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Great Wall of Indus, as important for the region, as Great Wall of China


Apr 20, 2011
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While Great Wall of China may be a singular wall, that was used to protect mainland China from the tribal hoards,

Great wall of Indus is a combination of mountain ranges and rivers that have provided protection for the low lands of Pakistan and central regions of India.

Did Great wall of China always work. The answer is NO

Did Great wall of INdus always work? The answer is NO

However there were long periods of time when these walls held and allowed the lowlands and valleys to prosper and enjoy peace.

Obviously in contemporary times, defensive value of such walls have greatly diminished if an attacker is equipped with modern airforce and armor.

While the tribal hoards on the other side of the great wall of China have lost much of their strength

This is not the case in case of Great wall of Indus.

Here is why

1. the first line, the mountain range of Hindu-Kash (meaning "indus border") is being breached all thanks to tribals hoards in Wazirastan and in Kunr.

2. Second and backup line in the form of Indus river and its tributaries is being breached thanks to the Islamist militants like Lashkare Jhangvi,

Their must be a concerted and unified effort by all the nations in the low lands to somehow realize the grave danger we are in. And perhaps devise a strategy to shore up the Great wall of INdus.

Because if we do not, the tribal hoards will decend upon the people in the next 5 to 6 decades and burn down whatever has been built since the time of Maharaja Ranjeets Singh.

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