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Global Military Rankings 2014 - Top 20

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Would you care to explain how? India and China are not Pakistan

I won't speak for India but this is what I posted about China in the other thread about this.

I would still put UK and France above China. The reason is simple, these two army are strategic forces, while not huge, they can project power where ever they want. China cannot at the moment. They got their own engine tech and the navy is world class.

Right now it's not whether China can win, it's we can't get our equipments all the way to a half way point between us to fight, while England and France can.

Until we become a strategic force with enough carrier support I can't put China above 5th.
I won't speak for India but this is what I posted about China in the other thread about this.

Well I am not that well versed in all this - anyways then you can proportionately rank India as well :tup:
I won't speak for India but this is what I posted about China in the other thread about this.

You do realize that UK's carrier is nonexistent at this moment and the one France has carries less tonnage than PLAN's one?

And also please do realize that there is no hint whatsoever that either UK or France has an edge in both quantity and quality in surface forces over their PLAN counterparts, and that its submarine forces is about to be caught up if we consider the recent boost in PLAN submarine yards. The projection power of both European are due to their overseas bases, not in the military itself.

And finally, isn't this supposed to be a military comparison, not a Navy comparison?

If a war happens on equal distance from both mainlands, U.K will just demolish india...or will even defeat China as of now....but oh well--Global firepower atleast gives something for gullible crowd to cheer on...

How? Sure, perhaps with great strategy and an occasional stroke of bravado, but since the nation lack quantity and quality against the two countries (especially with China), how exactly do you make such comparisons without at least resorting to some assumptions?
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