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Greece refuses to extradite DHKP-C leader to Turkey

These are normal secret service engagements..An airforce lieutenant have been made subject to Greek Secret Service... Do you think thats a big deal or what? These happen all the time.. Do you know how many Israeli agents are in prison in The US of A?

As for the Apo part of the article, do you really think Greece did that on her own without having a green light from bigger players i.e. Germany or France? Dont be naive

What i try to imply and what you didnt get is, Germany is doing it, France is doing it, Belgium is doing it, Italy is doing it etc so why not Greece? I gave you Fehriye Erdal example, she was caught but then escaped under Belgium authorities supervision...At least in Greece, court gave a "prejudicial qestion decision "

I say we should be active, not passive; if we follow your way, then everybody gets the courage to step over Turkey.

You yourself say that there are prisoned agents in usa; btw WHO supports them against Usa, russia? The point is what Turkey does, at this point i say we should react, you justify those actions and then ask me ''so what''. Do you think the independence war was the result of your way or mine?

If so then usually countries try to use some tactics to exert some pressure on another country.

That is one of other things i try to say.
I dont believe Greece dares to act on its own against Turkey nor do i believe they have all the capabilities to do it on their own. Their actions towards us are always secretly politically/morally/financially/militarily backed by some European powers, just like how they, greece, dared to invade us after WW1.
When push comes to shove, the big influential nations will clean up some insignificant pkk members in their own country as a good will sign towards Turkey, but when it comes to critical matters, they often/always somehow don't take sufficient measures. if you'd change pkk with any anti-western terroristic group, they would root that organization out quickly. Pkk's financial and manpower enlisting system in EU must be brought down, otherwise we will only go through circles without taking care of the cause. Denmark allowed roj tv, Netherlands closed training camps of pkk on their soil kinda late-ish and their media often doesnt brand the pkk as a terrorist group as opposed to al-qaeda etc., European support for the armenian 'genocide' and Cyprus matter, Germany's secret service played dirty with those killed Turkish people at the hands of some neo-nazi's. Greece housed pkk and dhkp-c. Syria did the same. We simply shouldn't trust anyone so simple. There are still tons of nations out there who hate us just for being Turks, no matter if you act as a westernized atheist, don't forget that. Some European countries purposely take a decision, like the cyprus and armenian question, against us that will put us in a disadvantage, then some years/decades later they start making half assed apologies like 'we made mistakes then' while the damage has already been done to Turkey and its reputation. That's why i think joining EU (culturally, mentally, religiously etc. different) will be a humiliation for us, not that it will happen anyway. That some fellow Turks are still in love with the EU :disagree: maybe if we silently and politely wait another few decades, we will finally be granted permission to join the nations that secretly did all of the above against us.
I say we should be active, not passive; if we follow your way, then everybody gets the courage to step over Turkey.

You yourself say that there are prisoned agents in usa; btw WHO supports them against Usa, russia? The point is what Turkey does, at this point i say we should react, you justify those actions and then ask me ''so what''. Do you think the independence war was the result of your way or mine?

Of course we should be active..I didnt say we shouldnt be..But, being active against Greece means nothing..Thats what i am trying to imply from the beginning..We are too much engaged with pulling off the petals, we should be engaged directly with the head

maybe if we silently and politely wait another few decades

You mean if we bow to them cuz at the end that will be their final demand
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