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“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

if this were to happen in the following decade, wouldnt that be great for the Arab world? This way Arabs in greater Israel should outnumber the Jews overwhelmingly and sabotage from within etc :) it's a silly project, maybe could be true if things radically change 200/300 years later or so.

Eh, 21% of the Israeli population (fastest growing as well) is already made up by Arabs. Do you see them "sabotaging" Israel? No on the contrary a lot are happy to be Israeli citizens. Of course they prefer living in Tel Aviv than in Gaza for instance or some refugee camp. Likewise 2/3 of all Israelis of today have Mizrahi blood - meaning Jews from the ME of which 80% or so came from Arab countries such as especially Morocco, Yemen, Iraq etc.

Idiotic conspiracy theories. Yes, Israel is going to annex the holy and ancient city of Madinah and all those regions of KSA, Egypt, half of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc. Yeah, right.:lol: The Israeli Arabs will be at forefront of those grand projects.:lol:

Not to forget you guys are the only one capable of putting up a fight with Israel & also you are allies

The numerous Jewish tribes etc. of KSA 1500 years ago, before and the centuries that followed were either assimilated, converted, intermarried or migrated. Those that were outright hostile/violent were dealt with. Hence they at one point turned into obscurity.

Yes, we are indeed best friends with our cousins. Israel is a secret member of the Arab League and the GCC. in fact we should really become allies as soon as possible. Israel dwarfs most others in the region 100 times over based on per capita achievements and the entire Muslim world combined.:lol:

Israel and Israelis never harmed 95% of all Arabs. Why the **** should we hate Jews for just being Jews? Especially when many are Jews from the Arab world. KSA should stop caring about Palestine too to this absurd degree. Only about Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa. Nothing to gain other than complaints, insults etc. Let them deal with their own self-created mess.
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nope lol, I dont use twitter at all...

When I Googled "Syrian Lion Twitter", the first link outcome will direct into a Twitter Blog with the username Syrian Lion, and everything about the live news in Syria.

The blogger also claims to be a Christian from Syria, and I thought it was you.

Eh, 21% of the Israeli population (fastest growing as well) is already made up by Arabs. Do you see them "sabotaging" Israel? No on the contrary a lot are happy to be Israeli citizens. Of course they prefer living in Tel Aviv than in Gaza for instance or some refugee camp. Likewise 2/3 of all Israelis of today have Mizrahi blood - meaning Jews from the ME of which 80% or so came from Arab countries such as especially Morocco, Yemen, Iraq etc.

Idiotic conspiracy theories. Yes, Israel is going to annex the holy and ancient city of Madinah and all those regions of KSA, Egypt, half of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc. Yeah, right.:lol: The Israeli Arabs will be at forefront of those grand projects.:lol:

The numerous Jewish tribes etc. of KSA 1500 years ago, before and the centuries that followed were either assimilated, converted, intermarried or migrated. Those that were outright hostile/violent were dealt with. Hence they at one point turned into obscurity.

Yes, we are indeed best friends with our cousins. Israel is a secret member of the Arab League and the GCC. in fact we should really become allies as soon as possible. Israel dwarfs most others in the region 100 times over based on per capita achievements and the entire Muslim world combined.:lol:

Well, many Israeli nationalists also prefer to gain a bigger piece of land, but the dream and the reality don't always come together.

Thus, the Greater Israel is very unlikely to be happened.
Retarded Conspiracy theorists.

Israel have barely enough Jews to form a majority in Israel + Palestine itself. Why would it embark on this suicidal mission of demographic destruction?
When I Googled "Syrian Lion Twitter", the first link outcome will direct into a Twitter Blog with the username Syrian Lion, and everything about the live news in Syria.

The blogger also claims to be a Christian from Syria, and I thought it was you.
yeah I dont use twitter, my accounts Syrian Lion is only associated with PDF and YouTube
When I Googled "Syrian Lion Twitter", the first link outcome will direct into a Twitter Blog with the username Syrian Lion, and everything about the live news in Syria.

The blogger also claims to be a Christian from Syria, and I thought it was you.

Well, many Israeli nationalists also prefer to gain a bigger piece of land, but the dream and the reality don't always come together.

Thus, the Greater Israel is very unlikely to be happened.

There are 400 million Arabs in the Arab world. How are 7 million Israelis of which 2 million are Arabs themselves going to annex Arab land that is inhabited by millions of Arabs? Idiotic conspiracy theories are unfortunately very popular on PDF and Muslim circles of late.

In any case I believe that KSA should establish relations with Israel. A lot to gain from such a cooperation. Let the keyboard warriors here cry foul about Israel and let the cartoon characters of real life make empty threats just to get their asses kicked militarily, academically, economically and on most other fronts.

Israel should become a member of the GCC. They already recognized Arabic as an official language and host millions of Arabs. Both parties are the strongest in the ME anyway aside from Turkey. A partner that can be used for something. Can we say the same about 90% of Muslim countries? No.

this is bibi's dream though. He's laying the ground work for this. If israel attempted this america would fully back them

Of course it is.:lol:
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There are 400 million Arabs in the Arab world. How are 7 million Israelis of which 2 million are Arabs themselves going to annex Arab land that is inhabited by millions of Arabs? Idiotic conspiracy theories are unfortunately very popular on PDF and Muslim circles of late.

In any case I believe that KSA should establish relations with Israel. A lot to gain from such a cooperation. Let the keyboard warriors here cry foul about Israel and let the cartoon characters of real life make empty threats just to get their *** kicked militarily, academically, economically and on most other issues.

Israel should become a member of the GCC. They already recognized Arabic as an official language and host millions of Arabs. Both parties are the strongest in the ME anyway aside from Turkey. A partner that can be used for something. Can we say the same about 90% of Muslim countries? No.

LOL, I hope the Saudi regime does so publicly. So that way they'll last at most 24 hours. :rofl:
LOL, I hope the Saudi regime does so publicly. So that way they'll last at most 24 hours. :rofl:

You would be surprised to know that most people are fortunately changing. Moreover your likes are crying about 90% of all Arab countries being allies with Israel and it being obvious so why don't we see any complains then?

Arabs should only care about Al-Aqsa and Al-Quds. Nothing more and nothing less until we see signs of any gratefulness which rarely comes from the Palestinians.

This is not our problem. It's your problem and you should deal with it. How the hell is Palestine an Iraqi, Saudi Arabian, Yemeni, Egyptian, Libyan, Moroccan etc. problem? It is not. Those people and countries have problems of their own and nobody is helping them.

KSA should also stop donating to ungrateful people and should immediately stop acting like a open charity. If that does not stop the House of Saud can indeed be toppled for all I care.
“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan". Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East | Global Research

The following document pertaining to the formation of “Greater Israel” constitutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist factions within the current Netanyahu government, the Likud party, as well as within the Israeli military and intelligence establishment.

According to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”
View attachment 44425

When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing war on Syria, not to mention the process of regime change in Egypt, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East. The latter consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of an Israeli expansionist project.

“Greater Israel” consists in an area extending from the Nile Valley to the Euphrates.

The Zionist project supports the Jewish settlement movement. More broadly it involves a policy of excluding Palestinians from Palestine leading to the eventual annexation of both the West Bank and Gaza to the State of Israel.

Greater Israel would create a number of proxy States. It would include parts of Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, the Sinai, as well as parts of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. (See map).

According to Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya in a 2011 Global Research article, The Yinon Plan was a continuation of Britain’s colonial design in the Middle East:

“[The Yinon plan] is an Israeli strategic plan to ensure Israeli regional superiority. It insists and stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geo-political environment through the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.

Israeli strategists viewed Iraq as their biggest strategic challenge from an Arab state. This is why Iraq was outlined as the centerpiece to the balkanization of the Middle East and the Arab World. In Iraq, on the basis of the concepts of the Yinon Plan, Israeli strategists have called for the division of Iraq into a Kurdish state and two Arab states, one for Shiite Muslims and the other for Sunni Muslims. The first step towards establishing this was a war between Iraq and Iran, which the Yinon Plan discusses.

The Atlantic, in 2008, and the U.S. military’s Armed Forces Journal, in 2006, both published widely circulated maps that closely followed the outline of the Yinon Plan. Aside from a divided Iraq, which the Biden Plan also calls for, the Yinon Plan calls for a divided Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria. The partitioning of Iran, Turkey, Somalia, and Pakistan also all fall into line with these views. The Yinon Plan also calls for dissolution in North Africa and forecasts it as starting from Egypt and then spilling over into Sudan, Libya, and the rest of the region.


Greater Israel” requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states.

“The plan operates on two essential premises. To survive, Israel must 1) become an imperial regional power, and 2) must effect the division of the whole area into small states by the dissolution of all existing Arab states. Small here will depend on the ethnic or sectarian composition of each state. Consequently, the Zionist hope is that sectarian-based states become Israel’s satellites and, ironically, its source of moral legitimation… This is not a new idea, nor does it surface for the first time in Zionist strategic thinking. Indeed, fragmenting all Arab states into smaller units has been a recurrent theme.” (Yinon Plan, see below)

Viewed in this context, the war on Syria is part of the process of Israeli territorial expansion. Israeli intelligence working hand in glove with the US, Turkey and NATO is directly supportive of the Al Qaeda terrorist mercenaries inside Syria.

The Zionist Project also requires the destabilization of Egypt, the creation of factional divisions within Egypt as instrumented by the “Arab Spring” leading to the formation of a sectarian based State dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Bunch of bollocks. This is the real map of Greater Israel:

You would be surprised to know that most people are fortunately changing. .

Tell me something I don't know. :D

No one asked KSA for anything or complained to them. You're just going around ranting about allying with Israel.
LOL, I hope the Saudi regime does so publicly. So that way they'll last at most 24 hours. :rofl:

I am afraid that Hasani was mostly right, since this is current mindset for most of the Arab countries.

But you always hope that one day there will be no border between the Arab nations, am I right?
I am afraid that Hasani was mostly right, since this is current mindset for most of the Arab countries.

But you always hope that one day there will be no border between the Arab nations, am I right?

Right about what exactly?

All Arabs want a union/Unitarian system.
I am afraid that Hasani was mostly right, since this is current mindset for most of the Arab countries.

But you always hope that one day there will be no border between the Arab nations, am I right?

No, they don't.

Besides why should the Arab world not have relations with Israel just because of a a few million Palestinians? I only care about Al-Aqsa in Palestine and the safety of civilians. That's about it. I don't give a **** about Hamas or other groups. They don't represent any Arabs other than Gazans.

Full diplomatic relations with a neighbor (almost) in Israel will have very positive implications on many fronts.
But the rulers think differently, because the union will only create the uncertainty as who will become the leader of that union?

Good point. Which is why democracy is our path. But, not the Jewish democracy. Our democracy.
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