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Greece to Patrol Bulgarian Airspace


Feb 9, 2014
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Greece to conduct Bulgarian air policing

Greek fighter aircraft will begin policing Bulgarian airspace by the middle of the year, following the signing of a landmark agreement between the two countries on 18 March.

Signed by the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) Chief of Staff Evangelos Tournas and his Bulgarian counterpart, Constantin Popov, the technical agreement defines a framework for cross-border air policing operations so the HAF can undertake air defence missions in Bulgarian airspace.

The HAF is expected to begin policing Bulgarian airspace in mid-2014, within 120 days from the date of signing.

The Bulgarian Air Force has a limited and ageing fighter fleet, consisting of MiG-29 'Fulcrum' and MiG-21 'Fishbed' fighters. The agreement with the HAF is therefore a logical move, based on NATO's similar arrangements with Bosnia and Slovenia and the three Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

A memorandum of understanding was originally signed between the two countries in November 2010, although the Greek parliament only ratified this through Law 4185/13 in 2013, which opened the way for the technical agreement.

In addition to other elements, the new agreement sets out the quick reaction alert (QRA) role for HAF fighters, alternative landing fields for HAF aircraft in Bulgaria, communications procedures, and fuelling arrangements.

Greece to conduct Bulgarian air policing - IHS Jane's 360
RIP Bulgarian Air Force.Shamefull decision,another one bites the dust.My money's on Croatia next.

What's the situation with Romanian AF? Why didn't Romania help out Bulgaria patrol it's air space?
RIP Bulgarian Air Force.Shamefull decision,another one bites the dust.My money's on Croatia next.

Are they allies? if they are what's the harm, they have problem with the fleet and budget so if greece can help them why not as an ally.

What's the situation with Romanian AF? Why didn't Romania help out Bulgaria patrol it's air space?

What do they have in their inventory to air patrol those mig-21s are in no position.
Are they allies? if they are what's the harm, they have problem with the fleet and budget so if greece can help them why not as an ally.

What do they have in their inventory to air patrol those mig-21s are in no position.

Yes they are.Some of them will be in service until 2018 until they're replaced by F16's.They even use western radars and weapons-israeli Python missiles.

What's the situation with Romanian AF? Why didn't Romania help out Bulgaria patrol it's air space?

Never been asked to but we only have 48 Mig 21's ,be they upgraded as they are which will be retired by 2018.To be replaced by second hand upgraded F16's...12 bought allready,arrival in 2016 after upgrade in the US,negociations for the rest ongoing
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Are they allies? if they are what's the harm, they have problem with the fleet and budget so if greece can help them why not as an ally.

What do they have in their inventory to air patrol those mig-21s are in no position.
This would mean that we have a bigger area to cover,we dont trust the Greeks;)
Yes they are.Some of them will be in service until 2018 until they're replaced by F16's.

Never been asked to but we only have 48 Mig 21's ,be they upgraded as they are which will be retired by 2018.To be replaced by second hand upgraded F16's...12 bought allready,arrival in 2016 after upgrade in the US,negociations for the rest ongoing

F-16 is a good choice even second hand but is US selling you AIM-120 bvr with it or not? Why didn't romania opt for Chinese product
I'm not sure whats more hilarious that Bulgaria is part of NATO or that Greece is going to expand their Military Operations into Bulgaria. (Because Greece is Bankrupt).

Anyways, we all know the Greeks are going to do some chest-thumping with this.
This would mean that we have a bigger area to cover,we dont trust the Greeks;)

LOL,Turks and Greeks will be squabbling over the Bulgarian corpse.

It's a shame actually,even it was small now,the Bulgarian AF has a long and nice tradition.Scumbag politicians :butcher:
F-16 is a good choice even second hand but is US selling you AIM-120 bvr with it or not? Why didn't romania opt for Chinese product

It allready included AIM 120 in the package for the first 12.

Chinese production ? The americans would love that...:astagh:
This would mean that we have a bigger area to cover,we dont trust the Greeks;)

Well but contract is signed now you are officially going to cover and watch for it. :police:

Why worry greeks have no money to get F-35s but gift from US that creates trouble so maybe in future greeks would get 20-30 F-35s compared to 110 Lightning II TuAF.
Well but contract is signed now you are officially going to cover and watch for it. :police:

Why worry greeks have no money to get F-35s but gift from US that creates trouble so maybe in future greeks would get 20-30 F-35s compared to 110 Lightning II TuAF.
Greece is done. In 5-10 years they wont even be considered a threat. Right now they still have some capabilities.
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