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Greeks clash with police as devlet bahçeli visits Thessaloniki

hahah superior ? superior because they got ruled , i have not seen anyone superior got ruled by another thats so funny , your deluded if you didnt know taj mahal is turkish arcitechture , trying to steal it again , you guys were good at poems that is it . You are inferior to the turks by a big mile because nearly all your rulers was azeri turk so you are inferior to azeri turks aswell . If being gay ( my sociology teacher said that at the time being gay was like an honour or something highly for greeks ) and getting ruled by turks is being superior then so be it , the ruled is superior , nigeria is superior to english , senegal superior to french


Empires come and go. Defeated by the Ottomans. Yes. Ruled. ahhh no. I am sorry you are missing a very big part of I have to say our common history.

You like it or not for 400 or so years our history was common. I am afraid you neither know it, nor respect it.
If you don't respect your own history you can't move forward.
^ Taj Mahal is mostly based on Persian architecture. Just look at all the sources. Don't fool yourself. Besides that,

Can anyone tell me where this superiority-feelings come from? This enormous misplaced pride in the supposed "great" culture of Turkey? I honestly wonder which 'great' culture is meant.


Where people like the Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, Persians and Romans created great civilizations, the Turks were still around as nomads in the steppes of Central Asia. Where the Egyptians, Greeks and Persians were engaged in philosophy, astrology and mathematics, no one had yet heard anything of the Turks. Where the Greeks, Persians and Romans build cities like Athens, Rome and built Persepolis, the Turks still slept in wooden huts. Anyway, if we can appreciate the Turks for something, then definitely it is their creativity. Our Turkish friends have even found a way to camouflage this lack of civilization. For example, the Sumerians supposedly were Turks. A fine example of falsification of history.


Let me only one period to tackle: Islamic science. While the Persians and Arabs had great scientists, no Turkish scientists made a name in the rest of the world - with the exception of the later Voyage. Jews, Persians and Arabs, who concentrated on medicine, astrology and mathematics were active, Turks still were hanging around in Central Asia. The largest contributions to the (Islamic) science have never been of Turkish hand. Indeed, the Turks sparkled in absence. One exception, I refer in particular to large contributions. As the contributions of Avicenna, Khwarizmi, Al-Kindi, Toesi and Averroes.


It speaks volumes that the greatest poet who ever set foot on Turkish soil was the Persian Rumi. At young age forced to leave his birthplace and move somewhere else to seek refuge. Where he eventually ended up in Konya. The nomadic Turks who still were illiterate as their tribal territory in Central Asia left and now make all sorts of bizarre claims like that Rumi was of Turkish origin. But of course, what else can we expect from the Turks? Overlooked that all the works of Rumi are wrote in Persian and written in one of his works he himself refers to the fact that he is of Persian descent. Anyway, Rumi saw himself as a global citizen and I respect that fully.


It doesn't surprises many people that Turkish architecture in essence is nothing really 'Turkish'. The biggest influences are in particular the Sasanian (Iranian) and Byzantine influences. Even the largest Turkish tourist attraction in the country is Hagia Sophia, originally a Byzantine cathedral. The Turks indeed have slept in homemade tents as the yurt. A great example of what the Turkish civilization has left us. Ahem.

Hence, the Turks over the centuries were extremely popular for the contributions they made to the rest of the world. Just kidding, the Turks were famous in the West and elsewhere as barbarians who could only conquer other great civilizations with all kinds of horrors. Comparable to the Mongol hordes; they were masters in conquering other areas, but they never had a civilization. Voltaire touches a sensitive chord in this regard:

"I wish fervently That the Turkish barbarians be Chased away Immediately out of the country or Xenophon, Socrates, Plato, Sophocles and Euripides. If we wanted, It could be done soon but seven crusades of superstition have leg undergraduate tasks and a crusade of honor will never take place. We know almost no city built by them; They let decay the most beautiful establishments of Antiquity, They reign over ruins. "

Again, why so proud?
I think this is besides which people did what.

I think this is a modern world, we have modern challenges to face and these attitudes really belong to the past.
I think this is besides which people did what.

I think this is a modern world, we have modern challenges to face and these attitudes really belong to the past.

Still don't get al that misplaced proud. They stole Constantinople, slaved and killed many East-Europeans and never build one city of importance.
Still don't get al that misplaced proud. They stole Constantinople, slaved and killed many East-Europeans and never build one city of importance.

It doesn't matter. Every one has their own place in the timeline. The problem with timeline is that it only goes forward.

Europe (a greek word in both origin and meaning actually) has a lot of problems to solve. The very quality of existence of the european peoples is at stake.
We have the future to fight for. The past was someone else's to fight for and these battles brought us here. Now we have to curve our mark in history. This time with a different kind of fighting. Ideology.
Taj Mahal facts:

The Master Architect Lahauri

When the construction of the Taj Mahal commenced, Shah Jahan entrusted the project to a board of architects from under his imperial supervision.

Ustad Ahmad Lahauri was generally considered the main architect of the Taj Mahal, although there were some slight discrepancies with who was the principal architect of the Taj Mahal.

Ustad Ahmad Lahauri has been described as “an architect in the court of Shah Jahan from Lahore” despite being a Persian. The board of architects included Abd ul-Karim Ma'mur Khan and Makramat Khan who also supervised the construction of the Taj Mahal.

Lahauri and the Team

Lahauri had the superiorly skillful hands of a great architect and a remarkable ear to Shah Jahan’s appropriate suggestions for alterations of the design, according to the court chronicler, Lahouri.
Shah Jahan’s role and dedication to the construction is undeniable as he showed immense interest in the construction. Overall, 37 men formed the creative unit, 20,000 workmen, and 200 painters.
Involved in the construction of the Taj Mahal were:

Ustad Isa and Isa Muhammad Effendi (Persia) - had a key role in the architectural design of the complex.
Ismail Afandi aka Ismail Khan(Turkey) – architect of the domes, including main dome.
'Puru' (Persia) —supervising architect
Qazim Khan (Lahore) – gold-caster of the finial.
Bebadal Khan – superintendent of the goldsmith department and poet.
Chrianji Lal (Delhi) – a lapidary, chief sculptor, and mosaicist
Amanat Khan Shirazi (Persia) –master calligrapher; former Abd-ul Haq, then granted the title “Amanat Khan” by Shah Jahan for his “dazzling gvirtuosity”.
Amir Ali (Baluchistan) –chief stone-cutter.
Muhammad Hanif – supervisor of masons.
Mir Abdul Karim and Mukkarimat Khan of Shiraz —finance manager and supervisor of daily production.

Bebadal Khan who built the famous gem-encrusted Peacock Throne with Amir Khusrau’s couplet inscribed which said ‘If there is a paradise on earth, it is here’, also composed a chronogram for the Empress Mumtaz Mahal - ‘MayParadise be the abode of Mumtaz Mahal’. The Peacock Throne originally stood in the Private Audience Hall until it was stolen by Nader Shah in 1738.

The Taj Mahal?s Architect: Lahauri and the Men Behind
mate i always say common history to greeks because it will make a better friendship but i have never seen greeks always against it or hate ottoman but my post wasnt to you but surenas who brought racial things , and i say if race is weighed then i commented

Empires come and go. Defeated by the Ottomans. Yes. Ruled. ahhh no. I am sorry you are missing a very big part of I have to say our common history.

You like it or not for 400 or so years our history was common. I am afraid you neither know it, nor respect it.
If you don't respect your own history you can't move forward.
It doesn't matter. Every one has their own place in the timeline. The problem with timeline is that it only goes forward.

Europe (a greek word in both origin and meaning actually) has a lot of problems to solve. The very quality of existence of the european peoples is at stake.
We have the future to fight for. The past was someone else's to fight for and these battles brought us here. Now we have to curve our mark in history. This time with a different kind of fighting. Ideology.

Yes, of course. I was not talking about the future, but about history.
People should not take these right-wing Greeks (forgot the name of their party) serious. They don't represent Greeks as much as our extremists represent our people. What matters is that Greece put the police there for the safety of our politican and I hope they kicked some greek-nazi *** too.
mate you are such a deluded person that you put sources that dont work and wikipedia sources and you take parts on purpose hahah funny guy i will show you know

Ustad isa

Ustad Isa (Isa Muhammad Effendi) of Persia — Turkish architect, trained by Koca Mimar Sinan Agha of the Ottoman Empire and frequently credited with a key role in the architectural design.

Turkish architect of persia trained by koca mimar sinan , did this go into your brain ? oh yeah what city did you build? tehran? hahahah today tehran is like kenya compared to istanbul , or ankara or izmir , compare it to my city like kayseri , dont compare ottoman turkish arcitecture and persian. you cry like a kid of your jelousy haha , europeons wrote them because they were frightened to hell of ottomans some ottoman architecture








ottoman houses macedonia
Yes, of course. I was not talking about the future, but about history.

Of course, history must be respected and if possible not twisted.
The unfortunate thing is that sometimes the twisting is political or ideological. Nevertheless, we still have a lot of ground to cover.

selimiye mosque

i cant be bothered to post more

this is persian architecture

they build these

Taj mahal was built by a muslim architect from our sub-continent .

The builders were also all from our sub-continent .

The style of Taj Mahal is Persian , Turkic and Indian combined .

Yes the Mughal dynasty was Turkic in origin but later they became heavily influenced with local Indian as well as Persian culture and largely adopted that way of life and also language .

They brought Turkic as well as Persian influence to India which has played a major part in building modern Indian society along with some British culture as well that came later .

Please don't talk about stuff you don't know .

Carry on with the discussion :tup:
persians visit this 24/7 hahah funny


yes mate rulers were mainly turkic

Taj mahal was built by a muslim architect from our sub-continent .

The builders were also all from our sub-continent .

The style of Taj Mahal is Persian , Turkic and Indian combined .

Yes the Mughal dynasty was Turkic in origin but later they became heavily influenced with local Indian as well as Persian culture and largely adopted that way of life and also language .

They brought Turkic as well as Persian influence to India which has played a major part in building modern Indian society along with some British culture as well that came later .

Please don't talk about stuff you don't know .

Carry on with the discussion :tup:


masterpeice architecture visit point for persians

how did those persian soldiers get anhiliated by those 300 men
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