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GlobalFirePower 2014 puts Egypt ahead of Pakistan

I agree with that.

Egyptian Conventional Forces are a lot stronger than Pakistan.

Egypt has more modern Tanks, Fighters, Gunships, Air Defense than Pakistan.

Pakistan has a more stronger ballistic missile forces, and a stronger indigenous weapons industry.
india has 299 helis while for pakistan its writtne 555 omg!! is it true?
This stupid list also takes into account economy n other stuff and isnt really "accurate"..
I would say 7-11 would all be a close tie and the rest is pretty accurate.

LOL! But, when you then look at the Middle Eastern powers egypt isn't even in the top 13. o_O:omghaha:


FAIL, nvm they're in the Africa region number one on the list.


Egypt's Abrams force looks scary.
It will go back and fourth like this every year or few years, between places 4-20 depending on what is inducted on a yearly basis, for Pakistan as long as we cover the basics, we are fine

Currently for Pakistan there is talks of attack heli's, new subs, Block 2 JF-17's it will change again in the next few years however our main aim should be our economy so we can induct the things we require, lack of funds is holding us back
I have a few prons and cons about this GFP list.


-By index power,China is very close to leading two.
-Turkey on 8th position.
-Japan in top 10
-Egypt progress on the list.
-Good rank for North Korea,they finnaly realized that thay have only obsolete Soviet weapons from 60s.

-Isreal not in top 10
-South Korea better then Japan,Pakistan,Brazil,Iran?
-low rank of Saudia Arabia,Iran and Pakistan
-Canada and Australia in top 20?
-Too bad rank for Serbia,but not fault of GFP team but our Ministry of Defence.:(
You cant take Global firepower serious,what has changed that we moved up three places?

Modernizations had been completed during year both in naval , air and land forces. that might be caused a push up on grading of equipments.
And as i knew, GFP takes a publications as reference.
Btw its indicated corrections will be done , but seems right greece fallen back in list
Vietnam had a up movement due to 4 missile corvettes ( eventhough
projects ongoing )
For now it looks so so right in my opinion .

but wow greece ?? :D :D have they completely demobilized forces ??
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