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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

Tell IK that he always refers to "Protest on 10 Downing Street"....try attacking ONE of the British government buildings off the SAME 10 downing street. I'd love to see what would happen to him in less than TEN minutes. He'll be shipped off to GITMO for terrorism !!! What an idiot!

The lies about IK/TUQ protesting on 10 Downing Street and comparing that with Pakistan is so laughable that it doesn't even merit a rejoinder. Only deluded fools, reading from a script by their infallible Fuhrer could fall for such propaganda. Or perhaps even they don't truly believe it but hard to climb down from the hype around their Fuhrer. A problem of ego.
Show me ONE example of such kind in the British history. Extremist remain extremists. Not matter what you do. Your post tells me all about your mentality. Common, show me a proof of when this happened previously that they chopped someone off? This crap ONLY happens where crazy illiterate like you exist with Mullah and IK.

You think Nelson Mandela was crazy for using violence when nothing else would work? He understood that the only way he would make them understand is by using violence. Same thing here in Pakistan. Normal rallies have never worked and they never will.
Babe it seems you have tons of free time. I really have to take you to Thailand now.

I don't understand the reference to Thailand....But I am a Black African brother...are you SURE you want me to take to Thailand (if I follow the Babe comment)????
You may get paralyzed trying me if you know what I mean. Go get some education and learn to talk like a civilized person.
The lies about IK/TUQ protesting on 10 Downing Street and comparing that with Pakistan is so laughable that it doesn't even merit a rejoinder. Only deluded fools, reading from a script by their infallible Fuhrer could fall for such propaganda. Or perhaps even they don't truly believe it but hard to climb down from the hype around their Fuhrer. A problem of ego.

Charles I of England

I don't understand the reference to Thailand....But I am a Black African brother...are you SURE you want me to take to Thailand (if I follow the Babe comment)????
You may get paralyzed trying me if you know what I mean. Go get some education and learn to talk like a civilized person.

That's awesome hun. I'd love it.
You think Nelson Mandela was crazy for using violence when nothing else would work?.

Oh CRAP. Asking a black person about Nelson Mandela. What a silly fool joke. Nelson Mandela stood up for slavery and an entire RACE. What are you standing up for with 20K people and a campaign based on lies. Do you not have any shame before you compare Mandela to a Criminal who's now caused Domestic Terrorism in Pakistan? The most *****d up post of the day is this. Lets compare a Criminal with Mandela.
Oh CRAP. Asking a black person about Nelson Mandela. What a silly fool joke. Nelson Mandela stood up for slavery and an entire RACE. What are you standing up for with 20K people and a campaign based on lies. Do you not have any shame before you compare Mandela to a Criminal who's now caused Domestic Terrorism in Pakistan? The most *****d up post of the day is this. Lets compare a Criminal with Mandela.

London (AFP) - Andy Coulson, the former editor of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World and one-time spin doctor to British Prime Minister David Cameron, was jailed for 18 months on Friday for his role in the phone-hacking scandal that doomed the tabloid.
Charles I of England

Don't just name someone. Show me some proof, videos, articles and all. I'd like to see the it. Just pure BS and LYING is ALL you do!!!

You are a weirdo and mentally challenged like both of your leaders.
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Don't name anyone. Show me proof, videos, articles and all. I'd like to see the it. Just pure BS and LYING is ALL you do!!!

You are a weirdo and mentally challenged like both of your leaders.

My black africana friend. I do not have videos, articles and such. I, in fact, am Charles. Hail Thy kinks
London (AFP) - Andy Coulson, the former editor of Rupert Murdoch's News of the World and one-time spin doctor to British Prime Minister David Cameron, was jailed for 18 months on Friday for his role in the phone-hacking scandal that doomed the tabloid.

This is NOT what you were talking to me about. You said the Brits would Chop the bones of their PM and his SON and that it had happened before.

I asked you to provide PROOF of such BRUTALITY to me because it has NEVER happened in the Western democratic system. We don't have Talibans here on every corner like you do. Our society is MUCH more tolerant.

So show me the PROOF of the CHOPPING BONES you mentioned that has happened in the UK with Politicians as a result of corruption of whatever. I am waiting........
Oh CRAP. Asking a black person about Nelson Mandela. What a silly fool joke. Nelson Mandela stood up for slavery and an entire RACE. What are you standing up for with 20K people and a campaign based on lies. Do you not have any shame before you compare Mandela to a Criminal who's now caused Domestic Terrorism in Pakistan? The most *****d up post of the day is this. Lets compare a Criminal with Mandela.

The only criminal here is the lier Nawaz sharif and the rest of the corrupt politicians. They haven't done one thing to improve Pakistan. Pakistan has the lowest HDI ranking in the entire region at the number 186 globally.
This is NOT what you were talking to me about. You said the Brits would Chop the bones of their PM and his SON and that it had happened before.

I asked you to provide PROOF of such BRUTALITY to me because it has NEVER happened in the Western democratic system. We don't have Talibans here on every corner like you do. Our society is MUCH more tolerant.

So show me the PROOF of the CHOPPING BONES you mentioned that has happened in the UK with Politicians as a result of corruption of whatever. I am waiting........

My black africana friend. Read what I said. Seems your vision is not right.

In regards to attacking 10 Downing Street - See what happens when the British PM son accompanies him to the foreign trips for $$$.

The British will take their PM and the son - Chop their meat - Put a barbecue sauce and enjoy - Now this is precisely what will happen to Nawaz Sharif, his two sons, wife, daughter - Shahbaz Sahrif, his wife, children and the extended family that benefited.


Tell IK that he always refers to "Protest on 10 Downing Street"....try attacking ONE of the British government buildings off the SAME 10 downing street.

Source: Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions | Page 210
The only criminal here is the lier Nawaz sharif and the rest of the corrupt politicians.

I am hoping someone from the Canadian justice department is watching its Citizens or Residents like you and the Mullah.... supporting Terrorism in Pakistan where hundreds got inured and many got killed.
I am hoping someone from the Canadian justice department is watching its Citizens or Residents like you and the Mullah.... supporting Terrorism in Pakistan where hundreds got inured and many got killed.

Yea I'm sure the Canadian justice department supported the over throw of the Ukraine president. The entire west did. I'm telling Pakistan isn't going to change with the same people with the same interests ruling over a nation.
Frankly speaking, everyone who's supporting violence and is getting excited by seeing innocent women, children and others getting injured, is the LOWEST of humanity I have ever seen. All this without a reason and as illegal and unconstitutional as anything can be. That is what's below ALL of you supporting this violence. I'd rather take the OP's comment and go with that then getting women and children and others hurt and a state paralyzed.
Lo Wo Bhi Keh Rahay Hain Kay bay Nang o Naam Hai

Look says who? Keep your shamelessness and ignorance to yourself. You are from a country who has killed millions of innocent men, women, and children around the world, supporting genocide in Palestine, and you are giving us moral lessons? This is a domestic matter of Pakistan and your snouts are not welcomed here.

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