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‘God Will Protect Us’: Coronavirus Spreads Through an Already Struggling Pakistan

His point is to take care of yourself and your family and don't let your own faith and knowledge of Islam becoming a tool to risk others lives. If one person because of your carelessness gets infected and dies, good luck explaining it to Allah on the day of judgement.

Building immunity will protect us. Shutting down the country will not. If we make wrong assumptions then we will inherit disastrous results.
Building immunity will protect us. Shutting down the country will not. If we make wrong assumptions then we will inherit disastrous results.

Read the report in detail from Imperial college london i linked in my previous post. And ponder upon your approach towards all this.
His point is to take care of yourself and your family and don't let your own faith and knowledge of Islam becoming a tool to risk others lives. If one person because of your carelessness gets infected and dies, good luck explaining it to Allah on the day of judgement.

Nowadays, many Indians are creating IDs with Pakistani profiles to mock the religion of Islam. They say certain things which are contrary to the teachings of Islam.

For example, they want others to know that Muslims do not care about anything... the point they make looks like someone is talking according to Quran and Sunnah.. they only touch one or two ayahs or hadiths and base their opinion on them..

We have the whole life of Prophet PBUH in front of us.. Countless traditions are related to treatment of diseases.. and the behavior in case of plagues.. We know that we have an appointed time.. we know that we have our rizq guaranteed.. we know that we have our children guaranteed as well..

It doesn't mean we shouldn't take precautions or treat diseases.. or go into the plague affected towns, or do not work (because rizq will eventually come).. or do not marry (because children will eventually be given to us even if we don't marry).
Considering that you have understood what's written in it, you probably have read that US is projecting to have 2.2 million deaths if nothing is done and let the immunity to be built by itself. Do you want that to happen?

99% of those projected deaths would be of senior citizens and people with weak immunity. How will shutdown prevent that? What is needed is these vulnerable people need to be quarantined and rest of the people go on with their lives.
How will shutdown prevent that?

It is exactly explained in the report. Which shows you haven't read it and you want to argue for the sake of argument.

Nowadays, many Indians are creating IDs with Pakistani profiles to mock the religion of Islam. They say certain things which are contrary to the teachings of Islam.

For example, they want others to know that Muslims do not care about anything... the point they make looks like someone is talking according to Quran and Sunnah.. they only touch one or two ayahs or hadiths and base their opinion on them..

We have the whole life of Prophet PBUH in front of us.. Countless traditions are related to treatment of diseases.. and the behavior in case of plagues.. We know that we have an appointed time.. we know that we have our rizq guaranteed.. we know that we have our children guaranteed as well..

It doesn't mean we shouldn't take precautions or treat diseases.. or go into the plague affected towns, or do not work (because rizq will eventually come).. or do not marry (because children will eventually be given to us even if we don't marry).

I agree and even some tarnish and create controversy about social fabric of Pakistan, it's ideology, history. It used to be super sad to watch because Pakistanis back in days were not well versed of social media tools and didn't had that much internet presence. But now we have a healthy number to counter any narrative that comes out of gangus.
If everything is according to god's will then why should any of us try? Don't blame the bad guys. Noth their fault. Everything is god's will. Somebody get's sick? It's gods will. Let him die. It is god's will.

I remember: Way back in General Zia ul Haq's days... in the 1980s. A bunch of people decided to hop on some boats and cross the sea from Karachi to the Arabian Peninsula. I think they were 'pilgrims' going to Iraq's Holy Places. It was a suicidal, futile exercise. Of course most of them drowned for their folly and considerable effort was made to recover their bodies and any survivors. And yet they were declared 'martyrs'.

If America had the 'Heaven's Gate' then Pakistan has them a thousand times more!
No. I want you to explain so that I know how much you have been brain washed.

Ok i am not gonna waste my time on you, your interaction rather shows the opposite; that you have been brainwashed. I have seen videos from Italy today where hundreds of dead bodies were being buried in huge trenches, can't share them here, too graphic for PDF.


These are real numbers and if you deny the facts then i am afraid you are really a lost cause.
99% of those projected deaths would be of senior citizens and people with weak immunity. How will shutdown prevent that? What is needed is these vulnerable people need to be quarantined and rest of the people go on with their lives.

Okay, in a way, though not 'politically correct', you are starting to say what some others are already saying. A Middle Way. Not a complete lock down. Quarantine those who are needed, test massively, and let the tested/already infected/immunized back to work.
That might be what's needed.

And maybe even common sense. In a way, Trump maybe right: The Cure can't be worse than the disease.

But don't bring your dogmas into this--that's where you lost the argument, as evident above. But it's your choice.
Selfishness knows no limits. Putting the elderly and weak at risk to satisfy their own egos which revolve around religous chest thumping. Learn to be good humans first, a good human looks out for the weak in society, he doesnt intentionally participate in large gatherings during a period when a dangerous virus is on the loose.
Okay, in a way, though not 'politically correct', you are starting to say what some others are already saying. A Middle Way. Not a complete lock down. Quarantine those who are needed, test massively, and let the tested/already infected/immunized back to work.
That might be what's needed.

And maybe even common sense. In a way, Trump maybe right: The Cure can't be worse than the disease.

But don't bring your dogmas into this--that's where you lost the argument, as evident above. But it's your choice.

This is the ideal position every one is looking for right now; but the problem is that this won't work in combined family systems like Pakistan. One will get infected and all of the family will as well unless extreme precaution are to be taken. Now there has to be a sweet spot that needs to be struck in this situation but since it's an evolving situation and quite new, IMO it's better for an immediate lock down and then assess the situation how it develops. China is an example, they stopped the surge by complete lock down, prevented deaths and worked on a strategy. Now they are slowly opening up
Ok i am not gonna waste my time on you, your interaction rather shows the opposite; that you have been brainwashed. I have seen videos from Italy today where hundreds of dead bodies were being buried in huge trenches, can't share them here, too graphic for PDF.

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These are real numbers and if you deny the facts then i am afraid you are really a lost cause.

I never claimed that people will not die on the contrary I said many people will die. I want to see the proof that shutdowns will save the lives. The virus can spread even from newspapers that people are reading sitting in their living rooms.

Shutdowns do not prevent the deaths. Only immunity will.
I never claimed that people will not die on the contrary I said many people will die. I want to see the proof that shutdowns will save the lives. The virus can spread even from newspapers that people are reading sitting in their living rooms.

Shutdowns do not prevent the deaths. Only immunity will.

What shutdowns on the short term would do is prevent the rate of spread, taking away the burden from health care system. You might have had heard the term about "flattening the curve". Otherwise it's too many severely sick people and too less hospitals and it will nothing but catastrophic.
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