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Graveyard of empires

Your karachi is graveyard of all non-mohajir ethnicities...karachi is "land of ethnic riots".

Karachi is a Metropolis,and its crime rate is no bigger than Reo or Newyork..Only reported more...
where ever people are proud of their murderous history and want to continue with that,they are in stone ages and deserve to remain there...

and still stuck in stone ages...

Atleast we didnt polish boots of british and didnt serve as their loyal boot licking servants....
Afghans are shaheen of iqbal...imaan, ghairat, khodi and bravery are more precious than boot licking.
No railways then...No railways now...
I can write similarities all day..But this being the first one for you to ponder..

No railways? You know that railways are a relatively modern phenomena, and the fact that your country (or India) has them is due to British rule?
No railways then...No railways now...
I can write similarities all day..But this being the first one for you to ponder..

Railway in subcontinent was gift of your british masters....railway is also in egypt because british ruled it but doesnt exist exist in neighbouring libiya or arabian gulf
The fact remains that Alexander took over local (Persian, Iranic) customs and married an Bactrian-Iranic princess, so in the end it was Alexander who was conquered.

Alexander also conquered Persia... as for marrying etc... if so than i guess mughals were defeated by the indians and afghans... ? :lol:
Railway in subcontinent was gift of your british masters....railway is also in egypt because british ruled it but doesnt exist exist in neighbouring libiya or arabian gulf

Sorry, which Gulf?

Alexander also conquered Persia... as for marrying etc... if so than i guess mughals were defeated by the indians and afghans... ? :lol:

No, the fact that Alexander took over Iranian customs, married an Iranian woman and called himself the King of Persia. So in the end it was Alexander and its troops who were conquered, not physically, but culturally, which is a much greater achievement.
Your karachi is graveyard of all non-mohajir ethnicities...karachi is "land of ethnic riots".

do you know who brought charas, prostitution, mafia, guns, crimes to karachi?
Sorry, which Gulf?

No, the fact that Alexander took over Iranian customs, married an Iranian woman and called himself the King of Persia. So in the end it was Alexander and its troops who were conquered, not physically, but culturally, which is a much greater achievement.

In the end he was a foriegn invader who conquered Iran,Afghanistan etc... and became a king of those territories...
Atleast we didnt polish boots of british and didnt serve as their loyal boot licking servants....
Afghans are shaheen of iqbal...imaan, ghairat, khodi and bravery are more precious than boot licking.

Today if I go to Lahore I will find plenty of refugee Afghan who will polish my Punjabi boots. :lol:

The nokur in my Lahore home are all Afghan. :rofl:
Ghairat you said?
do you know who brought charas, prostitution, mafia, guns, crimes to karachi?

Please dude... this thread isnt about this crap.

A foreigner who turned into a local.

Bruv please... he was a conquerer just like mongols... he took wives from various countries tht he conquered... and lived and died like a greek or macedonian... and even practised greek religion...
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