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“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

This guy is a pathetic Jewish retard probably from a Jewish Medina tribe. Whenever any mention of Arab unity against Israel is brought up you goes on a rampage.

He's no Arab. He's a Jew and we are against him.

Is there anyone you have not called a jew here, maybe it's you not us
It's true he doesn't give a **** about any other state in the region, he shouldn't hide it, all his posts show it

Yet he is the first one to talk about Islamic unity or sometimes Arab unity. Of course what he means with "Arab/Islamic" unity is MB/Hamas rule everywhere and everyone that does not agree with his irrelevant and 20 and 100 year old political parties is an apostate.:lol:

I mean ALL active Arab users here on PDF will tell you the same. Or him accusing us of being Jews.:lol:

Yet he is barely able to write in Arabic and every sentence he writes is full of grammatical errors which other Arab users here can confirm. Thought you should know.:lol:

Also never a word about the Qatari Royal family. Wonder why that is although they are worse when it comes to the things that he supposedly cares about and complains about. Yet of course those "concerns" become irrelevant when it suits his political goals. Had Qatar not hosted the Hamas leadership he would be crying about them too.

Anyway let him "liberate" Palestine from his keyboard in Michigan. He should just stop trying to make HIS problems and that of his people to the problems of the 450 million or so Arabs because that's not the case.

He also need to once and for all realize that people who do not agree with Hamas are not necessarily supporting Israel. Rather they believe that another way would be more beneficial for the Palestinians.

In any case let them deal with their own mess. They cry about foreigners telling them what to do and when they don't to that they cry about the lack of support. You can't make them happy and if you do they bite your finger just like they did in Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon etc.

I am out. Let the kid live in his dreamland and that fake "syed" writing bullshit above.
It's true he doesn't give a **** about any other state in the region, he shouldn't hide it, all his posts show it

And all your posts about Iraq. Golly Jee, I wonder why? :rofl::omghaha:

Is there anyone you have not called a jew here, maybe it's you not us

So now I'm the Jew? Let's ask the Jews then. :laugh:
And all your posts about Iraq. Golly Jee, I wonder why? :rofl::omghaha:

So now I'm the Jew? Let's ask the Jews then. :laugh:

Not all,
Except you don't see me telling others to die for us which is what you're doing.

You don't see me angry at neighbors for why they don't use their air force to attack ISIS our greatest enemy, you do.
This guy is a pathetic Jewish retard probably from a Jewish Medina tribe. Whenever any mention of Arab unity against Israel is brought up you goes on a rampage.

He's no Arab. He's a Jew and we are against him.
I am not sure of it. There is no lack of more loyal than the king-type Muslim Arabs. Once I was in discussion with my friend, (who happened to be a Palestinian BTW), on why KSA allowed US troops on her soil. He said, according to shariah it is ok to seek help from kuffar to destroy your enemy. I asked him, but Iraq is a Muslim country, how a Muslim can get aligned with kuffar to kill his own Muslim brother, he said, politically it is allowed. Come on, Arabs are those who have killed three of their four Caliphs, and even killed 72 of the family members of their own prophet (Muhammed). The clash between Banu Ummaya and Banu Abbas is all documented, when Banu Abbas dugged up the graves of Ummayads and hanged the corpses. They are talking about their glory history. This is their history.
Not all,
Except you don't see me telling others to die for us which is what you're doing.

You don't see me angry at neighbors for why they don't use their air force to attack ISIS our greatest enemy, you do.

You retard I don't get involved in other states internal affairs simply because I don't know much about them It's not rocket science.

I don't know you have a problem with that. In Islam we have a duty to die for Islamic causes. Whether it's fighting occupation in Iraq, Palestine, or Afghanistan. This is duty ordained on us by God. But NO, you just want division and are obsessed with nation states that colonial Britain created.

And here you're upset at me for saying I don't approve of any US military actions irregardless of who they target. The US has a lot of blood on its hands. I will never support such a criminal regime. That's due to my disdain towards the US government. Not out of love for ISIS.

Those same ISIS are the same Saudi's you're trying to appease on this forum who are killing your people. But, whatever, you don't get the message ever do you.

I am not sure of it. There is no lack of more loyal than the king-type Muslim Arabs. Once I was in discussion with my friend, (who happened to be a Palestinian BTW), on why KSA allowed US troops on her soil. He said, according to shariah it is ok to seek help from kuffar to destroy your enemy. I asked him, but Iraq is a Muslim country, how a Muslim can get aligned with kuffar to kill his own Muslim brother, he said, politically it is allowed. Come on, Arabs are those who have killed three of their four Caliphs, and even killed 72 of the family members of their own prophet (Muhammed). What is expected from than what they are already doing. The clash between Banu Ummaya and Banu Abbas is all documented, when Banu Abbas dugged up the graves of Ummayads and hanged the corpses. They are talking about their glory history. This is their history.

What an idiot, shame on that person. He is probably an Arafat sympathizer. We had Palestinians like that who worshipped Arafat and would literally kill anyone who criticized him. This Hasani guy you see here is no different. He's a king worshipper which is why he's so defensive of them. Even though in Islam our own hadith tells us we Arabs will face a period of dictatorship(Which we should oppose) yet these moron Arabs on this forum have no religious inspiration at all so they think I attack those monarchies out of personal gain. Even though we know we will be judged by God.

Hamas is the opposite of these king worshippers who purchase golden cars/chairs/belly dancers/ etc...

That's why they hate them and me so much.
You retard I don't get involved in other states internal affairs simply because I don't know much about them It's not rocket science.
You do, that's lieing.

I don't know you have a problem with that. In Islam we have a duty to die for Islamic causes. Whether it's fighting occupation in Iraq, Palestine, or Afghanistan. This is duty ordained on us by God. But NO, you just want division and are obsessed with nation states that colonial Britain created.
Do you know the user 'Islamrules' , he's Egyptian. We don't see any nationalism coming from him, his interest is Islam not Egypt, however all you care about is Palestine, Islam is just used to gather support like Pan Arabism was back some decades ago.

And here you're upset at me for saying I don't approve of any US military actions irregardless of who they target. The US has a lot of blood on its hands. I will never support such a criminal regime. That's due to my disdain towards the US government. Not out of love for ISIS.
I dislike the US, you live in the US.

Those same ISIS are the same Saudi's you're trying to appease on this forum who are killing your people. But, whatever, you don't get the message ever do you.
Just because I agree about some thing with him doesn't mean I appease them. Don't pretend like you care about those people dieing.
Eh, 21% of the Israeli population (fastest growing as well) is already made up by Arabs. Do you see them "sabotaging" Israel? No on the contrary a lot are happy to be Israeli citizens. Of course they prefer living in Tel Aviv than in Gaza for instance or some refugee camp. Likewise 2/3 of all Israelis of today have Mizrahi blood - meaning Jews from the ME of which 80% or so came from Arab countries such as especially Morocco, Yemen, Iraq etc.

Idiotic conspiracy theories. Yes, Israel is going to annex the holy and ancient city of Madinah and all those regions of KSA, Egypt, half of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc. Yeah, right.:lol: The Israeli Arabs will be at forefront of those grand projects.:lol:

The numerous Jewish tribes etc. of KSA 1500 years ago, before and the centuries that followed were either assimilated, converted, intermarried or migrated. Those that were outright hostile/violent were dealt with. Hence they at one point turned into obscurity.

Yes, we are indeed best friends with our cousins. Israel is a secret member of the Arab League and the GCC. in fact we should really become allies as soon as possible. Israel dwarfs most others in the region 100 times over based on per capita achievements and the entire Muslim world combined.:lol:

Israel and Israelis never harmed 95% of all Arabs. Why the **** should we hate Jews for just being Jews? Especially when many are Jews from the Arab world. KSA should stop caring about Palestine too to this absurd degree. Only about Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa. Nothing to gain other than complaints, insults etc. Let them deal with their own self-created mess

If only more were like you
Good point. Which is why democracy is our path. But, not the Jewish democracy. Our democracy.
Israeli democracy:


Hamas democracy:

Eh, 21% of the Israeli population (fastest growing as well) is already made up by Arabs. Do you see them "sabotaging" Israel? No on the contrary a lot are happy to be Israeli citizens. Of course they prefer living in Tel Aviv than in Gaza for instance or some refugee camp. Likewise 2/3 of all Israelis of today have Mizrahi blood - meaning Jews from the ME of which 80% or so came from Arab countries such as especially Morocco, Yemen, Iraq etc.

Idiotic conspiracy theories. Yes, Israel is going to annex the holy and ancient city of Madinah and all those regions of KSA, Egypt, half of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc. Yeah, right.:lol: The Israeli Arabs will be at forefront of those grand projects.:lol:

don't you think that the reason these 21% Arabs are not doing anything from within because they are not supported from outside? I bet if the situation would be threatening for Israel in a war with multiple Arab countries, Israeli Arabs would simply switch sides if Israel was losing the war. In theory, the chance of this happening would only increase if Israel's Arab population would be much bigger.

So you're basically saying 'screw Palestines, hope Israel finishes the job, so that we, Arab countries, can have even better relationships with each other'? Imo, some/many Arab leaders escape responsibility to help the Palestines, because they dont wanna burn their hands. Let's say for example Israel picks on Lebanon or Jordan in the future, would you now forsake them too just to maintain good relationship with Israel? Not saying Hamas is an angel (prefer to be neutral about this topic), but imo Arab leaders have not shown any/much critical support/input in this case as i expected.
don't you think that the reason these 21% Arabs are not doing anything from within because they are not supported from outside? I bet if the situation would be threatening for Israel in a war with multiple Arab countries, Israeli Arabs would simply switch sides if Israel was losing the war. In theory, the chance of this happening would only increase if Israel's Arab population would be much bigger.

So you're basically saying 'screw Palestines, hope Israel finishes the job, so that we, Arab countries, can have even better relationships with each other'? Imo, some/many Arab leaders escape responsibility to help the Palestines, because they dont wanna burn their hands. Let's say for example Israel picks on Lebanon or Jordan in the future, would you now forsake them too just to maintain good relationship with Israel? Not saying Hamas is an angel (prefer to be neutral about this topic), but imo Arab leaders have not shown any/much critical support/input in this case as i expected.

Arabs sacricifed more for the Palestinians than any other people will ever do from now until the End of Times. That's a fact.

But unfortunately when they are unable to help themselves, are ungrateful, are fighting among themselves and demand special treatment they can go and screw themselves. Had it not been for Al-Aqsa I would not care more about the Palestinians than I care about other innocents dying in the world. Muslim or non-Muslim.

The problem with some of them is that they think that the world evolves around their conflict and that they are entitled to special treatment and that a currently Arab world largely embodied in problems will throw everything at them while often being in a worse state than the Palestinians themselves. Unfortunately many Arabs are fooled and sentimental. I am not talking about the ordinary Palestinian but the "my way or the highway types" that Hazzy977 represents. Anyway they are largely hated in the Arab world anyway.

Yes, I have nothing against normalizing relations with a neighbor (Israel) that is going nowhere.

My post below in another thread basically says it all. This is how more and more Arabs are feeling for each day that goes. Thank God.

I have not read the thread other than the thread title.

Who went to war for the sake of the Palestinians AS THE ONLY PEOPLE EVER? Arabs.

Who went to war more than once for the sake of the Palestinians? Arabs.

Who have donated more for Palestinian resistance groups historically? Arabs.

Who have donated more humanitarian aid than anyone? Arabs.

Who have financed and rebuilt more buildings, infrastructure, mosques, hospitals etc.? Arabs.

Who ALWAYS stood up for Palestinians since Israel got created in 1948? Arabs.

Who expelled most of its Jewish population after Israel's creation and treatment of the Palestinians? Arabs.

Who hosts and who has welcomed more Palestinian refugees than anyone else by far? Arabs.

Who always hosted Palestinian leaders in their lands and famous Palestinians that were sought after by the West and Israel? Arabs.

Who now hosts the leader of Hamas? Arabs.

Whose people's support can the Palestinians always count on? Arabs.

Who has since 1948 banned Israelis from traveling to their countries and a wide range of other initiatives? Arabs.

Who has until this day made the most realistic peace plan to date? Arabs.

Who sacrificed more blood, tears, money, politics etc. for the Palestinians and the Palestinian cause? Arabs.


I seriously suggest that you find new partners. We are tired of your likes and their ungratefulness. I suggest that you run for help to non-Arabs but they have not even done 1/100 of what the Arabs have done for you. Let them deal with your mess.

Quite frankly it is not the 450 million or so Arabs problem that you Palestinians are in your own mess. It is largely self-created. Especially considering that most of the land was sold by wealthy Palestinian landlords to Jewish migrants.

Also had it not been for Hijazi's and their victory in the Arab Revolt most of the Arab world in the ME would still be ruled by non-Arabs and Palestine would just be the name of a historical region and little more. The Brits betrayed their promises too but that's another discussion altogether.

Even secular Shia Arab girls (that I know personally from an Arab organization in Copenhagen and Arab diaspora gatherings in Copenhagen) from Najaf are crying about Palestine while their country is on fire and in a much worse state. Yet your likes have the audacity to complain.


You people make me sick. No wonder that Palestinians have a very poor reputation in the Arab world.

Hell, thousands of diaspora Arabs from dozens of Arab countries (Sunni, Shia, Christian, Atheists etc.) were demonstrating against Israel in Copenhagen (me included) and all over the world from South America to Indonesia but I don't think that you deserve all this attention if those are the thanks. Especially as many other Arabs suffer from more worse conditions yet do not even get 1/100 of the publicity the Palestinians get.​

You should not get fooled by all the anti-Jewish propaganda in the Muslim world and all those idiotic conspiracy theories. Israel will never annex Jordan, Lebanon or whatever county there is and if they do it's not my problem.

Besides this conflict that involves the Palestinians should not drag the 450 million or so Arabs down simultaneously as it once happened and it created only troubles.

Let's make a perspective for once. Do you see Turkey going to war to liberate those 3-4 Turkic states that exist who are controlled by Russia and have been that for centuries and who earlier even annexed them and did more harm to them than Israelis have ever done to the Palestinians by looking just at the casualties? The Russians did more harm to the Crimean Tatars alone than Jews have done to Arabs in all of history.

Will Turkey go to war with China if they annexed Kyrgyzstan tomorrow? I highly doubt this. Did Turkey do anything of note when Armenia annexed Azeri land?

It's only on forums that this childish and fake nationalism exists. In real life few people actually care and even if they do there is a long way from words to action.
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“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan". Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East | Global Research

The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment.

According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”

View attachment 44425

When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing war on Syria, not to mention the process of regime change in Egypt, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East. The latter consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of an Israeli expansionist project.

“Greater Israel” consists in an area extending from the Nile Valley to the Euphrates.

The Zionist project supports the Jewish settlement movement. More broadly it involves a policy of excluding Palestinians from Palestine leading to the eventual annexation of both the West Bank and Gaza to the State of Israel.

Greater Israel would create a number of proxy States. It would include parts of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the Sinai, as well as parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. (See map).

According to Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya in a 2011 Global Research article, The Yinon Plan was a continuation of Britain’s colonial design in the Middle East:

“[The Yinon plan] is an Israeli strategic plan to ensure Israeli regional superiority. It insists and stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geo-political environment through the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.

Israeli strategists viewed Iraq as their biggest strategic challenge from an Arab state. This is why Iraq was outlined as the centerpiece to the balkanization of the Middle East and the Arab World. In Iraq, on the basis of the concepts of the Yinon Plan, Israeli strategists have called for the division of Iraq into a Kurdish state and two Arab states, one for Shiite Muslims and the other for Sunni Muslims. The first step towards establishing this was a war between Iraq and Iran, which the Yinon Plan discusses.

The Atlantic, in 2008, and the U.S. military’s Armed Forces Journal, in 2006, both published widely circulated maps that closely followed the outline of the Yinon Plan. Aside from a divided Iraq, which the Biden Plan also calls for, the Yinon Plan calls for a divided Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria. The partitioning of Iran, Turkey, Somalia, and Pakistan also all fall into line with these views. The Yinon Plan also calls for dissolution in North Africa and forecasts it as starting from Egypt and then spilling over into Sudan, Libya, and the rest of the region.


Greater Israel” requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states.

“The plan operates on two essential premises. To survive, Israel must 1) become an imperial regional power, and 2) must effect the division of the whole area into small states by the dissolution of all existing Arab states. Small here will depend on the ethnic or sectarian composition of each state. Consequently, the Zionist hope is that sectarian-based states become Israel’s satellites and, ironically, its source of moral legitimation… This is not a new idea, nor does it surface for the first time in Zionist strategic thinking. Indeed, fragmenting all Arab states into smaller units has been a recurrent theme.” (Yinon Plan, see below)

Viewed in this context, the war on Syria is part of the process of Israeli territorial expansion. Israeli intelligence working hand in glove with the US, Turkey and NATO is directly supportive of the Al Qaeda terrorist mercenaries inside Syria.

The Zionist Project also requires the destabilization of Egypt, the creation of factional divisions within Egypt as instrumented by the “Arab Spring” leading to the formation of a sectarian based State dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

That has been the plan from day and to fullfil this plan they need to take out Pakistan first which they would try to do through there master USA or ally India
Arabs sacricifed more for the Palestinians than any other people will ever do from now until the End of Times. That's a fact.

But unfortunately when they are unable to help themselves, are ungrateful, are fighting among themselves and demand special treatment they can go and screw themselves. Had it not been for Al-Aqsa I would not care more about the Palestinians than I care about other innocents dying in the world. Muslim or non-Muslim.

The problem with some of them is that they think that the world evolves around their conflict and that they are entitled to special treatment and that a currently Arab world largely embodied in problems will throw everything at them while often being in a worse state that then Palestinians themselves. Unfortunately many Arabs are fooled and sentimental. I am not talking about the ordinary Palestinian but the "my way or the highway types" that Hazzy977 represents.

Yes, I have nothing against normalizing relations with a neighbor (Israel) that is going nowhere.

My post below in another thread basically says it all. This is how more and more Arabs are feeling for each day that goes. Thank God.

You should not get fooled by all the anti-Jewish propaganda in the Muslim world and all those idiotic conspiracy theories. Israel will never annex Jordan, Lebanon or whatever county there is and if they do it's not my problem.

Besides this conflict that involves the Palestinians should not drag the 450 million or so Arabs down simultaneously as it once happened and it created only troubles.

Let's make a perspective for once. Do you see Turkey going to war to liberate those 3-4 Turkic states that exist who are controlled by Russia and have been that for centuries and who earlier even annexed them and did more harm to them than Israeli's have ever done to the Palestinians by looking just at the casualties?

Will Turkey go to war with China if they annexed Kyrgyzstan tomorrow? I highly doubt this. Did Turkey do anything of note when Armenia annexed Azeri land?

It's only on forums that this childish and fake nationalism exists. In real life few people actually care and even if they do there is a long way from words to action.
to a non-Arab it seems strange and a bit saddening that Arab leaders seem to fail to make one fist against Israel. Im not talking about militaristic moves, but political ones. All this while Arab countries are way bigger in economics, land mass, population, you have some leverage through oil, you guys are geographically really close to each other, yet to me it seems Arab leaders are more after their own personal interest. Is it impossible for the Arab league to truly unite and tell the US; either you do something about Israel or you can kiss us, Arab league, goodbye? As for the comparison with Turkic countries, they are relatively too poor, weak, dependent, smaller in population, remote from Turkey to make a difference, unlike the Arab world that seems to have the ingredients to be able to stand on its own feet, yet are too divided by their (coward?) leaders. Had expected more input from the Arab league as a whole. Don't get me wrong, i am not trying to diss the Arab world, after all a stable ME is in the interest for the Arab countries and Turkey due mutual trade, investments and maybe even joint military industry co-operation.
to a non-Arab it seems strange and a bit saddening that Arab leaders seem to fail to make one fist against Israel. Im not talking about militaristic moves, but political ones. All this while Arab countries are way bigger in economics, land mass, population, you have some leverage through oil, you guys are geographically really close to each other, yet to me it seems Arab leaders are more after their own personal interest. Is it impossible for the Arab league to truly unite and tell the US; either you do something about Israel or you can kiss us, Arab league, goodbye? As for the comparison with Turkic countries, they are relatively too poor, weak, dependent, smaller in population, remote from Turkey to make a difference, unlike the Arab world that seems to have the ingredients to be able to stand on its own feet, yet are too divided by their (coward?) leaders. Had expected more input from the Arab league as a whole. Don't get me wrong, i am not trying to diss the Arab world, after all a stable ME is in the interest for the Arab countries and Turkey due mutual trade, investments and maybe even joint military industry co-operation.

Mate, I stopped carrying about it. What can I do and why should I waste my time with all this? KSA has it's own challenges and problems. I rather deal with them.

You know very well that there are enough of Muslims in the world that are willing to kill all Jews if given the opportunity. With all due respect I am sure that you can find thousands willing to do such a thing in just Pakistan alone. My point is that had Israel not been this powerful it would not have existed anymore had it been up to the Muslim masses.

I don't hope that KSA is going to waste its time, resources etc. on something that is already a lost cause and something that they had no role in creating.

Israel is here to stay. It's simple as that. If the Palestinians can get a homeland despite that then good. I will support that. If not there is not much that I can do or anyone for that matter. It's been 66 years now.

I am not in any conflict with Jews or Israel anyway. It's not my people that sold land to Jewish migrants, not my leaders that have been incompetent, lost direct wars, not my people that are infighting despite having 1 common goal that should prevent such a thing from happening at ALL times, not my people that have backstabbed several Arab countries, not my people that equal 1 Israeli with 1000 Saudi Arabians, not my people that proclaim victory after losing 2000 people and only killing 30 enemies, not my people who are whoring themselves out to everyone and his dog etc.

Let them deal with their own mess I say. Keep KSA out of it. We should only look after our interests and that's it and that of Al-Aqsa which our ancestors built and controlled for a very long time.
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See the difference between my reply and that of yours. I replied with facts and maintaining my composure, you replied with emotion and used slangish/substandard language. This is the difference between an educated and a reactionary. If you read the last sermon of Muhammed (PBUH), he has disliked, in fact prevented Muslims to be proud of language, skin, clan etc. You Arabs do everything that Muhammmed (PBUH) has asked you not to do, yet you claim yourself to be his rightful descendant. Both Iran and Turkey, are doing far better than you, in every field, education, science, arts, literature, you name any field and they are ahead of you by miles. You on the other hand are still in the dark-age mentality of this clan is better than that clan. Palestinians are doing correct when they look towards Turkey and Iran, because these are the countries who have spine to look into the eyes of Zionist state.

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