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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

Even though the strong internet presence of the PTI lot, the comments in these two articles are beginning to show the dwindling support for IK. Good.

Imran parts ways with Hashmi, denies being directed to march towards PM House – The Express Tribune

Imran broke away from party decision to not move towards PM House: Hashmi – The Express Tribune

@iPhone and @orangzaib, you both have seen some abuse in the forum. But I and many, many others stand with you against the thuggery and the mobocracy.. thanks!
This speaks for the credibility of this poster. Two liars...., the world has not seen bigger liars than Bush and Blair. Thousands of US/NATO soldiers lost their lives, tens of thousands got injured, and somebody is telling me American politicians have not send their followers to harms way.

1) You are STILL not addressing important things I've asked you in the post. Dodging questions that are critical to this topic but bring in other rhetoric makes no sense.

2) You either lack common sense or are playing fool on purpose. You don't see a DIFFERENCE in Soldiers (see bold part above) and FOLLOWERS like the religious followers and people like you who are defending terrorism conducted by a party or two, on its OWN people? Soldiers go for a national cause. What's the National Cause here by 20 K people? Build a NEW Pakistan by getting thousands of innocents murdered and topple an existing system and destroy your OWN country's economy, its structure, Critical Buildings (State Symbols or Icons) and violate a constitution of 200 MILLION people??? All of this when you are so COWARD that you are sitting behind a BULLET PROOF truck with a BULLET PROOF VEST on you while you have DOZENS of guards around you. BUT you don't come up front. You LEAD from BEHIND and tell innocent followers to "go attack the Parliament and nothing will happen to you when you know damn well they'll get inured or killed as the STATE has to ENSURE no attacks on the Parliament or the PM house occurred.

You'll ignore ALL this, but you'll bring in silly comments. Wherever the US military goes, the world knows about it, the objectives are laid out, the allies (including Pakistan) knows about them and we execute for a cause. No American politician sends his own supporters in harms way INSIDE their own country. Not sure if it is THAT hard to see the difference between trained SOLDIERS and innocent people who may or never have fired a weapon. Why would you risk so many innocents?
Come back with an argument or logic that makes sense. Don't go around the globe and add Busch and my Cousin Vinnie into this. This question is why did the TWO leaders you die-hard support, put thousands of innocent poor lives at RISK by lying to them that go ahead, we are with you and nothing with happen to you when they knew EXACTLY what will happen?
Why get people (their followers) killed and injured for your ego, mental retardation or your political goals????

The British will take their PM and the son - Chop their meat - Put a barbecue sauce and enjoy - Now this is precisely what will happen to Nawaz Sharif, his two sons, wife, daughter - Shahbaz Sahrif, his wife, children and the extended family that benefited.
Can you and other readers correct this guy's mental state? @iPhone @Meengla @cb4 please??? When I asked him about the violence and why innocents were told to cross the line by the two idiots so they got injured, and I gave him an example of what would happen if IK was to throw a similar protest around 10 Downing street, he think if this was Britain and the PM and his son were traveling together on people's funds, the Brits will chop off their bodies. Can someone tell this fool how idiotic this sounds?

People reading this post in the West can ONLY remember one term, DAMN TALIBANS. This is how stupid this post looks and shows such an illiterate and terrorist like vision of Pakistanis. No country specially in the West would allow such a thing to NORMAL people, let alone Publicly Elected officials. They will get prosecuted but nothing like this will EVER happen.
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Even though the strong internet presence of the PTI lot, the comments in these two articles are beginning to show the dwindling support for IK. Good.

Imran parts ways with Hashmi, denies being directed to march towards PM House – The Express Tribune

Imran broke away from party decision to not move towards PM House: Hashmi – The Express Tribune

@iPhone and @orangzaib, you both have seen some abuse in the forum. But I and many, many others stand with you against the thuggery and the mobocracy.. thanks!

You and I and some other here have noticed this thuggery, this badmash style politics of PTI and it's supporter since election campaign of last year.

They cannot hear a word of critique, anyone who questions the master thug Imran is automatically labeled a Nawaz supporter, (zardari last year). But I still continued to have a soft corner for Ik and the PTI and it's supporters. Being the new kid on the block and I figured they'd provide a nice and healthy change in Pakistan politics.

But boy was I wrong. Not only he failed to deliver in the KPK, he's an overall failure as a politician. If someone made a list of overall economic projects started by the PMLN and the PTI, it would blow your mind away on what an utter failure Imran has been.

But I was still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But this thing now, this is the last straw and I cannot continue to support him. I'm done with this sorry and pathetic excuse of a human being. There's no doubt left in my mind that he's a power hungry autocrat. He only out to get power and is all.

And it's a pleasant surprise that more people are beginning to see that. His latest rift with Javed Hashmi proves that he'll trample anyone who stands in his way. When this thing is over, and it will be very soon, I wanna see him dragged through the courts over multiple civil and federal cases. This should be the end of this man's political career in Pakistan.
Even though the strong internet presence of the PTI lot, the comments in these two articles are beginning to show the dwindling support for IK. Good.

Imran parts ways with Hashmi, denies being directed to march towards PM House – The Express Tribune

Imran broke away from party decision to not move towards PM House: Hashmi – The Express Tribune

@iPhone and @orangzaib, you both have seen some abuse in the forum. But I and many, many others stand with you against the thuggery and the mobocracy.. thanks!
I am not IK supporter but I sure am against the Kingship of Nawaz/House-of-Sharifs and am sure against the system that supports rich and influential and marginalizes commoners. World around us is changing and social media has brought in a revolution in our lives. Traditional print and television propaganda houses are increasingly becoming irrelevant and a change is inevitable. As long as the ruling elite 'badmaashia' is in place and preventing commoners from getting what rightfully belongs to them, support for those who would challenge this system will not wane. It is totally irrelevant who are those challengers, IK, TAQ, or whoever. You call them thugs, mobsters, whatever, they will continue to pop up.
You and I and some other here have noticed this thuggery, this badmash style politics of PTI and it's supporter since election campaign of last year.

They cannot hear a word of critique, anyone who questions the master thug Imran is automatically labeled a Nawaz supporter, (zardari last year). But I still continued to have a soft corner for Ik and the PTI and it's supporters. Being the new kid on the block and I figured they'd provide a nice and healthy change in Pakistan politics.

When this thing is over, and it will be very soon, I wanna see him dragged through the courts over multiple civil and federal cases. This should be the end of this man's political career in Pakistan.

When an egoistic and mentally challenged idiot or two put an ENTIRE country's future on the line, its time for them to end their career respectfully. I can't believe that both these idiots stayed in Bullet proof cars and trucks with guards and LIED to their innocent followers and told them to GO AHEAD and that NOTHING will happen to them and got hundreds Inured and some Dead (RIP to dead).

But had they NOT lied to them and told them to go at their own risk and expect government's full force as they'll violate boundaries around most sensitive areas in the Capital of a Country, many people would be alive today and hundreds would NOT have gotten injured. But they got these POOR Innocents injured and killed to fulfill their own selfish agenda.

I've been saying it ALL along, a MAN's FAMILY life says ALL about him. IK's divorced, his kids are elsewhere and no one in this age as he did this SAME drama with his family at a different level. His Ex-Wife had more than everything. She left all that to come live with him in where......a place called PAKISTAN that the world calls the most dangerous place. Then she had kids with him and what did he do? JUST LIKE HERE, he *****ed it up. A man who's not sincere to his OWN blood (his sons), how in the WORLD he'll be faithful to a nation he has NO relationship with. This is terrorism here without a doubt. Time for him to be taken to the court and sent to jail like a criminal.
This government is worst than Israel... Even Israel doesn't use this type of force against its own civilian.... After 14 murders, 100 injured, You are not allowed for "Chaliswan" Youm -e shuhada event, then incident of disappearing the dead bodies, Then again they have No right for Protest, First cut the water pipe lines in model town, then again deprived from food & water for 14 days, then again stopping their democratic right of protest by containers, Through arrest, beating the woman in homes, Then, this Islamabad Massacre., again stopping the food , beating them , killing them., Arresting the patients from hospital , threatening the doctors, journalists, cameramen...
Shame on government....
1) You are STILL not addressing important things I've asked you in the post. Dodging questions that are critical to this topic but bring in other rhetoric makes no sense.

2) You either lack common sense or are playing fool on purpose. You don't see a DIFFERENCE in Soldiers (see bold part above) and FOLLOWERS like the religious followers and people like you who are defending terrorism conducted by a party or two, on its OWN people? Soldiers go for a national cause. What's the National Cause here by 20 K people? Build a NEW Pakistan by getting thousands of innocents murdered and topple an existing system and destroy your OWN country's economy, its structure, Critical Buildings (State Symbols or Icons) and violate a constitution of 200 MILLION people??? All of this when you are so COWARD that you are sitting behind a BULLET PROOF truck with a BULLET PROOF VEST on you while you have DOZENS of guards around you. BUT you don't come up front. You LEAD from BEHIND and tell innocent followers to "go attack the Parliament and nothing will happen to you when you know damn well they'll get inured or killed as the STATE has to ENSURE no attacks on the Parliament or the PM house occurred.

You'll ignore ALL this, but you'll bring in silly comments. Wherever the US military goes, the world knows about it, the objectives are laid out, the allies (including Pakistan) knows about them and we execute for a cause. No American politician sends his own supporters in harms way INSIDE their own country. Not sure if it is THAT hard to see the difference between trained SOLDIERS and innocent people who may or never have fired a weapon. Why would you risk so many innocents?
Come back with an argument or logic that makes sense. Don't go around the globe and add Busch and my Cousin Vinnie into this. This question is why did the TWO leaders you die-hard support, put thousands of innocent poor lives at RISK by lying to them that go ahead, we are with you and nothing with happen to you when they knew EXACTLY what will happen?
Why get people (their followers) killed and injured for your ego, mental retardation or your political goals????

Can you and other readers correct this guy's mental state? @iPhone @Meengla @cb4 please??? When I asked him about the violence and why innocents were told to cross the line by the two idiots so they got injured, and I gave him an example of what would happen if IK was to throw a similar protest around 10 Downing street, he think if this was Britain and the PM and his son were traveling together on people's funds, the Brits will chop off their bodies. Can someone tell this fool how idiotic this sounds?

People reading this post in the West can ONLY remember one term, DAMN TALIBANS. This is how stupid this post looks and shows such an illiterate and terrorist like vision of Pakistanis. No country specially in the West would allow such a thing to NORMAL people, let alone Publicly Elected officials. They will get prosecuted but nothing like this will EVER happen.

there is a little bit of an issue with the majority of my countrymen and that is that once they've made up their mind about something then it's set in stone and it will..... almost never change.

Nawaz Shreef will always have a bad reputation amongst the very "vocal" group of people and they'll always consider him the devil's incarnation (or perhaps Zardari is considered that).....no matter how many economic rehabilitation projects he starts and completes. No matter how much good he brings to Pakistan.

Meanwhile someone like this thug imran, who all he does his run his big mouth and has zero leadership or managerial skills will always be considered a hero. So, there's that. But the silent majority is always present. Which always uses its common sense and decides with their votes. And that obviously burns the loud and vocal minority.

I told some guy here yesterday, just as you are having trouble with this fellow, that you guys are nothing but thugs who consider law beneath them. They'll march to sensitive locations en masse, cause damage, wreck havoc but then cry foul when the police takes action against them. I fully support the police action against these thugs.

This guy you're arguing with has lost his marbles obviously. They have no idea how western countries take action against the anarchist thugs. Three years ago when the 99 percent movement started in the US and finally came to New York, I personally saw the police and their batons and their pepper sprays in action against the thugs who refused to follow what the law enforcement instrcuted. The videos are widely available on YouTube.

At this point I want Imran and TuQ to be held liable for the damages they have cost Pakistan, it's economy and the human toll on the citizens, police and their likely hoods of the effected business. Their bank accounts and properties need to be confiscated and obviously jail time.
As long as the ruling elite 'badmaashia' is in place and preventing commoners from getting what rightfully belongs to them, support for those who would challenge this system will not wane. It is totally irrelevant who are those challengers, IK, TAQ, or whoever. You call them thugs, mobsters, whatever, they will continue to pop up.

Well the commoners have a way out and its through a democratic system. A TEA SELLER is the PM of the THIRD LARGEST economy in the entire world called India and you could drive an hour from Lahore or a couple of hours from Islamabad and see for yourself. Did India get there through violence??? did the elite there NOT rule? both of you guys have similar people. Why such a huge difference???
The difference is that the Indians are democratic. Solve their issues within themselves and through negotiations and CARE for their country. Its INDIA that's in front of all of them, not BJP or CONGRESS or whatever. Whoever does good, win. Whoever doesn't do good, loses. Take a look at the most recent elections. So Pakistan needs to get there. That will ONLY happen when the government successfully changes the cycle a few times. But people supporting this bloodshed and violence want a magic wand....."we'll give you jobs in 19 days", "We'll give you corruption free country in 90 days", when his media campaign is run by a blackmailer Lukman on ARY, the guy used to blackmail people for 10,000 rupees on a motorcycle. I can tell you a lot more. But these crazy, extremist and egoistic based maniacs are running a Car Sales campaign. What they are forgetting is, that it is 200 MILLION people's future on the line. Sad, egoistic fools.
This is exactly why I've spend so much time on here. JUST trying to educate people on NOT to follow "lets build a new Pakistan in 90 days" and lets "change the system in 40 days". I think its time to let's put these Criminal behind the bars in 5 days !
Is there anything here on this topic that is "moral"?

5) A poor country lost 5 TRILLIONS, 2 cancelled visits from two presidents (Turkish president was going to be here to sign projects), and now the visit from the Chinese president is in jeopardy and so is the 100 BILLION plus investment.....is THIS moral?


Look at this! This what these thugs have achieved. Pushed the country back a few more years. Who's responsible for this now? Honestly, I wish the gov't could lock everyone up at these protests and press charges against them in the anti terrorism courts on multiple counts of financial and economic damages to the country.
Look at this! This what these thugs have achieved. Pushed the country back a few more years. Who's responsible for this now? Honestly, I wish the gov't could lock everyone up at these protests and press charges against them in the anti terrorism courts on multiple counts of financial and economic damages to the country.

I agree, these two should face the strictest punishment per the constitution on breaking the constitution and terrorism related charges so that these two can become an example forever and NO other idiot can DARE doing this again to Pakistan.
Serious clashes continue... Protester have nothing to lose. Dozens died t , Thousands injured after model town incident... No justice !!
1) You are STILL not addressing important things I've asked you in the post. Dodging questions that are critical to this topic but bring in other rhetoric makes no sense.

2) You either lack common sense or are playing fool on purpose. You don't see a DIFFERENCE in Soldiers (see bold part above) and FOLLOWERS like the religious followers and people like you who are defending terrorism conducted by a party or two, on its OWN people? Soldiers go for a national cause. What's the National Cause here by 20 K people? Build a NEW Pakistan by getting thousands of innocents murdered and topple an existing system and destroy your OWN country's economy, its structure, Critical Buildings (State Symbols or Icons) and violate a constitution of 200 MILLION people??? All of this when you are so COWARD that you are sitting behind a BULLET PROOF truck with a BULLET PROOF VEST on you while you have DOZENS of guards around you. BUT you don't come up front. You LEAD from BEHIND and tell innocent followers to "go attack the Parliament and nothing will happen to you when you know damn well they'll get inured or killed as the STATE has to ENSURE no attacks on the Parliament or the PM house occurred.

You'll ignore ALL this, but you'll bring in silly comments. Wherever the US military goes, the world knows about it, the objectives are laid out, the allies (including Pakistan) knows about them and we execute for a cause. No American politician sends his own supporters in harms way INSIDE their own country. Not sure if it is THAT hard to see the difference between trained SOLDIERS and innocent people who may or never have fired a weapon. Why would you risk so many innocents?
Come back with an argument or logic that makes sense. Don't go around the globe and add Busch and my Cousin Vinnie into this. This question is why did the TWO leaders you die-hard support, put thousands of innocent poor lives at RISK by lying to them that go ahead, we are with you and nothing with happen to you when they knew EXACTLY what will happen?
Why get people (their followers) killed and injured for your ego, mental retardation or your political goals????

Can you and other readers correct this guy's mental state? @iPhone @Meengla @cb4 please??? When I asked him about the violence and why innocents were told to cross the line by the two idiots so they got injured, and I gave him an example of what would happen if IK was to throw a similar protest around 10 Downing street, he think if this was Britain and the PM and his son were traveling together on people's funds, the Brits will chop off their bodies. Can someone tell this fool how idiotic this sounds?

People reading this post in the West can ONLY remember one term, DAMN TALIBANS. This is how stupid this post looks and shows such an illiterate and terrorist like vision of Pakistanis. No country specially in the West would allow such a thing to NORMAL people, let alone Publicly Elected officials. They will get prosecuted but nothing like this will EVER happen.

We don't need silly lectures from you, if you think Noora kingdom is a paradise why don't you go and live there, rather sat in your comfy chair in the states, The system in Pakistan is too damn corrupt with no basic amenities available such as clean drinking water, The constant power outages lasting more than average 13 hours a day which is worst than most 3rd world countries, non existent of clean drainage system, pathetic healthcare system.and so on. Agreed about the Talibans, there is no place for them as they are killer zombies who have killed more than 60,000 innocents.
We don't need silly lectures from you, if you think Noora kingdom is a paradise why don't you go and live there, rather sat in your comfy chair in the states, The system in Pakistan is too damn corrupt with no basic amenities available such as clean drinking water, The constant power outages lasting more than average 13 hours a day which is worst than most 3rd world countries, non existent of clean drainage system, pathetic healthcare system.and so on. Agreed about the Talibans, there is no place for them as they are killer zombies who have killed more than 60,000 innocents.

Not to mention we have the lowest HDI ranking in the region of Hind at the rank 146.

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