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Greeks clash with police as devlet bahçeli visits Thessaloniki

We never act disrespectfull agains another nations delegates or policies. Even burning other nations flag is agains our norms and values. So i dont know what you are talking about european. Dont act here that democracy is derived from Europe. Biggest suppressors on this planet are Europeans that lies about freedom.
My dear friend I never said any thing about democracy don't know where you got that from all I said is that ultra nationalism is a dangerous thing that's all.

And for respecting other delegets Im shout that even Turks can show some disrespect agains other nations delegets.

And for burning flags Turks have burned a lot of flags f. Ex. Israeli French Chinese Swedish Danish well the list is long and actually I don't mind if they burn them.
But if you start to burn humans bequest you don't like there religion or politics like the burning of madamak
Then I got a problem with that.

Bu arada ben de türküm ve türk olmak dan da çok gururluyum.
Burning a country's flag is an honorless act whoever does this i do not consider him/her a Turk. Burning a man however, is an unhuman act and whoever does that i do not consider it a human.
vatoz you are a turk in everywhere ,

i always wanted to ask greeks this question , why do you guys have so much problems with us and hate us and ask these questions

1. how many percentage of greeks hate turks , neutreal and say we should be closer

2. in you history books what do they teach you about us , arent you grateful that we let you stay christian when we could have made you muslim with the sword if we wanted to , arent you happy you kept your language and in 400 years we could have banned your language and everything with it and nobody will know it and you would be speaking turkish know

Since you are making the most sense in here, I will respectfully answer you, I hope you will take the time to read what I will write before/if you reply.

1. Very few Greeks hate Turks. This can be attested by the high percentage of Greeks who visit Turkey regularly. Especially Istanbul (we still call it Constantinople, always) and Smyrna/Ismir.

The very few Greeks who indeed hate the Turks are the regular uninformed weak people which you can find anywhere. Pretty much your regular Gray wolves in Turkey. Only in Greece we are 7 times fewer than you, so not that many people. I guess these kind of people become Nazi's in Germany, KKK in the US etc. You can't avoid them.

To complicate things a bit further though, my personal experience is that Greeks mix much easier with western Turks than with Turks from Anatolia.
Perhaps you might have a theory for that.

2. These are some points that clearly show there is some misinformation between us.

a) 400 odd years is a long time. Some Turkish Sultans did indeed try to wipe out the Christian element in Greeks. Various means were employed. Violence or the "sword " as you call it were used.
Some other Sultans did not really care.

b)The Ottoman empire didn't really let Greeks speak Greek. It was the monks that kept the Greek language alive.
On the other hand, some Sultans let Greeks mind their own business for the most part.
This led to enough wealthy Greeks with ships and money which eventually could support the revolution against the Ottoman empire.
Actually in those days, the Greeks were the livest (and richest) part of the Ottoman empire. So much so that some Greeks were opposed to the revolution because they hoped to influence the empire from the inside using power and wealth.

I think Greek history books offer a rounded approach, but if you find what I wrote biassed feel free to.

It is common that in most discussions with fanatized Turks, the Megali Idea etc etc crops up.
It is true that the Megali Idea existed when the conditions were right. It was also abandoned when the world took another direction.
As I think a lot of Turkish ideas about Turkey in relation to the rest of the world did too.

that is my two cents ..take it as you will.

i was not talking to you; but if you want a chitchat...

Nowadays people in europe are using the same word for multiple words; for example after your economical dra(h)ma people in europe nowadays do not use some adjectives such as corrupted, cheaters, lazy, panhandler, dishonest, racist, thief, bandit etc; instead they prefer to use only one word; and i am quite sure like most readers here you know the word.

...so stop talking here, you have no credit, but shame to feel.

I actually live abroad, not in Greece. I spent my time between the US and the UK. Also travel to Sweden and Finland alot.

I never saw or felt the things you mention. Actually I was witness to a huge protest labelled "we are all Greeks!!" in the center of Paris.

How about that ?

The first step to be a better person, is to open your eyes to the truth. ..

Greeks: Best example for civilization!!!

Greeks are the First and still only example of civilization, all others are poor imitations. You best remember that.

Burning a country's flag is an honorless act whoever does this i do not consider him/her a Turk. Burning a man however, is an unhuman act and whoever does that i do not consider it a human.

I agree about the flag (and the man ofcourse) . I think it is a leftist habit to burn flags. We got plenty of communists in Greece.
Greeks are the First and still only example of civilization, all others are poor imitations. You best remember that.
It was very good untill this part. Greeks very often look down on Turks because of nomadic ancient history and i don't think it's healthy. We may not left many relics but we lived by a strict code we fought and died with it and that alone deserves respect.

To me ancient Greece was never an imperial power not even a real nation-state most of the time. It was where divided city-states interacted with each other which only led to philosophical achievements. Some chapters in high school philosophy lesson, that's it. We wrote history with our very blood.
listen mate you i might consider myself a grey wolf but believe me , beleive me they have nearly no problem , you are not even in their agenda , their agenda is more anti-armenia , turkic union and like the country and try to defend our interest , i have never seen any grey wolf being like oh lets destroy greece oh this oh that but they will say stuff about karabagh or something and grey wolf isnt like a organisation its just like a symbol , any turk can be grey wolf its not like a such organisation or something , and also come on mate its funny if you say sultans tried to wife christian , so they couldnt break all churches stop every worship and full asimilation if they wanted to? and also another thing it wasnt only we let greeks speak greek ,others aswell , even fatih sultan mehmet knew greek and like 5 other languages so i dont think we tried to tottaly asimiliate greeks , greeks arent really in turkeys agenda or hate , just maybe sometimes when cyprus is issue thats it really , for example when you look at turkish-greek teams not just football other competetions aswell greeks act racist ( many examples) while we dont really act aggresive thanks for comments

It was very good untill this part. Greeks very often look down on Turks because of nomadic ancient history and i don't think it's healthy. We may not left many relics but we lived by a strict code we fought and died with it and that alone deserves respect.

To me ancient Greece was never an imperial power not even a real nation-state most of the time. It was where divided city-states interacted with each other which only led to philosophical achievements. Some chapters in high school philosophy lesson, that's it. We wrote history with our very blood.

i agree , philosophy or something and persian poems i heard of , but mate dont get me wrong but i heard greeks brought up gay or something and there was many gays so i dont think thats an achievement
It was very good untill this part. Greeks very often look down on Turks because of nomadic ancient history and i don't think it's healthy. We may not left many relics but we lived by a strict code we fought and died with it and that alone deserves respect.

To me ancient Greece was never an imperial power not even a real nation-state most of the time. It was where divided city-states interacted with each other which only led to philosophical achievements. Some chapters in high school philosophy lesson, that's it. We wrote history with our very blood.

Your view and I respect it.
But don't discount Greek blood. Pick up any Greek history book, you will rarely flick a page without a major war. And that is a lot of history. About 5000 years of documented one. That is a lot of wars, a lot of blood.

listen mate you i might consider myself a grey wolf but believe me , beleive me they have nearly no problem , you are not even in their agenda , their agenda is more anti-armenia , turkic union and like the country and try to defend our interest , i have never seen any grey wolf being like oh lets destroy greece oh this oh that but they will say stuff about karabagh or something and grey wolf isnt like a organisation its just like a symbol , any turk can be grey wolf its not like a such organisation or something , and also come on mate its funny if you say sultans tried to wife christian , so they couldnt break all churches stop every worship and full asimilation if they wanted to? and also another thing it wasnt only we let greeks speak greek ,others aswell , even fatih sultan mehmet knew greek and like 5 other languages so i dont think we tried to tottaly asimiliate greeks , greeks arent really in turkeys agenda or hate , just maybe sometimes when cyprus is issue thats it really , for example when you look at turkish-greek teams not just football other competetions aswell greeks act racist ( many examples) while we dont really act aggresive thanks for comments

i agree , philosophy or something and persian poems i heard of , but mate dont get me wrong but i heard greeks brought up gay or something and there was many gays so i dont think thats an achievement

I think you misunderstood me. I meant hot headed people who are bigots (and racist even) can be found everywhere.
I am sorry, but if you are anti-armenian and not anti-Greek you are the same to me. You mean I should be OK with KKK because they don't want to burn Greeks but blacks instead ?? I think not.
that nomadic thing you call ruled more than many empires some countries cant think about , even taj mahal was built by turks

It was very good untill this part. Greeks very often look down on Turks because of nomadic ancient history and i don't think it's healthy. We may not left many relics but we lived by a strict code we fought and died with it and that alone deserves respect.

To me ancient Greece was never an imperial power not even a real nation-state most of the time. It was where divided city-states interacted with each other which only led to philosophical achievements. Some chapters in high school philosophy lesson, that's it. We wrote history with our very blood.
@Ottoman-Turk I've seen many people with same MHP political bias like you in university dorm. They were extremist bigots they were beating up guys they see consuming alcohol and playing god in many other examples. Being an extremist is the issue not the underlying ideology.

Every ideology, even the religions get corrupted it's not stoppable.

that nomadic thing you call ruled more than many empires some countries cant think about , even taj mahal was built by turks
Oh c'mon... Don't get me started
@Ottoman-Turk I've seen many people with same MHP political bias like you in university dorm. They were extremist bigots they were beating up guys they see consuming alcohol and playing god in many other examples. Being an extremist is the issue not the underlying ideology.

Every ideology, even the religions get corrupted it's not stoppable.

You can not keep MHP responsable for this kind of acts. Their pilars and ideology are clear and corresponds to the nationalism of Ataturk. In time of communism virus, we all know that many propaganda machines tried to weak MHP's image by just doing the things you said.

This happens ofc almost in every kind of politic groups etc. But as we look to the Greece in general, they are filled with hate. The hate is there ofc because of the fact we conquered Constantinople and as a part of nature they want it back. Also the rum community in Turkey serves for the imperialist elites with hope Turkey will get devided and they get the city back.

I dont have to tell how many Turks got suppressed by these Greeks and also in Cyprus.

The greeks now even kicking other European people out their country for example some dutch people about two weeks ago beaten up by Greeks. And also Greeks love warm money from EU. And finally they got collapsed.

They are totaly out of control and this was just a sample.
shut up just because you got bullied dont take it out of them , too much alcohol isnt good we aint germans having beer 24/7 , those guys were always at the forefront of everything to help the country , dont get me started

amalakas why didnt greece say anything to some german official undirectly calling greeks dogs , by saying something like this , you cant let dogs guarding a sausage
@killuminati, i don't take you serious enough to read your post, sorry.

shut up just because you got bullied dont take it out of them , too much alcohol isnt good we aint germans having beer 24/7 , those guys were always at the forefront of everything to help the country , dont get me started
I didn't get bullied, it was typical of them. I'm not blaming MHP or any political party for this. Don't you fvcking understand? Every ideology gets corrupted in time, you may share the same ideas with them but their primitive brains think they can enforce it to others which is barbaric and idiotic.

Thank you
You can not keep MHP responsable for this kind of acts. Their pilars and ideology are clear and corresponds to the nationalism of Ataturk. In time of communism virus, we all know that many propaganda machines tried to weak MHP's image by just doing the things you said.

This happens ofc almost in every kind of politic groups etc. But as we look to the Greece in general, they are filled with hate. The hate is there ofc because of the fact we conquered Constantinople and as a part of nature they want it back. Also the rum community in Turkey serves for the imperialist elites with hope Turkey will get devided and they get the city back.

I dont have to tell how many Turks got suppressed by these Greeks and also in Cyprus.

The greeks now even kicking other European people out their country for example some dutch people about two weeks ago beaten up by Greeks. And also Greeks love warm money from EU. And finally they got collapsed.

They are totaly out of control and this was just a sample.

I am sorry you are just too far gone to get a decent response. You wouldn't understand it anyway.

shut up just because you got bullied dont take it out of them , too much alcohol isnt good we aint germans having beer 24/7 , those guys were always at the forefront of everything to help the country , dont get me started

amalakas why didnt greece say anything to some german official undirectly calling greeks dogs , by saying something like this , you cant let dogs guarding a sausage

The term "I won't dignify that with a response" ever crossed your mind?
that nomadic thing you call ruled more than many empires some countries cant think about , even taj mahal was built by turks

Taj Mahal is mostly based on Persian architecture. You can ask any architect about it. You Turks might had a empire, but never build any city of importance, the elements of your culture was borrowed from other civilizations and scientifically the Persians and Arabs were superior in any field. I don't get al that Turkish nationalism. If the Greeks think they are (culturally) superior to the Turks, than there are right.
hahah superior ? superior because they got ruled , i have not seen anyone superior got ruled by another thats so funny , your deluded if you didnt know taj mahal is turkish arcitechture , trying to steal it again , you guys were good at poems that is it . You are inferior to the turks by a big mile because nearly all your rulers was azeri turk so you are inferior to azeri turks aswell . If being gay ( my sociology teacher said that at the time being gay was like an honour or something highly for greeks ) and getting ruled by turks is being superior then so be it , the ruled is superior , nigeria is superior to english , senegal superior to french

Taj Mahal is mostly based on Persian architecture. You can ask any architect about it. You Turks might had a empire, but never build any city of importance, the elements of your culture was borrowed from other civilizations and scientifically the Persians and Arabs were superior in any field. I don't get al that Turkish nationalism. If the Greeks think they are (culturally) superior to the Turks, than there are right.

Taj mahal was made by Ismail Afandi an ottoman turkish arcitecture , designer of main dome

ustad isa turkish arcitect trained by mimar sinan of ottoman empire played key role in architectural design and there are many signs it made by turks ( check president gul visit to taj mahal he even says)

Timur turkish leader of timurids

Babur turkish leader of mughals

many more these are just examples of many turkish leaders of other empires other than ottoman

Atilla han

Shall i go on?
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