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hahahahhah omgggg please mate leave this forum either you are stupid or you are playing a troll , half the pictures you sent isnt even real they are computer , wait my freinds great at this in 5 minutes hell make some turkish architecture you wont believe it hahaha idiot you made yourself look embarrased

guys so stupid hes showing made up pics and black and white paintings
hahahahhah omgggg please mate leave this forum either you are stupid or you are playing a troll , half the pictures you sent isnt even real they are computer , wait my freinds great at this in 5 minutes hell make some turkish architecture you wont believe it hahaha idiot you made yourself look embarrased

You act stupid or what? Those cities are rebuild by computers or drawings to exactly show how they looked like. It's al realistic image. You Turks borrowed everything from Greeks, Arabs or Persians. And I leave it by this. Here in Europe and elsewhere in the world you aren't famous for your civilizations. Don't ever get that idea. Most people outside of Turkey aren't really fond of you.
please show real pics otherwise you will look like an idiot i showed real proof , oh and you must really like tents


You act stupid or what? Those cities are rebuild by computers or drawings to exactly show how they looked like. It's al realistic image. You Turks borrowed everything from Greeks, Arabs or Persians. And I leave it by this. Here in Europe and elsewhere in the world you aren't famous for your civilizations. Don't ever get that idea. Most people outside of Turkey aren't really fond of you.

Your actually dumb , your making yourself like an idiot , rebuilds? many photoshoppers and computer proffesionals can do it they will even do a persian building in mars , you show me fake pictures and you are happy , europeons dont like us because they was frightened like .... , so the holy roman league combined with hasburg , spanish etc to stop us , i showed you real architecture , please show me yours , is that your civilization ? how many people visit persian civilization? Turkish tourist in 2011 was 31.5 million and like 10 million to istanbul , visiting sultan ahmet , topkapi palace , dolmabahce and many places what about iran?
Why dont you Ottoman and Surena get a room instead of derailing the thread?
sen nasil turksun be , beni desteklecegene dedigini bak . daha fazla yazardim ya kalsin
I didn't even read the whole thread. This topic is not even important; it's just some greek acting like animals again, no big deal.
i have no idea what that article says as it is not in english... but , i gather it is about the euro terms for bailout etc..

these ungrateful people should be happy that they are getting bailed out!!!

if it not for bailout, there country would get a lot worse economically, and would find themselves in an even worse situation then they will be with the bailout terms!!

better to do it hard for fewer years, then have it a tiny bit easier but have no improvements for longer

If not for Euro Greece would be a normal Balkan country with no major economical crisis... Greeks themseves share the blame too because it was foolish to accept same currency with an economical/productivity power house such as Germany and economicaly strong countries such as France and Britian although Britian suffers from huges debt but they have decades befre they need to pay that debts...

With Euro Greeks lost tourism and little production they had... If they return to Drahma they could be out of depression in a decade at worst but if they don't they will turn into a vassal for Germany and nothing more...
Ancient Persian architecture. Persepolis: the greatest city in antiquity:







Turkish architecture:


You can read here about Iranian architecture and its influences on the Turks and others:

Iranian architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It seems that you're high on crack or you are just plain stupid. First of all the tent is a yurt; it is for the turkic people of central asia. We are talking about ottoman turks... Yes when the Seljuks first arrived in Iran, they encountered an architecture based on old traditions. Integrating this with elements from their own traditions, the Seljuks produced new types of structures. This is similar with the Ottomans. Tradtions get influenced by neigbouring countries son; it's something normal. When the romans invaded britain and the whole of europe they influenced their traditions and their architechture.

Ottoman architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ancient Roman architecture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


However you trying to make Turks look like fools, interestingly, this proves you're ignorance and inferiority complex.
Just stop.

P.S. You are a lost soul....
Still don't get al that misplaced proud. They stole Constantinople, slaved and killed many East-Europeans and never build one city of importance.

Stole Constantinople? Man... I shouldn't even say anything after you wrote that but I just can't help myself...

Are you mentally challeged or what? What European nation built a city in contitinental Europe? What kind of century do you think Ottomans lived in? They weren't colonizers... They conquered already populated places...

Missplaced proud? Dude... Turks ruled from Atlantic and gates of Vieana to Pasific, created one of the strongest Empires in history of humanity.... Do you really think that its misplaced pride
There is nothing stolen in the standarts of that period, do you think Persian empires expanded by peace ?

Nomadic and settled peoples have different life styles, why nomads would give a f.ck about architecture ? thats not inferiority, two life styles are different in all aspects.

Cultural influence is natural as hell, happened everywhere, its like a chain everybody lesser or more influenced from others and influenced others, Babylonian and generally Mesopotamian influence was strong on early Persians for instance.

You have to be blind to not see what Seljuks and Ottoman did on Anatolia and Balkans.
There are cities built by turkics like kashgar in east Turkistan where Turks originally come from, but todays Turks know very little about those times. It's a piece of lost history :(
Yes there was settlements, since Uyghur elite preferred settled life, they builded cities and villages, some of the them greatly admried by Muslim and Chinese travellers, other nomadic entities had settlements too but generally trade posts, small forts and villages(changes from tribe to tribe)

As I said its about life style, if they had preferred settled life style in the beginning they would have a decent architecture.
I didn't even read the whole thread. This topic is not even important; it's just some greek acting like animals again, no big deal.

I resent that. There is plenty i could say now, but I won't stoop to your level.

be respectful, God and fate have a way of punishing the ignorant.
I resent that. There is plenty i could say now, but I won't stoop to your level.

be respectful, God and fate have a way of punishing the ignorant.

Boy, It will need to take more than a 'funny' comment for you to reach my level. Why get itchy? Can't you digest the truth? I just said what the 'people' look like in the photograph; atleast i can say what i think. You say that 'there is plenty' of things to say, but you say nothing. Well it is not you're fault; it is you're sub conscience telling that you are talking to me.

Well it's funny to hear the word 'god' from an orthodox, considering you lot celebrate pagan festivals...

P.S. 'I resent that'
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