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Govt to legalise 2.8 million Bengalis in Pakistan

Have these immigrants specifically told you, or anyone else, they're doing better than Pakistan? I don't believe they have. They wouldn't be in Pakistani if that's what they truly believed, and what we've heard a few of them say doesn't reflect the views of all 2.8 million of them seeking permenant status.

Pakistan isn't asking for pre-71 era Bengalis to move back but those who came later can go back. Also only Rohingas deserve any sympathy as they are stateless people and persecuted.
Assimilation through mixed marriages is the fastest way to normalize relations between natives & foreigners. If Afghanis & Bengalis can agree to this for citizenship then I'd say they deserve a chance.
@CHACHA"G" @django

Let me tell you one thing this number will become 12.8 Million in few years

Chacha Gee has hit the nail on the head. This is the modus operandis of our Bangla Bhais. Not terrorism, not petty crime but demographic aggression.

They will migrate first as refugees, pretend to be docile workers, peasants, labour. Then they will get their families over and grow in numbers, acquire citizenship, I cards. Then they will start heavily influencing local politics, it will be impossible to get elected without their vote. You will have to pander to their demands, one of which will be to get more Bangla bhais on board. Finally, when they are a majority, they will want their own state.

This is what they have done in North Arakan, this is what they are doing in West Bengal and Assam. This is what they will do in your Karachi if you are not careful. Then you will have two choices- to react like Ms Suu Kyi, or run away yourself.

Let me tell you one thing this number will become 12.8Million in few years ................. Fak our elite......
ABSOLUTELY, if we can see this why can our political Aitchison educated elite not see this,,,,,damn I forgot they could not give two hoots about this beautiful Watan.Kudos bro
@CHACHA"G" @django

Let me tell you one thing this number will become 12.8 Million in few years

Chacha Gee has hit the nail on the head. This is the modus operandis of our Bangla Bhais. Not terrorism, not petty crime but demographic aggression.

They will migrate first as refugees, pretend to be docile workers, peasants, labour. Then they will get their families over and grow in numbers, acquire citizenship, I cards. Then they will start heavily influencing local politics, it will be impossible to get elected without their vote. You will have to pander to their demands, one of which will be to get more Bangla bhais on board. Finally, when they are a majority, they will want their own state.

This is what they have done in North Arakan, this is what they are doing in West Bengal and Assam. This is what they will do in your Karachi if you are not careful. Then you will have two choices- to react like Ms Suu Kyi, or run away yourself.

Excellent assessment, the thing is anyone who cares can see this a mile off, yet the ones who care have no power.Kudos
do u really think that kahmiri muslims who wants to join pakistan will appreciate this move ?
Pakistan may or may not grand them citizenship. It’s your discretion. If it bothers you so much then go to your politicians and ask them to drop a bomb over them. It’s not like they would retaliate or plan to migrate to any other land.
But my dear chap we will give them dingies, they will make their way across the ocean back to the land of their fathers and their father before them, not in the historic lands of the Indus MY LAND!
But my dear chap we will give them dingies, they will make their way across the ocean back to the land of their fathers and their father before them, not in the historic lands of the Indus MY LAND!

Muhammed Ali Jinnah founder of Pakistan, Sher e Bengal Fazlul haq father of Pakistan resolution, Nawab Salumullah, founder of all India Muslim league originally hailed from Gujarat India, Eadt Bengal respectively, Gangis and inferior by your definition.

You and your kind should go back in time and demand not to accept gangis votes in order to create Pakistan.

Yes, send them or do what ever you like and let me know when is done and all settled. I’ll be here if I am still alive by that time.
Muhammed Ali Jinnah founder of Pakistan, Sher e Bengal Fazlul haq father of Pakistan resolution, Nawab Salumullah, founder of all India Muslim league originally hailed from Gujarat India, Eadt Bengal respectively, Gangis and inferior by your definition.

You and your kind should go back in time and demand not to accept gangis votes in order to create Pakistan.

Yes, send them or do what ever you like and let me know when is done and all settled. I’ll be here if I am still alive by that time.
We should never have been a nation with you folks biggest mistake in our history, no one wanted it, the Brits ensured it this way to destabilize us as a nation.
We should never have been a nation with you folks biggest mistake in our history, no one wanted it, the Brits ensured it this way to destabilize us as a nation.

Could not have, should not have meaningless at present.

Brit did what Brit wanted to do, so why smart and superior Indus warriors fell into their traps?

Votes got you the Pakistan, not muscle power. Gangis (per your quote) had the most votes in their disposal not Indusi (you).

So thank gangis for giving you the country call Pakistan.
Could not have, should not have meaningless at present.

Brit did what Brit wanted to do, so why smart and superior Indus warriors fell into their traps?

Votes got you the Pakistan, not muscle power. Gangis (per your quote) had the most votes in their disposal not Indusi (you).

So thank gangis for giving you the country call Pakistan.
Going back to 47 is useless , you people change that history in 71 , You guys decided in favour of your ethnicity , language and love of india (may be you guys more common things with them), I don't think you have any privilege on history or Islam.
The people we are talking about came after 74 till late 90s (almost 2000s) , well after 71 all are illegal migrants and we have all the right in world, we will do what is best for us and best is send them all back.
Let me also remind you , you guys have over million biharis still waiting for Citizenship, you guys need to work on them.
In the end , you are you because once you were Pakistan, try to take remaining Bangal From India........
Going back to 47 is useless , you people change that history in 71 , You guys decided in favour of your ethnicity , language and love of india (may be you guys more common things with them), I don't think you have any privilege on history or Islam.
The people we are talking about came after 74 till late 90s (almost 2000s) , well after 71 all are illegal migrants and we have all the right in world, we will do what is best for us and best is send them all back.
Let me also remind you , you guys have over million biharis still waiting for Citizenship, you guys need to work on them.
In the end , you are you because once you were Pakistan, try to take remaining Bangal From India........
Bloody true.Kudos bro
Going back to 47 is useless , you people change that history in 71 , You guys decided in favour of your ethnicity , language and love of india (may be you guys more common things with them), I don't think you have any privilege on history or Islam.
The people we are talking about came after 74 till late 90s (almost 2000s) , well after 71 all are illegal migrants and we have all the right in world, we will do what is best for us and best is send them all back.
Let me also remind you , you guys have over million biharis still waiting for Citizenship, you guys need to work on them.
In the end , you are you because once you were Pakistan, try to take remaining Bangal From India........

Are Bhai when did I said 71 was correct or when did I ever endorsed the 71 conflict? Show one post from me where I said it was right thing to do. I have always maintained that breaking up of Pakistan was absolutely wrong and worst event happened in Islamic history along with fall of joursalem.

I don’t know what broke us exactly. I was not there to witness in my own eyes but in Islam look down upon another Muslims based on look is not allowed. Hazrar Bilal was a black man and slave but he will be in heaven along with other sahabs.

Problem with some of you is that you generalized too damn much without knowing the fact.

I was trying to prove a point and you jump into you, you without even giving cool headed thought.

Bloody true.Kudos bro

So you got no explanations of your own. I see how you roll.
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