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Greeks clash with police as devlet bahçeli visits Thessaloniki


Aug 31, 2010
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barbaric greeks


MHP Genel Başkanı Devlet Bahçeli, Balkanlar gezisi çerçevesinde Batı Trakya'da Gümülcine ve İskeçe'yi ziyaret etti.
Türk derneklerine giden MHP heyeti, Türk azınlık temsilcileriyle de bir araya geldi. MHP lideri Bahçeli, seçilmiş İskeçe Müftüsü Ahmet Mete ile makamında bir süre görüştü.
Bahçeli'nin Müftü Mete'yi ziyareti sırasında Altın Şafak üyesi yaklaşık 50 kişilik bir grup, İskeçe kent meydanında gösteri yaptı.
Devlet Bahçeli ve MHP'li milletvekilleri, Atatürk'ün evindeyken de dışarıdan slogan sesleri yükseldi. Protestolar, Bahçeli'nin Türk konsolosluğu ziyaretinde de devam etti.
Protestolara ardırmadan geziyi sürdüren MHP heyeti, Türk vatandaşlarıyla biraya geldi. Bu arada, Yunan polisinin MHP heyetinin gezisi sırasında olağanüstü tedbirler aldığı görüldü.
MHP lideri Devlet Bahçeli'nin protesto için "kuru gürültü" dediğini belirten MHP Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Yalçın, "Sayın Bahçeli, protestoculara cevap olsun diyerek, programda olmamasına rağmen cami ziyaretini de geziye aldı" dedi.
MHP Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Yalçın, Yunan polisinin gerekli önlemleri aldığını da sözlerine ekledi.
MHP heyeti, Selanik ziyaretinin ardından geniş güvenlik önlemleri altında Makedonya'ya doğru hareket etti.
Not a big deal, our guys would do the same :P

...please give an example.

... the last greek visit to turkey and Fener patriarch was a few days ago from the fm of the current greek government, however, i did not see such things in istanbul, or few years ago another greek fm did visit the same patriarch and also did visit some island (maybe kınalıada) in istanbul, and again i did not see such things.

the protesters in greece were of racist ''party''... please do not mix apples with pears.

...please give an example.

... the last greek visit to turkey and Fener patriarch was a few days ago from the fm of the current greek government, however, i did not see such things in istanbul, or few years ago another greek fm did visit the same patriarch and also did visit some island (maybe kınalıada) in istanbul, and again i did not see such things.

the protesters in greece were of racist ''party''... please do not mix apples with pears.


correct we shouldn't mix apples with pears. .and between us we both know which is which.
greeks do you know what a german official said to you guys? he called you a dog , and if you had honour you wouldnt pick the party that is dropping on their lap
correct we shouldn't mix apples with pears. .and between us we both know which is which.

i was not talking to you; but if you want a chitchat...

Nowadays people in europe are using the same word for multiple words; for example after your economical dra(h)ma people in europe nowadays do not use some adjectives such as corrupted, cheaters, lazy, panhandler, dishonest, racist, thief, bandit etc; instead they prefer to use only one word; and i am quite sure like most readers here you know the word.

...so stop talking here, you have no credit, but shame to feel.
i have no idea what that article says as it is not in english... but , i gather it is about the euro terms for bailout etc..

these ungrateful people should be happy that they are getting bailed out!!!

if it not for bailout, there country would get a lot worse economically, and would find themselves in an even worse situation then they will be with the bailout terms!!

better to do it hard for fewer years, then have it a tiny bit easier but have no improvements for longer
MHP is also capable of doing stupid things but if one think that a f...ing gen (ras) gives you right to akt as you want or makes you a higher human being then we got problems. Right fling parties are pupping up as mushrooms in the world and all we say is look at Greeks look at Turks or arabs.

For f,,cks sake people use you brains.

Asmalaka-> Do they call you Greek in Greece or are you a swede?
Bequse in my world I am a Turk in Bulgaria (my birth country) a foreigner in Sweden and a Bulgarian in turkey.

Actually I don't mind to be called different things as long as they find me as a diesent human being.
vatoz you are a turk in everywhere ,

i always wanted to ask greeks this question , why do you guys have so much problems with us and hate us and ask these questions

1. how many percentage of greeks hate turks , neutreal and say we should be closer

2. in you history books what do they teach you about us , arent you grateful that we let you stay christian when we could have made you muslim with the sword if we wanted to , arent you happy you kept your language and in 400 years we could have banned your language and everything with it and nobody will know it and you would be speaking turkish know
MHP is also capable of doing stupid things but if one think that a f...ing gen (ras) gives you right to akt as you want or makes you a higher human being then we got problems. Right fling parties are pupping up as mushrooms in the world and all we say is look at Greeks look at Turks or arabs.

For f,,cks sake people use you brains.

Asmalaka-> Do they call you Greek in Greece or are you a swede?
Bequse in my world I am a Turk in Bulgaria (my birth country) a foreigner in Sweden and a Bulgarian in turkey.

Actually I don't mind to be called different things as long as they find me as a diesent human being.

We never act disrespectfull agains another nations delegates or policies. Even burning other nations flag is agains our norms and values. So i dont know what you are talking about european. Dont act here that democracy is derived from Europe. Biggest suppressors on this planet are Europeans that lies about freedom.
50 people doesn't make any sense.. not worth to talk about.

every nation has such an ultranationalist barking barbars includes us off course..

we drink rakı and uzo looking to the same moon and the sea every night..
they keep trying to copy our stuff when we ruled them for so long , they try copy kebab , baklava , raki , and many more

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