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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

@Peaceful Civilian

Iqbal is my favorite from past century.

Maluna Tariq Jameel always give respect to all that does not mean he agreed upon their views,

You can read haroon rashid columns about TUQ.

I realized that what I am doing is this

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Some observations from the parliamentary session today:

1. Everyone acknowledged that there was rigging in the elections yet they say that they are saving democracy. How can you be saving democracy when the mandate was stolen in the first place?

2. The fact that 14 people were martyred and it took more than 2 months yet an FIR has not been registered against the culprits escaped everyone. Even when it was acknowledged, it was done as if they're doing us a favor by doing it. What kind of system is this that cannot even give proper justice to its people?

3. Some of the most corrupt leaders, most morally bankrupt people had the audacity to claim moral superiority forgetting their own checkered past.

4. Lastly, in the past 67 years this gathering of people has failed to solve ANY pertinent problem of Pakistan. What are they trying to save? their incompetence? because on merit most would fail to win a seat
If we have democracy why not make laws to make sure the maximum, tenure for president and prime minister should be 2 terms and minimum criteria for sitting in the parliament and nation assembly should be PHD and for provincial assemblies should be masters. In this way the best will come and serve the people and the nation and replace the old lot. But maybe we our politicians believe that we don't have enough people to fill the parliament and assemblies from a population of 180+million.
And by this way, you're denying the representation right to 97% of the Pakistanis.
The MNA's are all kissing NS's butt and fully backing him. I think there is only one way to fight these jokers and that is to go through the courts and register FIR's for everything.

Can anyone tell us if any FIR's are registered or can be registred for the following?

- NS lying under oath in parliament when he said army approached Government
- Brutal surprise attack on protestors which killed and injured many.
- Police attacking journalists

I'm sure there is other things which can be held against them too.
PTI should be active in getting these FIR's lodged.
PTI parliamentarians are not allowed to speak on the floor... haha

this is the purposeful parliament, if you disagree with the King, you are not even allowed to debate..
A War Between Pakistan’s Police and Army: Sharif Family’s Latest Reckless Politics


Pakistanis have seen a rapid downfall in Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s powers in less than two weeks.

His dramatic downfall is the result of political blunders in fifteen months in power.

But instead of resolving the political crisis and uniting the country, the embattled prime minister and the Sharif family are spending money on the media and some journalists and politicians to mount one of the most organized, reckless and dangerous attacks on the nation’s armed forces.

The plan is so heinous that it includes turning Pakistanis against their own military through a daily dose of disinformation, and pitching Pakistan’s Police and the Military against each other.

In doing all this, the premier and the Sharifs are playing a political game unheard of and unknown in Pakistani political history.

There is a reason why Nawaz Sharif is described as the most humiliated prime minister in Pakistan’s history, or why one western news wire service described him as the new Deputy Commissioner of Islamabad in terms of his reduced power and influence. [See Nawaz Sharif: The New Karzai of Islamabad]

This is a prime minister who failed to unite Pakistanis after the May 2013 elections. So arrogant was the new prime minister that for nearly a year he would not shake hands with many elected representatives that he disliked. He did not attend a single session of the Senate of Pakistan. He rarely attended Parliament sessions. He failed to rise above old political rivalries that date back a decade, and allowed those hatreds to come in the way of his job to unite Pakistanis. He allowed a simple case of possible election fraud in four constituencies to snowball into a major anti-Nawaz political movement. And while this crisis was developing, Sharif missed numerous opportunities to nip it in the bud. On 17 June, he and his younger brother ordered the police to open fire on unarmed anti-Nawaz Pakistanis in Lahore. Fourteen were killed, nearly a hundred injured. One of the killed was a young pregnant mother. On the night of Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, he turned Islamabad into a war zone and unleashed the most tear-gas shelling in Pakistan’s history on unarmed peaceful protesters who demanded his resignation. Three were killed and nearly 700 were injured. In dealing with this crisis, Sharif created the biggest security scare Pakistanis have seen in peacetime, sealed one of the five provinces that make up the country, and seized all commercial cargo containers to block streets in Punjab and the federal capital, and generally mishandled a normal political event. Not the most innovative solution to a political issue.

On Aug. 29, the prime minister stood on the Parliament floor and lied to the nation about who asked the army to broker a solution to the crisis. [He did.]

In committing all of these blunders, Nawaz Sharif failed to demonstrate wisdom and experience that should have come handy to a third-time elected premier, the first in Pakistan and one of the few in world democracies.

Even now, in 19 days of the anti-Nawaz sit-in in Islamabad, Sharif has failed to act magnanimously to solve what primarily is a political issue, not a security issue.

Instead, his family, party and some journalists and politicians allied to him through incentives, have launched a ferocious anti-military campaign to divert attention from his political failures.

The campaign, in the media, parliament and on social media, seeks to portray Sharif as a victim of a military-induced conspiracy, or ‘script’, where the anti-Nawaz movement is supposedly military’s creation.

The purpose of this campaign is to turn the debate away from his political failures and blame someone else.

The truth, however, is bitter. Since 2008, Pakistan’s military has emerged as the strongest supporter of democracy in the country, and ignored numerous opportunities to intervene in favor of strengthening the government.

Whose ‘script’ was it to fail in uniting the nation after elections, arrogantly refuse to solve a political issue before it snowballs, order the murder of 14 Pakistanis in Lahore, and three in Islamabad and injure a total of 1,000 Pakistanis in both cities?

Now Nawaz Sharif’s cronies in media and politics are creating misunderstandings between the country’s Police and the Military, like Achakzai did in parliament yesterday. There can hardly be a worse example than this of dangerous political recklessness.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif should own up his political blunders, recognize his failures that led to a crisis and led his opponents to come out to streets, stop shifting the blame on to the military.

As his old comrade Javed Hashmi said in the parliament, thirty-one years at the top of politics is a long time. It is time Nawaz Sharif gracefully resigned to spare Pakistan further agony.

Mr. Quraishi is a senior fellow at Project for Pakistan in 21st Century, a journalist and a human rights activist. Follow him @AQpk


very dangerous development, I have seen pictures shared by Patwaris that how protesters are beating one police personnel and standing by army personnel doing nothing... but I have seen similar pictures of police beating a protester, while army personnel is standing by doing nothing.

so this propaganda by patwaris is really uncalled and malicious !
And by this way, you're denying the representation right to 97% of the Pakistanis.

All Pakistanis want to see educated and capable and intelligent people to run the nation and I am sure you also agree with it too.

Out of those 97% what is the percentage of people educated till high school?

Out of those 97% what is the percentage of people having bachelors? And out of those what percentage does not want to stay in Pakistan or are already outside Pakistan?

Out of those 97% what is the percentage of people having masters? And out of those what percentage does not want to stay in Pakistan or are already outside Pakistan?

Out of those 97% what is the percentage of people having PHDs? And out of those what percentage does not want to stay in Pakistan or are already outside Pakistan?

What I said was just an example which can be scaled down to say masters for national assembles, provincial assemblies and parliament and by time say 20-25 years later increase the bar to PHD for National Assembly and Parliament.

Would you prefer an “experienced” person giving prescription since many years without any license and with no formal qualification or a doctor in a proper clinic or hospital having formal qualifications? At least I would not like to see a man with no formal education or little education running Pakistan. Don't know about other Pakistanis.

We are in 21st century and the world is fast changing and the way to run a nation is also fast changing, we should always look forward to make new requirements and minimum limits to make sure only the capable get the chance to serve the nation and the citizens, and the government should ensure all the citizens have equal access to education enabling them to show who can be one of those to run the nation. This is democracy.

Times are changing and I am 1000% sure even If we implement what I said earlier there will be people who would happily come and serve the nation and the citizen because they all would be sitting in the parliament together with people having same level of education and will be on the same page that is to find new ways to run the country towards better and improve the lives of the common man unlike now where you have a metric fail sitting together with a person having fake university degree.

But this won't happen as the losers will be the current lot of politicians and their family members.
All Pakistanis want to see educated and capable and intelligent people to run the nation and I am sure you also agree with it too.

Out of those 97% what is the percentage of people educated till high school?

Out of those 97% what is the percentage of people having bachelors? And out of those what percentage does not want to stay in Pakistan or are already outside Pakistan?

Out of those 97% what is the percentage of people having masters? And out of those what percentage does not want to stay in Pakistan or are already outside Pakistan?

Out of those 97% what is the percentage of people having PHDs? And out of those what percentage does not want to stay in Pakistan or are already outside Pakistan?

What I said was just an example which can be scaled down to say masters for national assembles, provincial assemblies and parliament and by time say 20-25 years later increase the bar to PHD for National Assembly and Parliament.

Would you prefer an “experienced” person giving prescription since many years without any license and with no formal qualification or a doctor in a proper clinic or hospital having formal qualifications? At least I would not like to see a man with no formal education or little education running Pakistan. Don't know about other Pakistanis.

We are in 21st century and the world is fast changing and the way to run a nation is also fast changing, we should always look forward to make new requirements and minimum limits to make sure only the capable get the chance to serve the nation and the citizens, and the government should ensure all the citizens have equal access to education enabling them to show who can be one of those to run the nation. This is democracy.

Times are changing and I am 1000% sure even If we implement what I said earlier there will be people who would happily come and serve the nation and the citizen because they all would be sitting in the parliament together with people having same level of education and will be on the same page that is to find new ways to run the country towards better and improve the lives of the common man unlike now where you have a metric fail sitting together with a person having fake university degree.

But this won't happen as the losers will be the current lot of politicians and their family members.
Nice post mate !
So please suggest how we can get away from these mafia sitting on the name of democracy?
do you think they will, just surrender of the peace full protests ?
Nice post mate !
So please suggest how we can get away from these mafia sitting on the name of democracy?
do you think they will, just surrender of the peace full protests ?

Pakistan needs a fresh start with help of Pakistan army. all these who are sitting in parliament should be disqualified along with their families... and a total new leadership consisting of technocrats should take over, stick the criteria of selection..

there is no chance progress under these haramkhors !
Hamid, Qureshi exchange hot words
14:07 Sep 03, 2014 PAKISTAN

ISLAMABAD: Exchange of harsh words took place between Pakistan Mulsim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Zahid Hamid and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Vice Chairman hah Mehmood Qureshi at Parliament lobby.

According to the sources, quarrel took place during prayer break when Zahid Hamid termed behavior of PTI sit-inners undemocratic.

Pervaiz Rashid and other MNAs step into the hot discussion and diffuse the tension between the government and the opposition members.

Atmosphere is apparently tense at the Parliament House.

Earlier today, PML-N members hooted and raised slogans against PTI MNAs when they arrived to attend the joint session of the Parliament. – Samaa
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