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Grand theft auto: Belgian edition. 20-30 vaults robbed in Antwerp in unbelievable fasion


Jun 7, 2017
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Between 20 and 30 safety deposit boxes plundered by sewer bank raiders

Customers of a branch of the bank BNP Paribas Fortis on the Belgiëlei in Antwerp have been expressing concern as the extent of the weekend’s raid on the bank’s vault room starts to emerge. According to reliable VRT Sources between twenty and thirty safety deposit boxes were plundered.

4 february 2019, 16:22

Concerned customers gathered outside the bank on Monday morning. However, the bank wouldn’t yet say which deposit boxes had been emptied.

The customers first had to make a statement about the contents of their safety deposit box. One customer told VRT News that “A lot of people didn’t only have money or jewels there, but also personal things”.

The robbery was first noticed on Sunday afternoon. The robbers had entered the vault room through tunnels that linked to the sewers. Although neither BNP Paribas Fortis nor the police with confirm how much was taken, VRT source speak of between 20 and 30 safety deposit boxes having been plundered.

Potential vicitms line up in order to find out their deposit has been robbed

In a press statement the Antwerp Judicial Authorities speak of a “serious theft” and repeat that “the scale of what is stolen is still being investigated. We can’t give any further information for the time being”.

The Judicial Authorities are looking at CCTV footage in an effort to try and gather information about the raiders’ identities. Witnesses are also being interviewed by detectives. A Federal Police forensic team worked until deep into Sunday night examining the bank, the tunnels, the sewers and a house in the nearby Nerviërsstraat where the tunnels end.

Explenation of robbery: The robbers built a tunnel from the basement of the house (tunnel 1), connecting with sewers. The robbers proceede to follow the sewer system right intul the front of the bank, then proceeded to build another tunnel (tunnel2). The tunnel proceeded right until directly under the vault room, where the robbers robbed between 20-30 vault of the 150, before escaping.

The current whereabouts of the robbers are unknown.

A lot of jewelry is stored in the vault room. (the main storage owners are rather rich, with a lot of jewelry stored away, a sizeable portion of owners are suspected to be Jewish with valuable heirlooms from their family). It would not be surprising that at least 100.000 euros worth of goods has been stolen...

@Vergennes @Nilgiri
Between 20 and 30 safety deposit boxes plundered by sewer bank raiders

Customers of a branch of the bank BNP Paribas Fortis on the Belgiëlei in Antwerp have been expressing concern as the extent of the weekend’s raid on the bank’s vault room starts to emerge. According to reliable VRT Sources between twenty and thirty safety deposit boxes were plundered.

4 february 2019, 16:22

Concerned customers gathered outside the bank on Monday morning. However, the bank wouldn’t yet say which deposit boxes had been emptied.

The customers first had to make a statement about the contents of their safety deposit box. One customer told VRT News that “A lot of people didn’t only have money or jewels there, but also personal things”.

The robbery was first noticed on Sunday afternoon. The robbers had entered the vault room through tunnels that linked to the sewers. Although neither BNP Paribas Fortis nor the police with confirm how much was taken, VRT source speak of between 20 and 30 safety deposit boxes having been plundered.

Potential vicitms line up in order to find out their deposit has been robbed

In a press statement the Antwerp Judicial Authorities speak of a “serious theft” and repeat that “the scale of what is stolen is still being investigated. We can’t give any further information for the time being”.

The Judicial Authorities are looking at CCTV footage in an effort to try and gather information about the raiders’ identities. Witnesses are also being interviewed by detectives. A Federal Police forensic team worked until deep into Sunday night examining the bank, the tunnels, the sewers and a house in the nearby Nerviërsstraat where the tunnels end.

Explenation of robbery: The robbers built a tunnel from the basement of the house (tunnel 1), connecting with sewers. The robbers proceede to follow the sewer system right intul the front of the bank, then proceeded to build another tunnel (tunnel2). The tunnel proceeded right until directly under the vault room, where the robbers robbed between 20-30 vault of the 150, before escaping.

The current whereabouts of the robbers are unknown.

A lot of jewelry is stored in the vault room. (the main storage owners are rather rich, with a lot of jewelry stored away, a sizeable portion of owners are suspected to be Jewish with valuable heirlooms from their family). It would not be surprising that at least 100.000 euros worth of goods has been stolen...

@Vergennes @Nilgiri

I feel sorry for the people but at the same time impressed by the modus operandi used. Same thing happened in Nice back in 76.
I feel sorry for the people but at the same time impressed by the modus operandi used. Same thing happened in Nice back in 76.
The robbers were extremely lucky, because during the operation, there could have been collapses and not to speak that the sewers are very toxic. That's why the whole country is quite schoked the operation was succesfull.
This is why you need basic audio sensor + algorithm to process it for safe deposit area.

Crazy operation though!
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