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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

In your heart of heart you SHOULD know that if, after so many days, these state officials are deserting their posts it is not because of their suddenly-arisen 'conscience'? It is because they can sniff the air--of so they think--of the powerplay. Of the 'winning side'. And so tomorrow, if bigger marchers come to Islamabad then they will switch sides again.
Pakistan gets ever closer to becoming an Afghanistan with each such 'defections'.

you support violence and brutality, I get it you are on that side of the fence... but for sake of argument, lets assume your conspiracy theory is fake, and also assume that driving force is not remorse, its rather a wise choice to avoid getting dirty..not many would like to choose to be on that side of the fence.
Lying and propaganda will ONLY take you so far. The next stop for IK and Mullah .....is the Anti-Terrorism court and jail for killing and inuring so many Civilians and Policemen.

Your post is ALSO part of the same lying campaign. Show me ONE Video Proof (not manufactured by ARY, but through BBC or other independent media) that shows NS is behind the load shedding or lack of jobs or food. This crap's been going on for 70 years BECAUSE of Politicians like IK and crazy clerics like the Mullah!

There hasn't been any politician like IK. I never said Nawaz is behind it but he is continuing the struggle. He hasn't fulfilled one promise he made and it's been more than a year. Every since 1947 it's been the same system that has been continually dragging down Pakistan. Its time to break that system.
Lying and propaganda will ONLY take you so far. The next stop for IK and Mullah .....is the Anti-Terrorism court and jail for killing and inuring so many Civilians and Policemen.

Your post is ALSO part of the same lying campaign. Show me ONE Video Proof (not manufactured by ARY, but through BBC or other independent media) that shows NS is behind the load shedding or lack of jobs or food. This crap's been going on for 70 years BECAUSE of Politicians like IK and crazy clerics like the Mullah!

Well.....what do you want people to say? You didn't have to CROSS into the sensitive zone to attack the Parliament and the PM house. Had you stayed where you were for TWO WEEKS like the Government advised you, you would NOT be holding this, the injured wouldn't be injured and the dead would STILL be alive.
All because the two idiots issued orders to attack the Parliament and the Prime Minister house and you expect NOTHING to happen???
Tell IK that he always refers to "Protest on 10 Downing Street"....try attacking ONE of the British government buildings off the SAME 10 downing street. I'd love to see what would happen to him in less than TEN minutes. He'll be shipped off to GITMO for terrorism !!! What an idiot!

Hello Thailand babe. Why would BBC be interested to cover Pakistani load shedding? How do you know BBC is not biased? In regards to attacking 10 Downing Street - See what happens when the British PM son accompanies him to the foreign trips for $$$.

The British will take their PM and the son - Chop their meat - Put a barbecue sauce and enjoy - Now this is precisely what will happen to Nawaz Sharif, his two sons, wife, daughter - Shahbaz Sahrif, his wife, children and the extended family that benefited.

On a side note, there was an article relating the ancestors of British PM to slave traders.
See how mess up this world is? You gotta be print babe Jew, Arab kink Muslim, Motherland jernail and a tranny to make $$$. Rest of us are dengue infected mosquitoes.
See what happens when the British PM son accompanies him to the foreign trips for $$$.

The British will take their PM and the son - Chop their meat - Put a barbecue sauce and enjoy

Show me ONE example of such kind in the British history. Extremist remain extremists. Not matter what you do. Your post tells me all about your mentality. Common, show me a proof of when this happened previously that they chopped someone off? This crap ONLY happens where crazy illiterate like you exist with Mullah and IK.
However if journalists blackmail in USA to get their information people give them a pat on their back for doing their job...In no way do I support this guy but I would like to know why the selective hatred?

Apparently, you are quite willing to ignore all the problems with PTI. I won't even go into Imran Khan's alliance with an extremist mullah or Imran Khan's change of heart/positions with reference to so many individuals/parties since 12 May 2007. He put quite a bit of effort with the UK govt to try to implicate Altaf Hussein, for example, the same guy who he is courting now!!! I don't want to go into Imran Khan's UTurns, his foul language in last few weeks.

But, come on! Read your post again! Mr. Lucman, by all indications, look like a very dirty 'journalist' even by Pakistan's standard and yet you are going to ignore him by referring to 'selective justice' crap? What is 'New' about Imran Khan then? Oh, pray, tell us, what is so God-damn 'New' about Imran Khan?!!!

It is not hard to predict who Imran Khan will choose should he be **facilitated** into power: It will be same old, same old as far as political expediency is concerned except Imran is so egotistical that he will cause violence, conflict, and friction with everyone who is not his 'yes sir' kind of guy.
Show me ONE example of such kind in the British history. Extremist remain extremists. Not matter what you do. Your post tells me all about your mentality. Common, show me a proof of when this happened previously that they chopped someone off? This crap ONLY happens where crazy illiterate like you exist with Mullah and IK.

Maybe you will be the first example?
Show me ONE example of such kind in the British history. Extremist remain extremists. Not matter what you do. Your post tells me all about your mentality. Common, show me a proof of when this happened previously that they chopped someone off? This crap ONLY happens where crazy illiterate like you exist with Mullah and IK.

They're crazy for wanting to change a horrible and corrupt system? Dealing with NS and other corrupt politicians is like talking to a brick wall. Instead of meaninglessly negotiating with them we should have broke that wall a long time ago.
Apparently, you are quite willing to ignore all the problems with PTI. I won't even go into Imran Khan's alliance with an extremist mullah or Imran Khan's change of heart/positions with reference to so many individuals/parties since 12 May 2007. He put quite a bit of effort with the UK govt to try to implicate Altaf Hussein, for example, the same guy who he is courting now!!! I don't want to go into Imran Khan's UTurns, his foul language in last few weeks.

But, come on! Read your post again! Mr. Lucman, by all indications, look like a very dirty 'journalist' even by Pakistan's standard and yet you are going to ignore him by referring to 'selective justice' crap? What is 'New' about Imran Khan then? Oh, pray, tell us, what is so God-damn 'New' about Imran Khan?!!!

It is not hard to predict who Imran Khan will choose should he be **facilitated** into power: It will be same old, same old as far as political expediency is concerned except Imran is so egotistical that he will cause violence, conflict, and friction with everyone who is not his 'yes sir' kind of guy.

Babe it seems you have tons of free time. I really have to take you to Thailand now.
They're crazy for wanting to change a horrible and corrupt system? Dealing with NS and other corrupt politicians is like talking to a brick wall..

How about you leave this forum, take your wife, sister and children there and send us a Text pictures of attacking police...then we can talk???
No MATTER how horrible of a system there is, you can't replace it with blood shed. Your leaders lied to you, nothing is EVER going to get out of this. ONLY innocents killed and injured. If you have issues with corruption, show the proof and go to courts many times till you get justice. If you don't have proofs.....you are just following a campaign based on lies like everything else.

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