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Good Indian induction TATA Castrol and K9 VAJRA

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That @Joe Shearer guy never has anything positive to say about India. He always supports Pakistani or Chinese narrative.

He most likely is a false flagger and surely does not support or represent India and Indian narrative.

As far as I know, he is an Indian and his flags are true, accurate & genuine in regard to his country as well as his origin of current location. However, he has been taking on RSS brigade from time to time which makes him a false flager for Bhakts. He may have never added anything positive for Modi & company. Even I can see that being an outsider, A Pakistani or even Chinese knows that. While I continued to write something as such, I found myself in an ironical situation where it is really hard to express my side to someone who is not even looking at the bigger picture right in front of you. By the way, that was a bit of surprise to know that Joe is actually a false flager to some Indians. o_O
As far as I know, he is an Indian and his flags are true, accurate & genuine in regard to his country as well as his origin of current location. However, he has been taking on RSS brigade from time to time which makes him a false flager for Bhakts. He may have never added anything positive for Modi & company. Even I can see that being an outsider, A Pakistani or even Chinese knows that. While I continued to write something as such, I found myself in an ironical situation where it is really hard to express my side to someone who is not even looking at the bigger picture right in front of you. By the way, that was a bit of surprise to know that Joe is actually a false flager to some Indians. o_O

The differences between various political parties is internal to India. When it comes to our foreign policy we are all one and have the same Indian narrative irrespective of our political leanings unlike @Joe Shearer who does not subscribe to Indian narrative.
However, he has been taking on RSS brigade from time to time which makes him a false flager for Bhakts. He may have never added anything positive for Modi & company. Even I can see that being an outsider, A Pakistani or even Chinese knows that. While I continued to write something as such, I found myself in an ironical situation where it is really hard to express my side to someone who is not even looking at the bigger picture right in front of you. By the way, that was a bit of surprise to know that Joe is actually a false flager to some Indians.

I wouldn't waste time on these birds of passage. There are many, including those hostile to my views, who know who I am, what I do, and where I live. You are right in saying that I see nothing positive in the sorts of characters who are now in power (our code of conduct enjoins polite behaviour on those of us who subscribed).

On foreign policy, my reactions are mixed. While I believe that the present administration has been bungling and bumbling its way through foreign policy, and while I think its policies towards Pakistan are disastrous, these disastrous policies and their implementations are specific to the current administration.
The differences between various political parties is internal to India. When it comes to our foreign policy we are all one and have the same Indian narrative irrespective of our political leanings unlike @Joe Shearer who does not subscribe to Indian narrative.

If you don't mind me saying, India's foreign policy is like turned upside down and what Modi proceeded is nowhere like an Indian policy from the past. If Modi was here merely for the sake of change of face while Indian policy is the same, I don't think you guys need any election or a dedicated Foreign Minister when he/she has to copy paste already existing setup. I am sorry to say but there is a reason if I would like Modi to rule India more & more. If you can't see the difference between Indian policy from the past as compare to current, I have no further argument to say otherwise. But all in all, I could see why @Joe Shearer has been not towing Modi's policy.
If you don't mind me saying, India's foreign policy is like turned upside down and what Modi proceeded is nowhere like an Indian policy from the past. If Modi was here merely for the sake of change of face while Indian policy is the same, I don't think you guys need any election or a dedicated Foreign Minister when he/she has to copy paste already existing setup. I am sorry to say but there is a reason if I would like Modi to rule India more & more. If you can't see the difference between Indian policy from the past as compare to current, I have no further argument to say otherwise.

Look at the irony of it. My position is exactly the same as you have defined above. Yet if I talk about it in those terms, the loyalists are up in flames.

Inicidentally, I shall treasure this day, when I have received the endorsement of even a man of such stern principles as you.

It's a good feeling. :enjoy:
Look at the irony of it. My position is exactly the same as you have defined above. Yet if I talk about it in those terms, the loyalists are up in flames.

Inicidentally, I shall treasure this day, when I have received the endorsement of even a man of such stern principles as you.

It's a good feeling. :enjoy:

Humbled. The reason why started argument so that no one should be of the opinion that there is a selective approach when it comes to discussion.
If you don't mind me saying, India's foreign policy is like turned upside down and what Modi proceeded is nowhere like an Indian policy from the past. If Modi was here merely for the sake of change of face while Indian policy is the same, I don't think you guys need any election or a dedicated Foreign Minister when he/she has to copy paste already existing setup. I am sorry to say but there is a reason if I would like Modi to rule India more & more. If you can't see the difference between Indian policy from the past as compare to current, I have no further argument to say otherwise. But all in all, I could see why @Joe Shearer has been not towing Modi's policy.

There is no Modi policy or Rahul policy. It is Indian foreign policy. Watch what Shahi has to say.

There is no Modi policy or Rahul policy. It is Indian foreign policy. Watch what Shahi has to say.

I am not Indian but as an outsider looking in it feels that Indian politics and foreign policy has deteriorated over the past 15 years. Some say that chankia views are being reflected now in Indian politics and foriegn policy but I disagree. We use chankia and others in business a lot and I did not see him suggest that one should attempt suicide to satisfy the 36 inch chest ego.

I am not Indian but as an outsider looking in it feels that Indian politics and foreign policy has deteriorated over the past 15 years. Some say that chankia views are being reflected now in Indian politics and foriegn policy but I disagree. We use chankia and others in business a lot and I did not see him suggest that one should attempt suicide to satisfy the 36 inch chest ego.


Indian foreign policy works for the interests of India not Pakistan. :-)
There is no Modi policy or Rahul policy. It is Indian foreign policy. Watch what Shahi has to say.

By the same logic, what if I am opposing Modi yet supports Rahul? how does it affect my stand in regard to Indian Foreign Policy? Don't you think that a man who opposed Modi is not necessarily to be a false flager? What do you have to support your claim of Joe being a False Flager? His opposing views, in-fact opposing view of any Indian; doesn't make him/her a False Flager though rather that is the issue of political disagreements and that's it. Please continue on topic as I am out of further derailing.

Indian foreign policy works for the interests of India not Pakistan. :-)

No one wants Indian policy to work for Pakistan, well in case of Modi it does so, but the topic was Joe being a false flager and not the Indian Policy.
Looks like you are new here.

That @Joe Shearer guy never has anything positive to say about India. He always supports Pakistani or Chinese narrative.

He most likely is a false flagger and surely does not support or represent India and Indian narrative.
Who are we to judge?
He may be a grumpy old lady living in some secluded country and making fun at the cost of your inner harmony and peace.
Tagging some one with false flagger is not going to help. Destroy his argument and prove that without doubt he or she is an impostor.

Good luck!

If you don't mind me saying, India's foreign policy is like turned upside down and what Modi proceeded is nowhere like an Indian policy from the past. If Modi was here merely for the sake of change of face while Indian policy is the same, I don't think you guys need any election or a dedicated Foreign Minister when he/she has to copy paste already existing setup. I am sorry to say but there is a reason if I would like Modi to rule India more & more. If you can't see the difference between Indian policy from the past as compare to current, I have no further argument to say otherwise. But all in all, I could see why
@Joe Shearer has been not towing Modi's policy.
Look at the irony of it. My position is exactly the same as you have defined above. Yet if I talk about it in those terms, the loyalists are up in flames.

Inicidentally, I shall treasure this day, when I have received the endorsement of even a man of such stern principles as you.

It's a good feeling. :enjoy:

Good to see your bromance!
It's true that Joe get very abrasive to who ever praises current Govt. Hope you can take a subtle approach, to win hearts and change minds.

CoC - Reminder - we are going off topic. :enjoy:

There is no Modi policy or Rahul policy. It is Indian foreign policy. Watch what Shahi has to say.

It's Indian foreign policy but may see some changes from one Govt. to other. There is no perfect world and policy. We as citizen of free country are entitled to have opinion and belief and should always be open to debate.

I am not Indian but as an outsider looking in it feels that Indian politics and foreign policy has deteriorated over the past 15 years. Some say that chankia views are being reflected now in Indian politics and foriegn policy but I disagree. We use chankia and others in business a lot and I did not see him suggest that one should attempt suicide to satisfy the 36 inch chest ego.

You are entitled to have opinion and that does not make it it good or bad.
I am not much of a military fan but that is a good-looking vehicle. How many crew can it carry ?

To my untrained eye it looks like the Israeli Namer :

It's actually designed and developed by a European consortium currently being used by the land forces of Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Australia and the UK.



By the same logic, what if I am opposing Modi yet supports Rahul? how does it affect my stand in regard to Indian Foreign Policy? Don't you think that a man who opposed Modi is not necessarily to be a false flager? What do you have to support your claim of Joe being a False Flager? His opposing views, in-fact opposing view of any Indian; doesn't make him/her a False Flager though rather that is the issue of political disagreements and that's it. Please continue on topic as I am out of further derailing.


Supporting Indian narrative and opposing the political party in power are not mutually exclusive. People do it all the time.
It's Indian foreign policy but may see some changes from one Govt. to other. There is no perfect world and policy. We as citizen of free country are entitled to have opinion and belief and should always be open to debate.

Yes. Indian foreign policy has and will change with time but it is not tied to the internal politics of India.
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