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Govt to legalise 2.8 million Bengalis in Pakistan

Well i did say anyone, so that includes, Bengalis, Afghans, Rohingyas, Tajiks etc etc. As long as they take the pledge to be loyal to Pakistan then grant them and their kids citizenship.

Now i know many people are going to go bonkers on this, but my reasons are simple. They are already here and have been here for so many decades, there is only a slim chance of them going back, so might as well grant them citizenship and bring them under the tax umbrella.
I like your spirit
They came on boats in a a very tragic state.Those slightly well-off took a flight.

@ topic, Those being called Bengalis are Rohingyas..There was a similar onlsaught on Rohingyas of Myanmar in 80s. this is a wrong decision. If this materializes we will see Pakistan as a magnet for all such refugees in future. Can Pakistan handle it?
There is a time and place for everything.
Those who decided to part ways in 1971 or their future generation should not be legalised. Many pan and cigerrate shops in Karachi are being run by these illegal immigrants, well they have the documents now, thanks to ministry of interior corrupt officials.
Those who decided to part ways in 1971 or their future generation should not be legalised. Many pan and cigerrate shops in Karachi are being run by these illegal immigrants, well they have the documents now, thanks to ministry of interior corrupt officials.
Sir majority of them came after 73 , all before them (left over or those came right after 71) got nationality before 73.
Now this news is a bombshell for Pakistanis like me,,,,,,, Pakistan is free for all,,,,,,,,,,, and that is really painful.
We did not fenced our border with Afgh - Iran , we did nothing in regards to refuges issues (afganis , bangalis) , We did nothing in regards of terror funding or extremism funding.
And we did nothing to counter corruption ................................................................................
May ALLAH Bless and Protect Pakistan. Ameen
If Bengalis could be granted citizenship then why shouldn't the same privilege be extended to the Afghans?


Pakistan deports longtime Afghan refugees to uncertain future in troubled homeland

Afghan refugee families line up outside the government registration office in Peshawar, Pakistan, to receive papers to return to Afghanistan. (Muhammad Sajjad)
LAHORE, Pakistan — Makeshift refugee settlements have sprouted up on the barren stretch of the Afghanistan desert that extends east toward the bustling city of Jalalabad, about an hour’s drive from the border with Pakistan.

It’s here in a forbidding environment that Jamal Juma, an Afghan man in his 60s, and his family of 12 have fashioned a temporary home — a handmade hut of mud.

Like many of his neighbors in the settlements, Mr. Juma was kicked out of Pakistan five months ago after living in the country as a refugee for the past quarter-century.

“We had shops and small businesses,” he said, “but the police and other security forces forced us to leave.”
Because one were already a part of Pakistan, while the other never were; I'll let you guess who is who.

Though, I do think that Pakistan needs to fix its immigration and citizenship policy. There are plenty of Afghans that think Afghanistan is a terrible place to live, and would rather give up their Afghan citizenship for a Pakistani one, not to mention the Afghans that have actively contributed to Pakistan's economy.

Even the Rohingya refugees in Pakistan should be given a way to gain citizenship.

Pakistan's creation was to give the Muslims of South Asia a place to live and work freely, it seems that many Pakistanis have forgotten that. Pakistan can be realistic with its immigration policy and limit it, while also fulfilling its purpose of being a haven for South Asian Muslims.
it does not matter, Bengalis are now officially ethnic group of Pakistan :dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3:
Nope, never will be.

Them living in ghettos,seperate from the population serves as a riminder.

Nobody associates with them... not even urdu speakers... let alone Paks native ethnic groups.
it does not matter, Bengalis are now officially ethnic group of Pakistan :dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3:
Who said already,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It is just a committee report.................. You need to control your horses........... That law is still not there ............... Now Govt will ask Ministry of Defence , Interior and Law , then there report after that any thing will happen.
So just chill and wait.

Pakistan's creation was to give the Muslims of South Asia a place to live and work freely, it seems that many Pakistanis have forgotten that.
Sir G we are all ready almost 200Million Muslims ,,,,,, Don't you think we have to provide them basic needs before taking 10 Million others .................
Sir G I am not against immigration , but I really want to feed our own hungry people first , more cities , dams , unis , hospitals , more industry , jobs and law & order before any othe move like this we are discussing.
Because one were already a part of Pakistan, while the other never were; I'll let you guess who is who.

Though, I do think that Pakistan needs to fix its immigration and citizenship policy. There are plenty of Afghans that think Afghanistan is a terrible place to live, and would rather give up their Afghan citizenship for a Pakistani one, not to mention the Afghans that have actively contributed to Pakistan's economy.

Even the Rohingya refugees in Pakistan should be given a way to gain citizenship.

Pakistan's creation was to give the Muslims of South Asia a place to live and work freely, it seems that many Pakistanis have forgotten that. Pakistan can be realistic with its immigration policy and limit it, while also fulfilling its purpose of being a haven for South Asian Muslims.
What have the afghans contributed?

Smuggling? Drugs,illegal weapons,prostitution,kidnapping for ransom and other crimes?

Or illegal parking thekas?

The percentage of afghanis doing a legit job is so small it hardly worth it!

And im not even talkin about the hate they harbour inside themselves .. 2 faced people.

Id rather take back biharis of bangladesh and Rohingya than these sub human garbage, bangladeshi,afghani and other trash... which can fuk off back to their countries!
it does not matter, Bengalis are now officially ethnic group of Pakistan :dance3::dance3::dance3::dance3:
why, do u miss us??, sorry, we wont take bengal back even if it begged us on its knees, glad to be rid of it in the first place....
Who said already,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It is just a committee report.................. You need to control your horses........... That law is still not there ............... Now Govt will ask Ministry of Defence , Interior and Law , then there report after that any thing will happen.
So just chill and wait.

Sir G we are all ready almost 200Million Muslims ,,,,,, Don't you think we have to provide them basic needs before taking 10 Million others .................
Nope, never will be.

Them living in ghettos,seperate from the population serves as a riminder.

Nobody associates with them... not even urdu speakers... let alone Paks native ethnic groups.

why, do u miss us??, sorry, we wont take bengal back even if it begged us on its knees, glad to be rid of it in the first place....
Who said already,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It is just a committee report.................. You need to control your horses........... That law is still not there ............... Now Govt will ask Ministry of Defence , Interior and Law , then there report after that any thing will happen.
So just chill and wait.

Sir G we are all ready almost 200Million Muslims ,,,,,, Don't you think we have to provide them basic needs before taking 10 Million others .................
10 million? Who said anything about 10 million? Besides, I did suggest that a realistic approach with limited migration is a better path than either stopping, or fully opening the door to immigrants. Honestly, Pakistan would benefit a lot from looking at how western nations do immigration. Canada limits immigration, and has certain qualifications, but it still allows a good amount of migrants to enter.
A lot of them were already there, the rest migrated after the war, because they either sided with Pakistan army, never agreed with independence, or for economic reasons.
Its called a economic migrations.

Ive met people who have dealt with them.

An officer who served with Rangers in Sindh, once told me .. how bangladeshis would pay BSF (india) to let them cross the border.... Rangers would them send them back... and BSF would shoot em....

Talkin about 90s here!

10 million? Who said anything about 10 million? Besides, I did suggest that a realistic approach with limited migration is a better path than either stopping, or fully opening the door to immigrants. Honestly, Pakistan would benefit a lot from looking at how western nations do immigration. Canada limits immigration, and has certain qualifications, but it still allows a good amount of migrants to enter.
4 million afghanis
2.8-3 million bangladeshis
Millions of “others” from as far as somalia.

Is Pakistan a country or a bloody refugee center.
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