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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

Good for you........ the guy with only one word 'Taliban Khan' in his vocabulary....... I'd seriously like to get my hands on you one day! :D
Taliban is not a swear word.

And you're not at my level. Don't dream of it.
The politicos rather than calling for 300 more police re-enforcement, should call for 300 doctors. surely those guys would be getting overworked.,
Sitting in japan you rely on tv. Independent Eye witnesses say something else. And what happened last night do you expect all the people at one place. Just have a look at parliament hOuse lawns and the tent city there
You sitting with crowd? A neural media is much better to know the situation no matter where you are, bet on me even in protestors don't know what's happening they believe what their leader says.

Yahya Khan is missing :coffee:
@orangzaib - You keep saying that 20K are trying to steal mandate of 200mlln. Once again, it's your failure to understand ground realities and Pakistan itself.
  • Islamabad is generally beyond access to a large percentage of the population because of how expensive it is.
  • People are in dire financial straits, so they're tied up in their jobs because their families depend on them. Unlike the US, people don't live independently here. Families are tightly integrated and live very dependently on each other.
  • A large percentage of the population are too poor to afford even the trip to Islamabad.
  • The government has sealed off Islamabad with containers and other road blocks
  • We are very familial people, if someone in the family feels that its dangerous to be there, no one from the family will be there. The word of our parents is taken as gospel and we don't argue.
So just because there are 20K-70K people in the rally, that doesn't mean those are the only supporters of PTI.

Every media channel has been reporting on the rally 24/7 since the 14th. Would that really be the case if the nation wasn't completely hooked onto the rally?

The amount of time you spend on here, I tend to think it's your full-time job. Might want to try and convince your fellow Americans instead to fix places you've fucked up during the last few decades instead.
Guys its not the time to quarrel among ourselves, lets pray we have no more causalities.
Its easy for us to type bunch of statements and feel good but think of those bearing the brunt at the scene.
We must agree force is never a solution against own people.
We are Pakistani first and party affiliation comes after.
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