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Good Indian induction TATA Castrol and K9 VAJRA

Stay safe and take care, Sir.

Thank you so much.

Since @Khan vilatey mentioned it, why don't you give us a round-up of the four or five new initiatives happening in the Artillery Arm in India? K9 Vajra, and perhaps also the three other DRDO developments, ATAGS included, and the Kalyani Group's very challenging approach?
I am not much of a military fan but that is a good-looking vehicle. How many crew can it carry ?

To my untrained eye it looks like the Israeli Namer :




What are you DOING here!!

This is a military section!!!!
Heh heh.

I came here to see if any posted vehicle can be modfiable to be used as bulletproof and mineproof transport for VIPs instead of those Mercedes'.

Short answer, NO.

They can't be seen by their adoring public in these.

Did you see a pot-bellied clown wondering what was for tea, as he stared at some of these with a very nervous escort tagging along explaining EVERY technical detail that the mutt didn't want to know?
Heh heh.

I came here to see if any posted vehicle can be modfiable to be used as bulletproof and mineproof transport for VIPs instead of those Mercedes'.


That's only for VIPs in Chhatisgarh.
Thank you so much.

Since @Khan vilatey mentioned it, why don't you give us a round-up of the four or five new initiatives happening in the Artillery Arm in India? K9 Vajra, and perhaps also the three other DRDO developments, ATAGS included, and the Kalyani Group's very challenging approach?

I'd love to, buy I'm not very well updated with the ongoing projects in recent times. I'm nearing the end of my PhD, so focussing on that for the time being.
I was trolling through YouTube and came across two good Indian inductions

TATA Castrol IFV and K9 Thunder artillery

the K9 Thunder is a good SP artillery system and quiet mobile from South Korea.

On paper TATA Castrol seems like a good system comparable US strikers.

what are Pakistani options to counter these systems slated for induction in the IA


Please visit threads in Pakistan Army section where you can find most of the stuff available in public domain but creating a thread with a question and merely referring to some random yt videos is not a quality OP to begin with.
Please visit threads in Pakistan Army section where you can find most of the stuff available in public domain but creating a thread with a question and merely referring to some random yt videos is not a quality OP to begin with.

these are good buys which will need to be addressed. Can I please request the link to the thread that address these purchases so I can educate myself. In my search I did not find any threads that addresses these systems, could be my unfamiliarity with the tool.

The k9 thunder is a good system comparable to our American sp systems. The sh-15 will be a good counter but does not have the ability to fire on the move. although we can make it under license and could create a lot more at 1/4 th the cost due to cheaper production of lightly armored wheeled vehicles

the sh-15 is a compromise between tube artillery and sp.

We do have some IFV’s like the talah etc but a wheeled amphibious IFV which can move in with Indian t-90 formations Needs a counter.

luckily the arjuns would breakdown in battle and would present such a huge target that it would negate some of the IFV advantage.

these are good buys which will need to be addressed. Can I please request the link to the thread that address these purchases so I can educate myself. In my search I did not find any threads that addresses these systems, could be my unfamiliarity with the tool.

The k9 thunder is a good system comparable to our American sp systems. The sh-15 will be a good counter but does not have the ability to fire on the move. although we can make it under license and could create a lot more at 1/4 th the cost due to cheaper production of lightly armored wheeled vehicles

the sh-15 is a compromise between tube artillery and sp.

We do have some IFV’s like the talah etc but a wheeled amphibious IFV which can move in with Indian t-90 formations Needs a counter.

luckily the arjuns would breakdown in battle and would present such a huge target that it would negate some of the IFV advantage.


you wouldn't find a single thread for every procurement or counter or every single military vehicle. Pakistan Army Section has different threads and you can search. I wish that you could have penned down all these details in OP to make it looks like you too have something to share and then ask questions later but that seems to be like a thread with 4 lines and no interest to begin with.

Secondly, we do not allow comparison threads since, there's no official comparison and every equipment has its own ups & downs... advantages or disadvantages. Moreover, an artillery along with some APCs or tanks, can't be discussed in same thread given the intent to discuss an equipment or is it like a scenario where all these vehicles will be utilized with their pros & cons.
you wouldn't find a single thread for every procurement or counter or every single military vehicle. Pakistan Army Section has different threads and you can search. I wish that you could have penned down all these details in OP to make it looks like you too have something to share and then ask questions later but that seems to be like a thread with 4 lines and no interest to begin with.

Secondly, we do not allow comparison threads since, there's no official comparison and every equipment has its own ups & downs... advantages or disadvantages. Moreover, an artillery along with some APCs or tanks, can't be discussed in same thread given the intent to discuss an equipment or is it like a scenario where all these vehicles will be utilized with their pros & cons.

thank you for your guidance, I am assuming a combined arms scenario with Indian armor formations coupled with these new IFV’s covered by the K-9 sp artillery. The Russian 100 guns scenario aka cold start. This calls for 100 sp artillery covering 100 tanks t-90 in India’s case and a 100+ IFVs that can cross our rivers for an Infantry holding force

although Indian planners fail to take into account pakistani air superiority in Pakistani territory, the MRLS advantage we hold and the significant armed drones we have. Still it will hurt and we need our own rapid attack force to do the same to the Indians say 30 kms inside India.

We are missing Wheeled IFVs to counter
thank you for your guidance, I am assuming a combined arms scenario with Indian armor formations coupled with these new IFV’s covered by the K-9 sp artillery. The Russian 100 guns scenario aka cold start. This calls for 100 sp artillery covering 100 tanks t-90 in India’s case and a 100+ IFVs that can cross our rivers for an Infantry holding force

although Indian planners fail to take into account pakistani air superiority in Pakistani territory, the MRLS advantage we hold and the significant armed drones we have. Still it will hurt and we need our own rapid attack force to do the same to the Indians say 30 kms inside India.

We are missing Wheeled IFVs to counter

That's why I said that you should start a thread with all the details you have (like your last two posts) and continue your discussion.
Looks like you are new here.

That @Joe Shearer guy never has anything positive to say about India. He always supports Pakistani or Chinese narrative.

He most likely is a false flagger and surely does not support or represent India and Indian narrative.

I don’t know dude he gave me some friendly rubbing in another thread.

@Joe Shearer get well soon buddy

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