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Graveyard of empires

Despite of all its tribal warfares and 90s civil war, Afghan are living togather in the same country for last 3 centuries. Same can be said about new nation like pakistani? Just after 24 years of its creation, half of pakistanis separated as bangladeshis after bloody civil war....balochs are in rebellion since 1947. Some Sindhis threaten of sindhodesh. Mohajirs are in ethnic riots with every one. Pashtuns belt has taliban problem....sectarian violence in punjab and quetta. Are you better than afghans?

Afghans living together?
not really..more than half are in Pakistan....

and the rest are fighting and killing each other on daily basis...
Particularly the area around delhi, U.P and bihar.

because dehli, india, pakistan were the most fertile and rich lands in the known world china and far east were cut off from the known world

who would conquer afghanistan for few pieces of stones and charas?
What? Afghanistan is one of the most important strategically located countries in the world.

strategically located may be...But terrain and Blood thirsty people don't make it easy to develop any infrastructure..
No wonder the place is exactly the same as when tyrannosaurs used to roam the earth..
Then it were dangerous tyrannosaurs..now its dangerous people and have been such for centuries....and i dont think that's anything to be proud of..
What? Afghanistan is one of the most important strategically located countries in the world.

the strategic importance of afghanistan was only in the period when afghanistan was sandwiched between british empire and soviet empire

there is no afghanistan strategic importance since then
the strategic importance of afghanistan was only in the period when afghanistan was sandwiched between british empire and soviet empire

there is no afghanistan strategic importance since then

After that it became a testing ground of new weapons for all super powers....
No wonder the place is exactly the same as when tyrannosaurs used to roam the earth..
Then it were dangerous tyrannosaurs..now its dangerous people and have been such for centuries....and i dont think that's anything to be proud of..

afghanistan has been the same since Jurassic period lol
strategically located may be...But terrain and Blood thirsty people don't make it easy to develop any infrastructure..
No wonder the place is exactly the same as when tyrannosaurs used to roam the earth..
Then it were dangerous tyrannosaurs..now its dangerous people and have been such for centuries....and i dont think that's anything to be proud of..

FATA, balochistan, cholistan etc are also in stone age, jurrasic era.
What? Afghanistan is one of the most important strategically located countries in the world.

as in no one cares about you as a people and just wants the land for their own benifit?

FATA, balochistan, cholistan etc are also in stone age, jurrasic era.

Quetta alone is worth more than all of Afghanistan in every way
strategically located may be...But terrain and Blood thirsty people don't make it easy to develop any infrastructure..
No wonder the place is exactly the same as when tyrannosaurs used to roam the earth..
Then it were dangerous tyrannosaurs..now its dangerous people and have been such for centuries....and i dont think that's anything to be proud of..

Your karachi is graveyard of all non-mohajir ethnicities...karachi is "land of ethnic riots".
Ḥashshāshīn;4431269 said:
The Mongols conquered Afghanistan. Also the Greeks.

Also the Persians,Ashoka,Hindu shahi kingdom(?) and countless others..

There is a difference between invading a territory and subduing its populace. As @Pak-one rightfully mentioned, you are conquered when you have given up resisting you invaders armies and have adopted his culture and his way of life.

Afghans, or at least the Pashtuns, still follow their old tribal codes, still maintain their strict tribal heritage, and still speak their ancient Pashto.
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FATA, balochistan, cholistan etc are also in stone age, jurrasic era.

where ever people are proud of their murderous history and want to continue with that,they are in stone ages and deserve to remain there...

There is a difference between invading a territory and subduing its populace. As @Pak-one rightfully mentioned, you are conquered when you have given up resisting you invaders armies and have adopted his culture and his way of life.

Afghans, or at least the Pashtuns, still follow their old tribal codes, still maintain their strict tribal heritage, and still speak their ancient Pashto.

and still stuck in stone ages...
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as in no one cares about you as a people and just wants the land for their own benifit?

Quetta alone is worth more than all of Afghanistan in every way

I forgot about rural sindh, the people there are from ancient times.
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