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Greece, Armenia 'butchered' by Turkey in past, Greek president says

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Dec 27, 2009
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011
ATHENS — Agence France-Presse


Greece and Armenia were "butchered" by Turkey in their past, the Greek president told his Armenian counterpart Tuesday as he bemoaned a costly arms race with Ankara that helped create Greece's vast debts.

"We were butchered by the same barbarian," President Karolos Papoulias told his counterpart Serge Sarkisian, who began a three-day visit on Tuesday.

He added that "many things have changed" since the early 20th century when the killings of Armenians and Black Sea Greeks occurred, and criticized a decades-old arms buildup that has cost Athens billions of euros.

"If we did not have the economic burden of arms balance we would not need the International Monetary Fund," 81-year-old Papoulias said.

"We give the most money in NATO for armament, this is unfair for a people that is peaceful," he added.

Athens nearly went bankrupt last year and had to be rescued by the European Union and the IMF when concerns over its massive budget deficits and a state debt of nearly 300 billion euros dried up new loans.

Greece says thousands of ethnic Greeks living on the southern shores of the Black Sea for centuries were massacred in Turkey during strife that accompanied the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the modern Turkish state.

Armenia charges that as many as 1.5 million of its kin were victims of genocide during World War I under the Ottoman Empire.

Ankara rejects the "genocide" charge, countering that 300,000 to 500,000 Armenians and at least as many Turks died in civil strife when Armenians rose up against their Ottoman rulers and sided with invading Russian forces.
Enjoying & playing with words !
Apart for stupidity of "barbarian" remark, it's interesting to hear such words coming from a who seems to have some capability to think even in his old age. "We give the most money in NATO for armament, this is unfair for a people that is peaceful". What did you expect? Your country invaded Turkey 90 years ago and you blame current economic crises that Greece goes through by hinting Turkey is responsible and call her a barbarian? Get some sense, jeez.

That only proves you (at least) are indeed a barbarian.. is that the message you want to send forward ??? bravo to you ...

The world is not a jungle. Just because you can kill someone, doesn't make you better, it only makes you a killer.

As far as the other comments.

knowing your own history makes you better for the future.

I think Turkey should step up and accept some of the mistakes of the past.

I have been in this debate a million times and you guys never seem to escape the established pattern

first - it is Greeks/armenians/kurds fault
then - turkey didn't do it, it's a lie
followed by - even if we did, we were justified
and finally the glorious - Yes we *****ing did it and we'll do it again because we are turks and we are frikkin stronger than anyone else, so shut up and be happy some are left alive, as proven by the above post...

there is far more to the turkish culture than these.. grow some balls, accept the past and carry on with the future... a peaceful future ..
Killing innocent people is wrong but what do you expect to happen when you wave the ottoman army on to fight but then stab them in the back by helping the enemy nation.......we all know what happened but the question the greeks-armenians never answer is that after living hundreds of years under the ottoman why did the there govt turn against the greeks-armenians?
That only proves you (at least) are indeed a barbarian.. is that the message you want to send forward ??? bravo to you ...

The world is not a jungle. Just because you can kill someone, doesn't make you better, it only makes you a killer.

As far as the other comments.

knowing your own history makes you better for the future.

I think Turkey should step up and accept some of the mistakes of the past.

I have been in this debate a million times and you guys never seem to escape the established pattern

first - it is Greeks/armenians/kurds fault
then - turkey didn't do it, it's a lie
followed by - even if we did, we were justified
and finally the glorious - Yes we *****ing did it and we'll do it again because we are turks and we are frikkin stronger than anyone else, so shut up and be happy some are left alive, as proven by the above post...

there is far more to the turkish culture than these.. grow some balls, accept the past and carry on with the future... a peaceful future ..

hahaha dont personalize that ;) it was my own thought just like the others have their own. Anyway im proud to be barberian with you guys greeks, rums, armenians, kurds.. you know what they say...speak the way that they can understand.. your hatred will never be ended, never will be friends with us, so sit there and be a good boy
And I guess the Greeks forgot the killing of the Turks who ended up on the wrong side of the border when they split from the Ottoman empire, and also when they went into get a share of the spoils after the ww1. So no one is as innocent as they want us all to believe.
The funny thing is they ignore that kind of accusations, pretending that it doesn't exist. Just like the attempted military coup by greek cypres. They pretend and ignore their own contribution.

It's very tempting to say, "should have wiped them off from the face of the earth". So i'll just think it. :P
That only proves you (at least) are indeed a barbarian.. is that the message you want to send forward ??? bravo to you ...

The world is not a jungle. Just because you can kill someone, doesn't make you better, it only makes you a killer.

As far as the other comments.

knowing your own history makes you better for the future.

I think Turkey should step up and accept some of the mistakes of the past.

I have been in this debate a million times and you guys never seem to escape the established pattern

first - it is Greeks/armenians/kurds fault
then - turkey didn't do it, it's a lie
followed by - even if we did, we were justified
and finally the glorious - Yes we *****ing did it and we'll do it again because we are turks and we are frikkin stronger than anyone else, so shut up and be happy some are left alive, as proven by the above post...

there is far more to the turkish culture than these.. grow some balls, accept the past and carry on with the future... a peaceful future ..

you are such an opportunist..you found an extremist nationalist like damm1t and exploiting it..i can show you dozen of faascist greeks on the net and i can say "greeks acting like barbarians,they should accept their past which is full of killings"

btw i wonder what this old monkey thinks about enosis?what did he expect us to do when we were in a war?throwing some flowers?

im always questioning my countrys past,and im very critical on it.thats why sometimes i have been called as "traitor".but i cant stand this arrogance..

btw you can google"hocali massacre" if you want to see what is barbaric..

barbaric acts belongs to all human-beings..but if you imply "we are peaceful creatures but barbaric muslims-turks murdered our people".
its unacceptable and illogical..

im ready to think objectively about armenian issue when it becomes a historical issue..but today its an ugly political move so we(turks) are not gonna accept your imposition..
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you are such an opportunist..you found an extremist nationalist like damm1t and exploiting it..i can show you dozen of faascist greeks on the net and i can say "greeks acting like barbarians,they should accept their past which is full of killings"

btw i wonder what this old monkey thinks about enosis?what did he expect us to do when we were in a war?throwing some flowers?

im always questioning my countrys past,and im very critical on it.thats why sometimes i have been called as "traitor".but i cant stand this arrogance..

btw you can google"hocali massacre" if you want to see what is barbaric..

barbaric acts belongs to all human-beings..but if you imply "we are peaceful creatures but barbaric muslims-turks murdered our people".
its unacceptable and illogical..

im ready to think objectively about armenian issue when it becomes a historical issue..but today its an ugly political move so we(turks) are not gonna accept your imposition..

oh come on, and you are calling me opportunistic , talk about the understatement of the century.

you were getting along fine there, until you started saying about the enosis thing. .. that is where your true colours shined through..

anywho, I don't like to avoid issues, and let me tell you.. the enosis things you turkish brute force funboys so much love to use as an excuse, was, is and will forever be a laughable thing for 99% of the greek population with the exception of some idiot nationalists.

the fact that you keep using it, means you believe in it more than any greek ever did.

oh, and let me not forget one thing. Just because you think you got an excuse to do something, it doesn't mean the excuse is real.

think about it..... friend
Looks like Greece and Armenia are equally stuck in the past. Greece also seems to think it is our fault their economy is down the drain. No one forced them to spend cash they didn't have. That was their choice and they are suffering the consequences. I think they still believe Turkey is trying to take aggressive action against them. These comments are alarming and shows what little interest both countries have at actually forging good ties with Turkey.

Last time i checked it was both countries that invaded Turkey trying to acquire their "historic and divine" land back. It was also Greece that supported the coup in Cyprus. Everyone knows who the aggressors are here.
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Looks like Greece and Armenia are equally stuck in the past. Greece also seems to think it is our fault their economy is down the drain. No one forced them to spend cash they didn't have. That was their choice and they are suffering the consequences. I think they still believe Turkey is trying to take aggressive action against them. These comments are alarming and shows what little interest both countries have at actually forging good ties with Turkey.

Last time i checked it was both countries that invaded Turkey trying to acquire their "historic and divine" land back. It was also Greece that supported the coup in Cyprus. Everyone knows who aggressors are here.


thank god you are around, or else historical accuracy would have been lost forever.

oh and by the way , wasn't the IMF in your country for years and years ???

economy is one thing, these issues are another...

thank god you are around, or else historical accuracy would have been lost forever.

oh and by the way , wasn't the IMF in your country for years and years ???

economy is one thing, these issues are another...

Seeing as your president thinks we are barbarians and your economic troubles are our fault i will have to disagree with that.

There was a time when Turkey needed aid and loans so yeah the IMF was there. Such times have since passed. See we don't blame other countries for such troubles.

I hope our FM sees these remarks and we take appropriate action against them. People should know their place in the world and act accordingly.
Seeing as your president thinks we are barbarians and your economic troubles are our fault i will have to disagree with that.

There was a time when Turkey needed aid and loans so yeah the IMF was there. Such times have since passed. See we don't blame other countries for such troubles.

I hope our FM sees these remarks and we take appropriate action against them. People should know their place in the world and act accordingly.

ohhh.. and what is that place in the world you are talking about ?

care to point it out ?
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