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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

Absolutely! But what we are witnessing now is definitely not a way to reach to a solution. Lack of trust is one usual factor is politics, it exists everywhere. Political matters are resolved politically on the basis of give and take, this is how politics works all over the world. IK and TUQ could easily have cinched a deal with government which was/is in its all time weakest position, main objectives behind dharana could have easily met and then materialized. The situation we are in right now is all because of incalcitrant behavior, seems as if both had one point agenda.
I agree with you but Emmie my friend, we have just witnessed the U-turns from Nawaz on Army-mediation, the difference between the actual FIR and the one released to the media etc. How one can trust him? Whatever the government has agreed to give to IK/TAQ was not backed up with any guarantee. Even the Army stepped back in the end and refused to give any guarantees on behalf of the government.
Adding more to it he's dumb of some highest degree... Doesn't use 0.00000001 percent of his brain.
If he did then he would have been in a situation where PTI/PAT are now. Apparently he is not the dumbest politician afterall.
Who, What, Why: How dangerous is tear gas?

By Rema Rahman
BBC News


Protesters in Cairo have reported severe symptoms after inhaling tear gas used by police. Just how dangerous is tear gas?

Doctors and activists in and around Tahrir Square have claimed a new type of tear gas is being used by police, due to the extreme reactions being reported.

One medical volunteer at a field hospital on the edge of the square said he saw people suffering problems with their nervous system and epileptic fits. Others said people were coughing up blood and collapsing.

This has led some to suggest the Egyptian security forces have been using stronger forms of the gas.

The chemical compound used in most tear gas canisters is o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile, known as CS, and is often used as a means of crowd control by military and police units to force people to disperse quickly.

There are other, stronger chemical structures - one is called CN, which was a precursor of CS. And then there is CR, which is known to be a particularly potent version that is six times more powerful than CS. CR is rarely used and it's banned in the US because it can cause cancer.

But so far there is no evidence that anything other than CS gas has been used, says the BBC's Jon Leyne in Cairo.

"None of the cans we saw had evidence they were the more poisonous CR or CN gas. Indeed, of the many journalists and human rights activists investigating the issue, none has come up with a used canister of CR or CN gas."

So how dangerous is CS spray and what could be the reason why symptoms appear to be so severe?

Experts agree that typical effects of common forms of tear gas are a burning, watery sensation in the eyes, difficulty breathing, chest pain, excessive saliva and skin irritation. Heavy exposure can also induce vomiting.

Symptoms begin 20 to 30 seconds after exposure but ease about 10 minutes later once the person has escaped to fresh air, says Neil Gibson, an analyst with IHS Jane's, an intelligence and security publication.

Different types of tear gas with different compounds have their own toxicological effects and levels, says Mr Gibson. "The effects differ mostly in high dosage, but in lower concentrations they are similar."

Authorities use tear gas, namely the CS version, because "it means avoiding the use of something more physical or live rounds [of ammunition]," says Alastair Hay, professor of environmental toxicology at the University of Leeds.

Death is rare but not impossible, he says. It is often the result of a combination of tear gas and other factors such as restraint in police custody where breathing can be further restricted.

"Generally, deaths from exposure to riot control agents are minimal - that's why most countries have them as something to resort to."

But repeated use of tear gas in narrow spaces, such as Mohammed Mahmoud Street near Tahrir Square where many protests have taken place, means people are exposed to it in a smaller space for longer. That has led to more severe problems.

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A part of BBC News Magazine, Who, What, Why? aims to answer questions behind the headlines

Also, the strain caused by physical exertion such as a running makes someone coming in contact with tear gas more susceptible to more severe symptoms, says Mr Hay. Breathing becomes more restricted, which could lead to violent coughing that produces blood.

Repeated or prolonged exposure is dangerous, says Steve Wright of Leeds Metropolitan University, who has researched technologies related to policing.

Not only is CS harmful, but people could also be hurt by being hit with a canister, says Mr Wright. Tear gas canisters work much like hand grenades in that a pin is pulled, which triggers an ignition that sends the chemical into the air. Tear gas can also be fired from a gun.

Reports of expired tear gas canisters picked up by protesters in Egypt led to theories that it could be more toxic.

But Mr Wright says if enough time has elapsed that the chemicals have broken down inside the can, then it makes the canister less effective.

BBC News - Who, What, Why: How dangerous is tear gas?
ok let me quote old posts on this topic

I hope it gives you the idea of how it works

You really expect the gov't to directly fire on innocent people? Half of which don't know how to get to Islamabad on their own. These innocent people are there because of religious affiliation to Mullah. They think they are fighting a war for Islam. Same crap that these Mullah's taught the Talibans. Its the same old story. But like I said, they can't take over the Parliament or the PM house, nor will this topple the government. If it even does, then after each election you can count on more violence.

Its very sad to see how so many people are getting high off violence and thinking the country is being saved. Its the extremist mentality that exist in your society.
See #IslamabadMassacre. PTI has it all planned. Thanks be to Allah that they failed miserably.
Not sure what kind of restrain beti g is bragging about to keep her followers happy with her?!

Dealing? Who dealt with them from Raiwand? Only police who were asked to fire on them and army who said go home yaar...nothing to do with the govt though so no idea what she is being proud of and not hiding her face in the sand like daddy g!
2013 - Rigged Elections

2013 - Failure to Open probe in Election Rigging
2013 - Failure to Open recount and verification of all ballats to check signs of rigging
2013- Illegal haste process of taking IMF loans
Wrong, not a single party accused PML-N for this. In fact even PTI, the intense opposition of PML-N in pre-election campaign endorsed the fact that we would be going for IMF loans. The conditions of IMF loan were very similar to the conditions they imposed on every country, the interest rate of 3% was also amongst the lowest interest rates we are paying for the debts.
2013 - Illegal haste process of privitization, with no focus on trying to revive economy
It was imminent too, even leaders from pti such as Asad Umar endorsed it
2013 - Illegal promises made to fix electricity crisis in 30-60 days
It was a dream come true, nobody could ever do that. PTI couldn't do it in KPK, PML-N couldn't do it in Punjab, Singh couldn't do it in Sindh, Balochistan couldn't do it in Balochistan. As per Imran Khan it is the responsibility of the provincial government to generate electricity and as per him Zardari/PPP was not at fault for not generating electricity, it was the fault of shahbaz sharif for not generating electricity. So the same rule will apply here, every province is responsible for generating electricity and all provinces failed to do that.
2013 - No Decision to finish gas pipeline
The decision is final since 2009 but there is no investor to fund the remaining portion of the pipeline. Need an investor
2013- Proven that few election areas turned out to be rigged , no reaction to apologize
Yes some of the results were changed, 2 of the PTI candidates were dethroned from the Provincial and National Assembly seats and 2-3 candidates of PML-N were also disqualified if my memory is correct
2014 - Illegally stopping Emirates airlines plane causing diplomatic rows

2014 - Illegal detention of Qadri and his workers causing deaths 15-18 people
True, investigation is needed to gather the facts
2014 - Illegal act of puting containers on Pakistani Highways disrupting trade and economy and right to protest
It is the job of both government and the protestors to ensure freedom of public is not halted by any acts they are doing. Both The government and anti-government protestors are violating general rights of the public
2014 - Not stepping down , from government !!!! By Massive Protest
Massive? 30,000 to 50,000 people is a mass gathering? The government has allegedly taken votes of about 15 million + their allies and pro-democratic parties combined votes if counted together are about 80% of the total votes casted in the general elections. It is wrong to call it massive gathering since not even a pity figure of 1 million was reached, claimed earlier by PTI before the anarchy march began.
2014 - Criminal Act of attacking Pakistani Citizens with Police force , reports of gangsters dressed as police force
It needs to be investigated, punished if proven guilty
2014 - 300-400 People injured due to attacks , and unknown number of deaths
You reap what you sow, you break the law, you take the punishment
Charge List Against Nawaz Sharif and Chaudry Nissar and CO

2012-2013 Rejection of initiative to use Technology and NADRA cards for votes
2013 - Rigged Elections
2013 - Failure to Open probe in Election Rigging
2013 - Failure to Open recount and verification of all ballots to check signs of rigging
2013- Illegal haste process of taking IMF loans, instead of local solution
2013 - Illegal haste process of privitization, with no focus on trying to revive economy
2013 - Illegal promises made to fix electricity crisis in 30-60 days
2013 - No Decision to finish gas pipeline
2013- Proven that few election areas turned out to be rigged , no reaction to apologize
2014 - Illegally stopping Emirates airlines plane causing diplomatic row with UAE
2014 - Visiting Enemy state when it was against Pakistani Interest
2014- Authorizing military operations with out proper planning in north Pakistan
2014- Starting political vandeta against , Mushraf ex army head of Pakistan and ex President of Pakistan
2014 - Illegal detention of Qadri and his workers causing deaths 15-18 people , act worthy of death as capital punishment
2014 - Not allowing FIR (Police complaint) by force and use of power

2014 - Illegal act of puting containers on Pakistani Highways disrupting trade and economy and right to protest
2014 - Damage to Highways due to illegal containers usage
2014 - Not stepping down , from government !!!! By Massive Protest
2014 - Hiring Gangsters to attack the demonstrators going to Islamabad
2014 - Criminal Act of attacking Pakistani Citizens with Police force , reports of gangsters dressed as police force
2014 - 300-400 People injured due to attacks , and unknown number of deaths {10-20 people} , act worthy of death as capital punishment
2014 - Closing out escape route for women and children , by placing containers again endangering the lives of Pakistanis
2014 - Taking 1 Billion Dollars from Another country without telling people where that money is used ?
2014 - Paying $$$ to TV anchors , for biased reporting and trying to close channels which
report against government , anti freedom of press movement

THIS GOVERNMENT IS NOT GOVERNMENT OF PEOPLE !!! We need to put charges against the government !!!
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You really expect the gov't to directly fire on innocent people? Half of which don't know how to get to Islamabad on their own. These innocent people are there because of religious affiliation to Mullah. They think they are fighting a war for Islam. Same crap that these Mullah's taught the Talibans. Its the same old story. But like I said, they can't take over the Parliament or the PM house, nor will this topple the government. If it even does, then after each election you can count on more violence.

Its very sad to see how so many people are getting high off violence and thinking the country is being saved. Its the extremist mentality that exist in your society.
Oneday we will get rid of these mullahs and foreign leaders and pakistan will be on the path to prosperity. Islam and politics should be kept separate and anyone who tries to muddle the two should he handled immediately.
You really expect the gov't to directly fire on innocent people? Half of which don't know how to get to Islamabad on their own. These innocent people are there because of religious affiliation to Mullah. They think they are fighting a war for Islam. Same crap that these Mullah's taught the Talibans. Its the same old story. But like I said, they can't take over the Parliament or the PM house, nor will this topple the government. If it even does, then after each election you can count on more violence.

Its very sad to see how so many people are getting high off violence and thinking the country is being saved. Its the extremist mentality that exist in your society.
When did I say that sir?

I said what you are saying above... agreed
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