF is exceptionally in it. If you look at the neighboring armed forces, there is always a gap of what their armed forces demand and what govt. provide.Armed forces always press the govt. for more weapon, more personnel, more capability.But in BD, armed forces, specially air force have no such a energy.Other than perhaps their own salary and UN mission they don't care anything.Govt. recently doubled their salary, so they are sleeping contently.These pathetic bunch of looser could not decide what fighter jet to procure in all these years, they got F-7 as a stop gap 6 years ago! This talk of 'BAF is currently evaluating 4.5th generation aircraft' is going on for at least 7-8 years now. Whatever little development happened in armed forces in recent years, I believe it is mostly due to Sheikh Hasina's own personal interest rather than any competence or demand from the military leadership of our armed forces.
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BD can very safely deal with uk. UK always has a soft corner for bd.

UK doesn't have anything for their own now anymore, Eurofighter is a consortium. It's sad to see British Aerospace industries loosing the top spot to other countries.
@Aung Zaya @madokafc

Remember these BD STRONK ppl celebrating 100 pages of deal accomplished+celebration on SU-30/JF-17/Mig-29/J-10/(INSERT whatever) ....and now its gripen :D...for like not even 1 squadron of aircraft.

Oh right Su-35, F-16, Rafale as well in (INSERT WHATEVER). Soon we will have F-18, Eurofighter, F-5, F-15 too. Hope everyone sticks to their price (given its just a few a/c and no real money or economy of scale/benefit) and BD govt sticks to theirs (being cheap and sucky at anything defense deal related), for this subforum rona drona sake :D

brace yourselves for these words. bro '' why are u so jealeous ? :P We have money. we will buy everything we want. we will buy at least 2 or 3 sq for AF and 2 sq for naval strike. just a few billion dollar does not matter for BD. BD have strong economy and 3.5 x GDP than Myanmar. blah blah blah. lol yes. BD STRONK. :P

As a citizen of Myanmar you two should be the last person to make these kinds of comment. If you really like to talk about money I can show you real money comparison with stat

National budget of Bangladesh is equivalent to 50 billion USD whereas in Myanmar it is 20.59 trillion kyats which is equivalent to 15.22 billion usd only which even has been reduced from previous year but for Bangladesh it is growing year on year steadily.

On top of it your country even lagged behind Bangladesh in terms of per capita GDP where it is 1524 USD for Bangladesh and 1374 USD for Myanmar.

With a modest budgets of 15.22 billion USD your military spend more on worthless defense gears, so where the real development is happening for your people specially on health, science and education?

Bangladesh itself get more money then entire national budget of Myanmar just as remittance. With 50 billion USD yearly budget do you really think it is really that much difficult for Bangladesh to spend on defense couple of billion? But Bangladeshi government still needs to spend on education, science, health care and other infrastructure as these are more high priority for Bangladesh then spending on defense.

In next 5 year Bangladesh has planned to develop 1 million software developer, launching 100 high tech park nationwide where is Myanmar in all these sectors except remaining as a pimp of China and India.

Till 2050 Bangladesh will remain as one of the top 3 nation of the world in terms of GDP growth and economy is projected to be 22nd largest in the world with 3.3 trillion USD. Will Myanmar come close anywhere to that? As Bangladesh is focusing to become more knowledge based economy real growth can be more higher. But you and your nation will always remain illiterate and pimp of China and get r***d by your savage janta.
As a citizen of Myanmar you two should be the last person to make these kinds of comment. If you really like to talk about money I can show you real money comparison with stat

National budget of Bangladesh is equivalent to 50 billion USD whereas in Myanmar it is 20.59 trillion kyats which is equivalent to 15.22 billion usd only which even has been reduced from previous year but for Bangladesh it is growing year on year steadily.

On top of it your country even lagged behind Bangladesh in terms of per capita GDP where it is 1524 USD for Bangladesh and 1374 USD for Myanmar.

With a modest budgets of 15.22 billion USD your military spend more on worthless defense gears, so where the real development is happening for your people specially on health, science and education?

Bangladesh itself get more money then entire national budget of Myanmar just as remittance. With 50 billion USD yearly budget do you really think it is really that much difficult for Bangladesh to spend on defense couple of billion? But Bangladeshi government still needs to spend on education, science, health care and other infrastructure as these are more high priority for Bangladesh then spending on defense.

In next 5 year Bangladesh has planned to develop 1 million software developer, launching 100 high tech park nationwide where is Myanmar in all these sectors except remaining as a pimp of China and India.

Till 2050 Bangladesh will remain as one of the top 3 nation of the world in terms of GDP growth and economy is projected to be 22nd largest in the world with 3.3 trillion USD. Will Myanmar come close anywhere to that? As Bangladesh is focusing to become more knowledge based economy real growth can be more higher. But you and your nation will always remain illiterate and pimp of China and get r***d by your savage janta.
but but monkeylands defense industry is so huge that it can earn more thn 1000000 billion by exporting tanks,fighter jets..
The BAF should sort out the SU-30 or whatever deal they were supposed to, first. Though Gripen is officially not on the list and they are likely to go get Russian planes, it makes their leadership look like a effing joke (which they already are). For the love of God, they should end their evaluation cycle and go buy something.
As a citizen of Myanmar you two should be the last person to make these kinds of comment. If you really like to talk about money I can show you real money comparison with stat

National budget of Bangladesh is equivalent to 50 billion USD whereas in Myanmar it is 20.59 trillion kyats which is equivalent to 15.22 billion usd only which even has been reduced from previous year but for Bangladesh it is growing year on year steadily.

On top of it your country even lagged behind Bangladesh in terms of per capita GDP where it is 1524 USD for Bangladesh and 1374 USD for Myanmar.

With a modest budgets of 15.22 billion USD your military spend more on worthless defense gears, so where the real development is happening for your people specially on health, science and education?

Bangladesh itself get more money then entire national budget of Myanmar just as remittance. With 50 billion USD yearly budget do you really think it is really that much difficult for Bangladesh to spend on defense couple of billion? But Bangladeshi government still needs to spend on education, science, health care and other infrastructure as these are more high priority for Bangladesh then spending on defense.

In next 5 year Bangladesh has planned to develop 1 million software developer, launching 100 high tech park nationwide where is Myanmar in all these sectors except remaining as a pimp of China and India.

Till 2050 Bangladesh will remain as one of the top 3 nation of the world in terms of GDP growth and economy is projected to be 22nd largest in the world with 3.3 trillion USD. Will Myanmar come close anywhere to that? As Bangladesh is focusing to become more knowledge based economy real growth can be more higher. But you and your nation will always remain illiterate and pimp of China and get r***d by your savage janta.
lol :partay:
are u getting high ?
yes. BD is RICH and STRONK. now happy ? :rofl:
check this guy. @Nilgiri bro. i just said about it.
lol :partay:
are u getting high ?
yes. BD is RICH and STRONK. now happy ? :rofl:
check this guy. @Nilgiri bro. i just said about it.

Compared to Myanmar obviously yes.
Stop behaving like a clown with a nation of only 15.22 billion dollar budget where Bangladesh gets same amount just from remittance.

No wonder HDI of Myanmar is low as well compared to Bangladesh, it is evident looking at your iq.
Compared to Myanmar obviously yes.
Stop behaving like a clown with a nation of only 15.22 billion dollar budget where Bangladesh gets same amount just from remittance.

No wonder HDI of Myanmar is low as well compared to Bangladesh, it is evident looking at your iq.

One thing to note the actual BD government spending in this fiscal is like to be 40 billion and not the budgeted 50 billion. Over recent years the actual budget spending has been around 80% of the planned one.

lol :partay:
are u getting high ?
yes. BD is RICH and STRONK. now happy ? :rofl:
check this guy. @Nilgiri bro. i just said about it.

Dude, are you aware that this is the last fiscal where BD government will need to allocate 1 billion US dollars to fund the building of the 4 billion US dollar Padma Bridge.?
An extra 1 billion US dollars a year can buy a lot of high quality fighter planes over 4-5 years.
One thing to note the actual BD government spending in this fiscal is like to be 40 billion and not the budgeted 50 billion. Over recent years the actual budget spending has been around 80% of the planned one.

If you see these monkeys they behave as if they are the richest in the world. They are from a nation where annual budget is only 15.22 billion usd and army spends more on defense, more then education and health care combined how progress will happen to Myanmar?
If you see these monies they behave as if they are the richest in the world. They are from a nation where annual budget is only 15.22 billion usd and army spends more on defense, more then education and health care combined how progress will happen to Myanmar?

They are relying on Chinese money from transit and buying of their natural resources.
In effect, they are China's whore.

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