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Graveyard of empires

First your stats are incorrect... also by now you should have known tht its hardwork tht gets you to places not ethnicity... in this country even a hazara man can become a COAS......I.E..General Musa Khan...

Punjabis are intelligent and hard working people, they are occupying so much positions on merit...as a majority and as most powerful community they can be called rulers of pakistan.
On the other hand sindhis are second largest community but lag behind in every field and survive on quota system

This points to what I said though if spend time in place long enough you will adopt some of their culture, you spend the rest of your lives in one place then that is the only culture you know. There is no evidence to suggest Alexander was conquered culturally to the point where he completely dropped Greek culture, afaik as soon as he consolidated enough power and recruited enough troops he was back to fighting in India using the Greek Phalanx. Also like I said the diadochi that took over portions of his empire after he passed was completely enamered in the local cultures like Peucestas in your link became Persian completely, what was left of Egypt became completely Egyptian, the Indian holdovers became Indian, Macedonian remained Macedonian.

What happened in India is a whole different story when it comes to Persianization because it was brought about by invaders like the Lodis were Pashtun so obviously they would spread Persian culture and the Mughals were Persianized Turks before they set foot in Indian subcontinent.
ARe you a Persian?

or a Pakistani-Shia masquerading as an Ayatullahi slave $hit?

just curious.

Because the answer to your drivel depends on who you really are.

It is pathetic to see so many posters on PDF spreading ignorance nay arrogance without an iota of knowledge about Pakistan and Pakistani history.


Hes a persian who was born in Pakistan.. as for evil "Pakistani-shia masquerading as an ayatullahi slave shyt".... who gives a shyt... are you a wahabi shyt shovelling slave ? :lol:

Punjabis are intelligent and hard working people, they are occupying so much positions on merit...as a majority and as most powerful community they can be called rulers of pakistan.
On the other hand sindhis are second largest community but lag behind in every field and survive on quota system

Sindhis are also hardworking people... but their shytty "wadera" system seems to have broken their backs..

P.S= rural sindh is just a little better than baluchistan... if you know what i mean..
I didnt say today's punjabis are slaves/servants. As a majority they are rulers of pakistan. 80% of army, 70% of judiciary, 70% of beurocracy and 63% of parliment is punjabi....

I know what you said. You said Punjabis were British slaves then. I responded Punjabis are masters of Afghans today so let us talk of today. :)

Rulers of Pakistan bit is debateable and the answer varies depending whom you ask and where they reside.
Well sadly it is true that Pakistani government in cahoots with big Khans and Maliks of FATA, let the draconian rules continue on even after 1947.

Who can deny that fact, that FAT Maliks and Khans are milking Pakistani taxpayers,


utterly refusing the bring about a well deserved change in the law that mistreats their own people.

Truly sad.

And what is doubly sad.

That intellectuals like yourself, spend so much time on rolling in ethnic $hit, instead of posting and asking for ways to change the lives of FATA people.

IN some ways, your posts are helping the tribal Khans and Maliks to extend the draconian FCR, because you refuse to make that as number 1 priority.


FATA is in stone age because of FCR, only federal governament can end FCR but they dont want to end it as after that they have to allot budget to FATA..

I know what you said. You said Punjabis were British slaves then. I responded Punjabis are masters of Afghans today so let us talk of today. :)

Rulers of Pakistan bit is debateable and the answer varies depending whom you ask and where they reside.

Punjabis are not masters of Afghanistan...they are masters of KPK, the only pashtun lands which were truely pacified and conquered by british.
There is a difference between Alexander and Omar, since the former actually payed tribute to Persian culture. That is why modern-day aversion of Alexander among Iranians isn't entirely justified.

I do not believe this is the case. There is no hostility or very little to their successors compared to what they were subjected to historically and that can be simple be because they are the ones who literally conquered Persia. Umar however gets more hostility imo because his case is more recent and the current politics/religious alignment of the middle east.
I am Iranian.

There is nothing wrong with what I've said; that there is no historical Pakistani identity recorded, and that the only reason why you guys were after independence was due to your Islamic identity.

You made incorrect statements, and instead of quickly accepting your error, now you are continuing to spread misinformation.


I have met great intellectuals from Iran. Be they Muslim, or Bahais. I have met them in Pakistan and had the pleasure to interact with them while traveling to other countries.

Their main characteristic (and admirable one) was that they speak kindly and intelligently, fully weighing the rights and wrongs of their approach. Mix that with sweet and humbly spoken Persian language and accent, their speech becomes mesmerizing.

Your drivel on the other hand, is a knee-jerk collection of Islamists and Indian-street-vendor's mental orgasm following a poor and hurried handjob.

so sad to see such a vast difference in the intellectual abilities of the Iranians I have met face to face, and in comparison, your 2-bit $hit shoveling.

You have no idea about the struggle for Pakistan,

And you have no idea about the ancient history, and a 2-way transfer of knowledge between the people of Sindh valley and Iran, and spanning since the ancient times.

I hate to start historical dialogue in a thread on Afghanistan. But I do plan to start a separate thread so that we can discuss the history of Pakistani people, and their identity in fully detail.

So I urge you do justice with your background, instead of just doing the typical $hit shoveling PDF style.


Punjabis are not masters of Afghanistan...they are masters of KPK, the only pashtun lands which were truely pacified and conquered by british.

Indeed they are. There will not be peace in Afghanistan unless Islamabad, Punjab, Pakistan gives the OK after coming to agreement with Washington. Not to mention the number of Afghans that are literally indentured servants of Punjabis in Pakistan. KPK wale are considered brothers and only conspiracy theorists think there is a Punjabi plan to overlord over them.
Today if I go to Lahore I will find plenty of refugee Afghan who will polish my Punjabi boots. :lol:

Loling at refugees, very manly.

Isn't it ironical yet amusing, the son of Pakistani immigrants is loling at Afghan refugees?

You should be thankful that the white man isn't as harsh on foreign migrants as you people are to those who migrated to your parents country of origin.

The nokur in my Lahore home are all Afghan. :rofl:
Ghairat you said?

You mean the same Lahore in which Raymond Davis murdered two Punjabis? And still got away with it because ghairatmand Pakistani Army and gov.t didn't do crap to avenge the deaths of their very own citizens?

The same ghairatmand Pakistani Army and ISI+ Government that didn't do crap when NATO Apaches butchered 22 Pakistani soldiers?

Oh, that ghairat!!! The world has never witnessed such "ghairat" anywhere else.

Ye baat yaad zarroor rakhna bhai jaan, Allah aik na aik din gharroor ker ne walon ke aker zarroor thoray ga.

One day God will break the arrogance of those who make fun of others miseries.
FATA is in stone age because of FCR, only federal governament can end FCR but they dont want to end it as after that they have to allot budget to FATA..

Now you are talking like a slave of Federal government, the sarkari baboos, in the hope they hand you a monthly stipend.

Struggle for the equal rights for FATA people be damned. you just need to get your monthly quota.


then after putting that quota in your pocket, you continue posting drivel against the very hand that gave you the money.

in the hopes that next month that same hand will give you more.



Punjabis are not masters of Afghanistan...they are masters of KPK, the only pashtun lands which were truely pacified and conquered by british.

Yet more ethnic $hit shoveling INdian style.


Oh bhai,

KPK is ruled by civilized and intelligent Pashtuns.

While the uncouth tribals are working hard daily to destroy what the civilized Pashtuns have build in the last 60 years.

So sad to see, someone who throws $hit at his own forefathers, and

shovels it back into his own house.

What a smelly character

What a pathetic example for his own people.
Indeed they are. There will not be peace in Afghanistan unless Islamabad, Punjab, Pakistan gives the OK after coming to agreement with Washington. Not to mention the number of Afghans that are literally indentured servants of Punjabis in Pakistan. KPK wale are considered brothers and only conspiracy theorists think there is a Punjabi plan to overlord over them.

If by your logic punjabis are masters of afghans because some of afghans roam in punjab (90% of them are in kpk and balochistan) then we can also say that punjabis are masters of kpk because many of pathans are chokidars and drivers of your houses.
You mean the same Lahore in which Raymond Davis murdered two Punjabis? And still got away with it because ghairatmand Pakistani Army and gov.t didn't do crap to avenge the deaths of their very own citizens?

The same ghairatmand Pakistani Army and ISI+ Government that didn't do crap when NATO Apaches butchered 22 Pakistani soldiers?

Oh, that ghairat!!! The world has never witnessed such "ghairat" anywhere else.

Ye baat yaad zarroor rakhna bhai jaan, Allah aik na aik din gharroor ker ne walon ke aker zarroor thoray ga.

One day God will break the arrogance of those who make fun of others miseries.

Its funny to see a so called Pakistani advocating afghans who consider you enemies and slaves and talk shyt abt abt us... im a baluch... i would take a bullet for a Pakistani reguardless of his ethnicity... but never defend our enemies even if they are my own kin.... u are a disgrace..
FATA is in stone age because of FCR, only federal governament can end FCR but they dont want to end it as after that they have to allot budget to FATA..

The Tribes of FATA were the ones who took the initiative and liberated half of Kashmir, otherwise the Punjabi majority Army under the command of British general was hesitant to invade Kashmir.

And these proud loyalists to the British crown jump to spurt crap against Pashtuns and Afghans.

Punjabis are not masters of Afghanistan...they are masters of KPK, the only pashtun lands which were truely pacified and conquered by british.

They are not even masters of Pakistan.

They polish British boots, and they have been doing so for more than 200+ years and still very proud of their history, as is proven from their posts on this very thread.

If the whole of KPK and FATA was to rebel against the Pakistani state and Army, East Pakistan civil war will look like a joke.

Only Tehrik-e-Taliban insurgency has divided the area under pro-Taliban and Anti-Taliban militias.

Pakistani State and Army already has enough enemies to add fuel to the fire. All their enemies need is a united rebellion against the state of Pakistan, and secession won't be a problem.
Not to mention the number of Afghans that are literally indentured servants of Punjabis in Pakistan. KPK wale are considered brothers and only conspiracy theorists think there is a Punjabi plan to overlord over them.

So sad to see a fellow urdu-speaking talking $hit about poor Afghanistanis driven from their homes and their farms.


Do you even realize that no one leaves their home to live in disease infested camps, unless they are absolutely afraid of their own life and the lives of their wives, mothers, sisters, kids, and old parents.


have mercy,

Do not be a pompous @rse, as if you had the time and money to go feed a single Afghanistani kid, read him a book, and put a hand of protection on even a single orphaned child.

What a shameful post.

by a so called educated person.

What a shame.
Loling at refugees, very manly.

Isn't it ironical yet amusing, the son of Pakistani immigrants is loling at Afghan refugees?

You should be thankful that the white man isn't as harsh on foreign migrants as you people are to those who migrated to your parents country of origin.

You mean the same Lahore in which Raymond Davis murdered two Punjabis? And still got away with it because ghairatmand Pakistani Army and gov.t didn't do crap to avenge the deaths of their very own citizens?

The same ghairatmand Pakistani Army and ISI+ Government that didn't do crap when NATO Apaches butchered 22 Pakistani soldiers?

Oh, that ghairat!!! The world has never witnessed such "ghairat" anywhere else.

Ye baat yaad zarroor rakhna bhai jaan, Allah aik na aik din gharroor ker ne walon ke aker zarroor thoray ga.

One day God will break the arrogance of those who make fun of others miseries.

Mirchii laagi bhai? First of all there is difference between immigrants and refugees who have overstayed their welcome. Second of all the white man is just as harsh on the illegal aliens that are found within the borders here. If you have been here long enough than you should already know. Whereas when I speak about Pakistan I only speak the truth my nokur are Afghan and so if they have more ghairat than so called Punjabis who were once slaves of the British than by all means they should show it by heading back across the durand and carving up their own mustaqbil.

Pak fauj aur ISI kii bastii karne se mujhe kuch nai hota mai bhi tumare saare baatain maanta houn. :D Paar yeh bole keh Afghan ke undar zaada ghairat hai punjabi ya sindhi ya balochi ya kisi aur Pakistani seh toh unkii aukaad keh baare main mai to boluga.

Where I only been to Punjab and have connections to Punjab I only speak from my experience, I am sure there are plenty of Afghan slaves in Sindh and KPK and Balochistan as well.

Yes Allah will break the back of the arrogant so please tell this to the man who speaks of honor and demotes all else to historical servitude while disregarding the current servitude of his own people. Good day yaar.
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