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Global protests against regime change in Pakistan

I wonder WTF is general nadeem raza doing. He should call the corps commander meeting ASAP.

Agree if these protests continue much longer, general elections will have to be called and a caretaker government setup for three months.
People need to surround the GHQ where the Traitor In Chief and his Generals stay !! Surround them with hundreds and thousands of people so they know that People of Pakistan do not forgive SELL-OUTS !!
Amazing crowd. Shows that people are truly disgusted by the events. But would this pressure solve anything in terms of political gains for PTI?

We all know Shareefs couldn’t give a turd for people and their opinions. How would these protests help?

CJ bandar needs to be audited. He blatantly broke the laws to insert his favorite people in. CAOS needs to go. He will stand idle the same way if an enemy attacks while Shareef is in power.

Inept bunch of officials…
I don't trust these so called generals they are all part of the same parcel.
3 other 4 stars Signed on National security committee minutes. Had the other three been sell outs bajwa would have never endorsed the letter. His hands were tighed due to those 3 men.

Bajwa has a few Corp commanders with him who are causing all this myhem. I hope institution does course correction by itself before its too late.
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