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Goof-up as India govt ad features ex-PAF chief

They are very much impressed by our Army Chiefs' personality so they post that. simple:rofl:
Well, I think Pakistan can sue India for copyright violation! :D

no need ..
I think violation is for noble purpose then it is not a 'Violation'. the ad was to en light the awareness. we appreciate it :D
Actually the picture is very apt. The reason being that female infanticide is unheard of in Pakistan because Islam prohibits it. So its only right they should include the picture of a Pakistani hero.
haha this is actually kinda funny :D .. shows how much love there is between india and pak :D
hahahahahah sue indians and indian govt very funny but we r not india sir

I don't see any thing funny in it---I would really really appreciate it if the retd ACM found a way to say something helpful in favour of girl child in india and pakistan---God has given him this unique oppurtunity to make friends and amends---see what he can do.

I don't see any thing funny in it---I would really really appreciate it if the retd ACM found a way to say something helpful in favour of girl child in india and pakistan---God has given him this unique oppurtunity to make friends and amends---see what he can do.


Appreciate your ' away from the ordinary' thinking.

We unfortunately love to hate each other too much. Our feet and minds are forever in the quagmire of hate. Our thoughts are forever in ' auto hate mode'.

Won't help.
Guys, once more....

Pakistan Air Force destroy India without firing a single missile

written by: pranavnda95
Posted on: 1/24/2010 1:30:02 PM

In a bizarre development, former Pakistan Air Force chief was all over India in few seconds. He ran over India without receiving a single resistance on his way to New Delhi.

He was praised and he was worshiped. He was in eyes of Indian. He was just a click away. Searched on Google image, downloaded and pasted over; this is how he won India in just few second.

The Indian Minister later on clarified about this goof-up. She said that the message is more important than image. I think she never went to school where you learn "Picture speaks thousand words."

"The message is more important than the image. The real motive behind this advertisement was to encourage females to become mothers and stop female foeticide. The photograph is only symbolic," she said. "We are any way for global peace. You people (media) are creating an unnecessary issue."

lol thx God india didnt blame ISI ...they link every mishap with ISI lol kal ko Mr.Manmohan singh ki wife pregnant hogaye tau uska name bhi ISI pe ayega :victory:
This is a slap in the face whereby the Indians decided to apologise to its people.....it has killed two birdswith one stone.

(a) apologise to ITS people with putting a PAF officer (rtd)
(b) apologise for putting him on the ad in order to metaphorically say he should not have been born as is the nature of the Ad.

If India was so sincere they would have apologised to the ex PAF officer also.
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