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Google maps find alien 'spaceship' on Moon?

Sometimes I feel that we humans are actually aliens on this planet Earth, just compare us with any other life forms in the world, and we are so "Out of the world"!! :-)

@thesolar65 @scorpionx @Anubis What do you think?

Ummmm...I also believe that we are from out of this world...I think some kind of new religion also preaches it but does not know what it is?
@jbgt90 @thesolar65 its not spaceship.... Its a base. Why it appeard or built now is a question.... But let me explain u all that gods created universe. They Created our solar system. First life on our solar system was on planet venus. Gods created such a way that sun will eat venus than creatures of venus will be moved on earth.... They did. God created mars where pleiadians landed. However in a war mars was pushed out. So god moved mars such a way that one day humans can migrate on it (in very few number).... By that time earth will be roasting by sun. Lord krishna has said earth came out of sun and in the end it will merge in sun.... He knew it because god created this formula.... The grey aliens are slave of gods. They trying to calm sun because humans still didnt start manned mission on mars while sun getting closer. So greys trying to calm sun so humans can get bit more time. Let me also remind u that there are greys who are rebels. They dont obey their masters. They controling earth. While moon and solar system controled by grey alien slave race. The rebel grey aliens are on earth since god left them on earth to look after humans but they enjoy rulling and dont want to be slave of gods. But gods are gods. They will get them. Remember that this rebel grey aliens gave nuclear bomb technology to humans. Than gods sended slave grey aliens towards earth in 1940s to make sure humans dont explode further nuclear bomb. Gods knew america will explode nuclear bomb as they were created to rule evil age. Gods knows everything as they see future. In the end humans will suffer if humans support rebel grey aliens. God knows humans will support rebels.... On moon its grey slave alien race. They first time giving some warning or clue. Their base is on dark side of moon. Why they came in open i dont know yet.
Sometimes I feel that we humans are actually aliens on this planet Earth, just compare us with any other life forms in the world, and we are so "Out of the world"!! :-)

@scorpionx What do you think?

Humans have grown at a quite faster pace than others and it's evolution certainly looks odd among others. But these are just speculations and we have no proof except some charming mythologies in ancient religions.
@jbgt90 @thesolar65 its not spaceship.... Its a base. Why it appeard or built now is a question.... But let me explain u all that gods created universe. They Created our solar system. First life on our solar system was on planet venus. Gods created such a way that sun will eat venus than creatures of venus will be moved on earth.... They did. God created mars where pleiadians landed. However in a war mars was pushed out. So god moved mars such a way that one day humans can migrate on it (in very few number).... By that time earth will be roasting by sun. Lord krishna has said earth came out of sun and in the end it will merge in sun.... He knew it because god created this formula.... The grey aliens are slave of gods. They trying to calm sun because humans still didnt start manned mission on mars while sun getting closer. So greys trying to calm sun so humans can get bit more time. Let me also remind u that there are greys who are rebels. They dont obey their masters. They controling earth. While moon and solar system controled by grey alien slave race. The rebel grey aliens are on earth since god left them on earth to look after humans but they enjoy rulling and dont want to be slave of gods. But gods are gods. They will get them. Remember that this rebel grey aliens gave nuclear bomb technology to humans. Than gods sended slave grey aliens towards earth in 1940s to make sure humans dont explode further nuclear bomb. Gods knew america will explode nuclear bomb as they were created to rule evil age. Gods knows everything as they see future. In the end humans will suffer if humans support rebel grey aliens. God knows humans will support rebels.... On moon its grey slave alien race. They first time giving some warning or clue. Their base is on dark side of moon. Why they came in open i dont know yet.
@jbgt90 @thesolar65 its not spaceship.... Its a base. Why it appeard or built now is a question.... But let me explain u all that gods created universe. They Created our solar system. First life on our solar system was on planet venus. Gods created such a way that sun will eat venus than creatures of venus will be moved on earth.... They did. God created mars where pleiadians landed. However in a war mars was pushed out. So god moved mars such a way that one day humans can migrate on it (in very few number).... By that time earth will be roasting by sun. Lord krishna has said earth came out of sun and in the end it will merge in sun.... He knew it because god created this formula.... The grey aliens are slave of gods. They trying to calm sun because humans still didnt start manned mission on mars while sun getting closer. So greys trying to calm sun so humans can get bit more time. Let me also remind u that there are greys who are rebels. They dont obey their masters. They controling earth. While moon and solar system controled by grey alien slave race. The rebel grey aliens are on earth since god left them on earth to look after humans but they enjoy rulling and dont want to be slave of gods. But gods are gods. They will get them. Remember that this rebel grey aliens gave nuclear bomb technology to humans. Than gods sended slave grey aliens towards earth in 1940s to make sure humans dont explode further nuclear bomb. Gods knew america will explode nuclear bomb as they were created to rule evil age. Gods knows everything as they see future. In the end humans will suffer if humans support rebel grey aliens. God knows humans will support rebels.... On moon its grey slave alien race. They first time giving some warning or clue. Their base is on dark side of moon. Why they came in open i dont know yet.

What's your take on this wild Chinese venture on to the moon? Will we get punished for being there? What will happen to our moon mission or missions in the future?
What's your take on this wild Chinese venture on to the moon? Will we get punished for being there? What will happen to our moon mission or missions in the future?

I think in that case it will be the first case where earthling(Chinese) confronts with Alien!! And also history will remember that China saved earth from Aliens not US as projected by Movies!!......
It can be found on the Google Moon viewer at coordinates 22042'38.46N and 142034'44.52E
@jbgt90 @thesolar65 its not spaceship.... Its a base. Why it appeard or built now is a question.... But let me explain u all that gods created universe. They Created our solar system. First life on our solar system was on planet venus. Gods created such a way that sun will eat venus than creatures of venus will be moved on earth.... They did. God created mars where pleiadians landed. However in a war mars was pushed out. So god moved mars such a way that one day humans can migrate on it (in very few number).... By that time earth will be roasting by sun. Lord krishna has said earth came out of sun and in the end it will merge in sun.... He knew it because god created this formula.... The grey aliens are slave of gods. They trying to calm sun because humans still didnt start manned mission on mars while sun getting closer. So greys trying to calm sun so humans can get bit more time. Let me also remind u that there are greys who are rebels. They dont obey their masters. They controling earth. While moon and solar system controled by grey alien slave race. The rebel grey aliens are on earth since god left them on earth to look after humans but they enjoy rulling and dont want to be slave of gods. But gods are gods. They will get them. Remember that this rebel grey aliens gave nuclear bomb technology to humans. Than gods sended slave grey aliens towards earth in 1940s to make sure humans dont explode further nuclear bomb. Gods knew america will explode nuclear bomb as they were created to rule evil age. Gods knows everything as they see future. In the end humans will suffer if humans support rebel grey aliens. God knows humans will support rebels.... On moon its grey slave alien race. They first time giving some warning or clue. Their base is on dark side of moon. Why they came in open i dont know yet.

You were missing for long time, i thought maybe aliens abducted you again.
Did you not hear this???
I thought moon itself was a huge extra terrestrial object....now they say they've found an ET ship over a mega ET object. :)
This line got me curious
"However, it is much larger than any airplane ever built on Earth, it said."

Sometimes I feel that we humans are actually aliens on this planet Earth, just compare us with any other life forms in the world, and we are so "Out of the world"!! :-)

Did you forget our similarities with chimps???? :lol:
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Did you forget our similarities with chimps???? :lol:

I thought we just had links with a common ancestor of chimps, and we branched out.

Frankly, after coming to PDF the efficacy of theory of evolution increased for me, After witnessing the 'ape' like behaviour of the keyboard warriors, Darwin had it right.

Conversation here is like a bunch of Male chimps strutting around and making noise.
I thought we just had links with a common ancestor of chimps, and we branched out.

Frankly, after coming to PDF the efficacy of theory of evolution increased for me, After witnessing the 'ape' like behaviour of the keyboard warriors, Darwin had it right.

Conversation here is like a bunch of Male chimps strutting around and making noise.

Darwin got it soo wrong....
Dont you know some chimps learnt to make fire and branched out from others in their tribe??
And soon they found some aliens who injected some special hormones into them and
voila we had humans!
Moral of the story: Some human beings still are the same old chest-beating chimpanzees.
Darwin got it soo wrong....
Dont you know some chimps learnt to make fire and branched out from others in their tribe??
And soon they found some aliens who injected some special hormones into them and
voila we had humans!
Moral of the story: Some human beings still are the same old chest-beating chimpanzees.

Ahhh... let's leave the conversation at that. Some of our 'muslim' friends may be offended at our 'evolving' discussion ;)
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