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Featured Greek officials say UAE warplanes to arrive for joint drills

Turkey is anti UAE, i have seen comments on Youtube calling them bedouins and other racial terms. Even in Germany they think they are better than Syrians and Iraqis.
Still turks didn't do excercises with iran against uae did they?

Even we in Pakistan call UAE people Bedouin and arrogant human beings they are our brothers but arrogant fucks. Still we dont do excercises with iran or anti uae forces against UAE.

Looks like UAE's end has come near.
Pilots are up to nato standards with many hours of flights and top of the line aircraft. Block 60 for example are much better in all manners than Turkish aircraft.

UAE is a tiny desert. They can have the best in the world. They will be overrun like they didn't exist. That is how tiny UAE is.
Still turks didn't do excercises with iran against uae did they?

Even we in Pakistan call UAE people Bedouin and arrogant human beings they are our brothers but arrogant fucks. Still we dont do excercises with iran or anti uae forces against UAE.

Looks like UAE's end has come near.
Iran is not UAE enemy buddy, Turkey is UAE enemy.
UAE is a tiny desert. They can have the best in the world. They will ve overrun like thrye didn't exist.
Whatever you tell yourself, ground realties are different then your wishes.
The irony. I know pilots from UAE that flew F-16s on deputation with the Turkish Air Force. Also a few students flew T-38s as part of a foreign group trained in Turkey. Now they are being termed as rivals.
Rivals are almost equals. Or able to perform on the same field. Emirates are a people not worthy of comment
Turkey and Iran arent as close as you think, UAE has been trying to mend ties recently. They may be close on some views but nowhere near allies.

Greece and UAE aren't that close too. That's why drills such as this one would increase cooperation between Turkey-Iran.
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