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Gorshkov Carrier: Good Things Are Worth Waiting For

Honestly, I cannot understand India's need for any aircraft carriers.

Even Gorshkov is not effective to launch any sustained offensive operation. It's just too small.

Small? it is like 45 000 tons and it will have 12-16 fighters and 4-16 of the compact Ka-28/31 helicopters that would be enough for any offensive naval operation alongside 2 or 3 frigates.
Small? it is like 45 000 tons and it will have 12-16 fighters and 4-16 of the compact Ka-28/31 helicopters that would be enough for any offensive naval operation alongside 2 or 3 frigates.

The space problem will arise when you need to quickly launch a 3rd sortie before the 2nd sortie returns. Looking at the space you have to quickly clear each fighter that landed before the next fighter can land. Once the 1st sortie has all landed and cleared, then you have to refuel, weaponize the 1st sortie, launch it all before the 2nd sortie return to land.

Can you first land all the 1st sortie (One at a time), then fully fuel and weaponised them and then relaunch them again (One at a time) before the 2nd sortie return ?
Its interesting. The rate at which India is going, I wonder where it will be in the next 100 years.

Pakistan can not let India have superiority in Arabian Sea or the Indian Ocean. It needs to be countered by any force which aims to keep India isolated to South Asia.
Pakistan can not let India have superiority in Arabian Sea or the Indian Ocean. It needs to be countered by any force which aims to keep India isolated to South Asia.

Will you let US Navy to have superiority over Arabian Sea, Persian gulf, Atlantic and Pacific oceans? :rolleyes:
The space problem will arise when you need to quickly launch a 3rd sortie before the 2nd sortie returns. Looking at the space you have to quickly clear each fighter that landed before the next fighter can land. Once the 1st sortie has all landed and cleared, then you have to refuel, weaponize the 1st sortie, launch it all before the 2nd sortie return to land.

No, it will not because Mig-29K has good range and fuel capacity. It is capable of attacking enemy fleet from long ranges. So there will be enough time to launch atleast three sorties.

Can you first land all the 1st sortie (One at a time), then fully fuel and weaponised them and then relaunch them again (One at a time) before the 2nd sortie return ?

Thats how carriers usually works. Not just two sorties but multiple sorties in multiple directions. One sortie with 6 aircrafts each carrying two AShM (total 12 AShM) are enough to take down any upcoming enemy fleet.
The space problem will arise when you need to quickly launch a 3rd sortie before the 2nd sortie returns. Looking at the space you have to quickly clear each fighter that landed before the next fighter can land. Once the 1st sortie has all landed and cleared, then you have to refuel, weaponize the 1st sortie, launch it all before the 2nd sortie return to land.

Can you first land all the 1st sortie (One at a time), then fully fuel and weaponised them and then relaunch them again (One at a time) before the 2nd sortie return ?

Thats why we have chosen the Mig 29 k which has a folding wing for close parking and reducing ground space to cope with the space and it has in-flight refueling system as well.
Whats the use of getting a AC when the whole world knows every weapon system it carries and has been discussed over and over and over again? Would people not develop counter strategies given the delays?

This shows the lack of brainsin our babus and top brass..they dont understand that capabilities have a shelf life and need to be upgraded constantly...eg: SU-MKI..Once you keep boasting about it..people will blunt the edge by taking counter measures.

India has DUMBO STRATEGISTS..if we can call them that.
Whats the use of getting a AC when the whole world knows every weapon system it carries and has been discussed over and over and over again? Would people not develop counter strategies given the delays?

This shows the lack of brainsin our babus and top brass..they dont understand that capabilities have a shelf life and need to be upgraded constantly...eg: SU-MKI..Once you keep boasting about it..people will blunt the edge by taking counter measures.

India has DUMBO STRATEGISTS..if we can call them that.

SIR there is nothing secret about air crafts or carriers.Every nation has radars and counter measuring machines.If you keep anything secret no country trust you.For example,China keeps its military budget secret and hence no BIG country trust china when it comes to defence.
yes good things indeed especially when technology predates cold war!

Yes good thing indeed. We are not getting it as AID (remember recently concluded $2 billion, F16, kerry lugar aid) from the same country which bombs your tribal areas and killing innocent people.
The space problem will arise when you need to quickly launch a 3rd sortie before the 2nd sortie returns. Looking at the space you have to quickly clear each fighter that landed before the next fighter can land. Once the 1st sortie has all landed and cleared, then you have to refuel, weaponize the 1st sortie, launch it all before the 2nd sortie return to land.

Can you first land all the 1st sortie (One at a time), then fully fuel and weaponised them and then relaunch them again (One at a time) before the 2nd sortie return ?

I see Kinetic has already replied this query..
Mig-29K indeed has very long range..
This carrier is also a sort of Learning ground for the larger and more sophisticated Carriers that IN plans to have .....

There is nothing better than to learn from the real thing...
Also the way This ship and future ships will operate is quite different from how Viraat was/is used

yes good things indeed especially when technology predates cold war!

respected admiral would advice you to take a look at these ...

Small? it is like 45 000 tons and it will have 12-16 fighters and 4-16 of the compact Ka-28/31 helicopters that would be enough for any offensive naval operation alongside 2 or 3 frigates.

Actually he is right..the Gorky is too small(space wise) to sustain continuous offensive..there is less space on the Gorky for fixed wing aircraft as it was a missile carrier. The IAC-1 which has a similar displacement can carry 2 times the amount of aircraft the Gorky can as it was designed to be a aircraft carrier from the ground up.
Actually he is right..the Gorky is too small(space wise) to sustain continuous offensive..there is less space on the Gorky for fixed wing aircraft as it was a missile carrier. The IAC-1 which has a similar displacement can carry 2 times the amount of aircraft the Gorky can as it was designed to be a aircraft carrier from the ground up.

mate! India is not US or that rich who can afford 7 super carrier for offensive mission ,we always love to be in our playground while gorky and IAC 1 is quiet a big punch to any navy in asia for next 2decades.
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