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Yes, Iran today (with N-K) is the only country which faces heavy sanctions against its economy and society. And your economy is not 2x the size of Iran's economy. Not even close.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, because all the rules in the GCC are favorable for economical growth and foreign investments etc.? That's right, :omghaha:

You have no idea about how unfavorable many of the laws are in the GCC or the corruption.

It's not like GCC or Turkey have reached their potential and that it is only going downwards from now on or that they will only grow by 1.5-2% each year. That's far from being the case.

KSA is the fastest growing economy in the Middle East and among the most fastest growing in the world despite all the obstacles which are not small but major obstacles.
Surenas, i could say without Irans oil and gas which accounts for around 80% of exports ( graphs to prove it) you would be poorer than an african country. Today Iranians critisize Saudi Arabia for their economy based on Oil while their oil exports account for less than Irans. Imagine if we never had to spend around $40+ billion on gas and oil and spent it on development we would be 5x iran economy.

Bullcrap. Iran without oil and gas would've been forced to find other ways to improve its economy, and which they eventually would have, like Turkey has done. Oil and gas are not always a bless; they cause economic laziness, foreign dependence, less motivation in innovation, etc. In fact, without oil and gas the mullahs would probably have been overthrown already.

Iran's female population is higher educated than Turkey's female population, and Iran's scientific growth and production is larger than Turkey scientific growth and production, so your assessment is incorrect.

Oh, because all the rules in the GCC are favorable for economical growth and foreign investments etc.? That's right, :omghaha:

You have no idea about how unfavorable many of the laws are in the GCC or the corruption.

It's not like GCC or Turkey have reached their potential and that it is only going downwards from now on or that they will only grow by 1.5-2% each year. That's far from being the case.

KSA is the fastest growing economy in the Middle East and among the most fastest growing in the world despite all the obstacles which are not small but major obstacles.

Every major obstacle your country has, Iran has too, multiplied by sanctions and the largest brain drain in the world.
Unlike some people here my points are not based on hatred and anti iranism, with a normal regime open to the world they can achieve a good economy.

Facts are different than hatred. Anybody can say the same, Jordan would have scored much higher if hundreds of thousands of refugees haven't been flooding into the country, Egyptian gaz cuf off, tourism reduction, lack of natural resources, water and arable lands. See? anybody can say the same.
Bullcrap. Iran without oil and gas would've been forced to find other ways to improve its economy, and which they eventually would have, like Turkey has done. Oil and gas are not always a bless; they cause economic laziness, foreign dependence, less motivation in innovation, etc. In fact, without oil and gas the mullahs would probably have been overthrown already.

Iran's female population is higher educated than Turkey's female population, and Iran's scientific growth and production is larger than Turkey scientific growth and production, so your assessment is incorrect.

Every major obstacle your country has, Iran has too, multiplied by sanctions and the largest brain drain in the world.

I dont want to carry on arguing with you because your very arrogant and would never accept the truth just because of your jealousy , whatever i say you make up an excuse.Its very funny to say oil and gas in not always a blessing, its like saying to someone sit at home and earn money doing nothing as you have alot of assets while the other works hard to earn money.
Facts are different than hatred. Anybody can say the same, Jordan would have scored much higher if hundreds of thousands of refugees haven't been flooding into the country, Egyptian gaz cuf off, tourism reduction, lack of natural resources, water and arable lands. See? anybody can say the same.

Well, they you can say the same. In fact, many countries in the region could. People tend to forget that the Middle East is the most unstable region in the world, and that setbacks in the region are heavily affecting the economy of these countries. Lets face it, Turkey lies not really in the Middle East. They have never (like Iran or any other country in the region) faced the setbacks of internal and external wars, sanctions, refugees, etc.

Look at Iran:

Iran-Iraq war.
2 million Afghan refugees.
You name it.
Bullcrap. Iran without oil and gas would've been forced to find other ways to improve its economy, and which they eventually would have, like Turkey has done. Oil and gas are not always a bless; they cause economic laziness, foreign dependence, less motivation in innovation, etc. In fact, without oil and gas the mullahs would probably have been overthrown already.

Iran's female population is higher educated than Turkey's female population, and Iran's scientific growth and production is larger than Turkey scientific growth and production, so your assessment is incorrect.

Every major obstacle your country has, Iran has too, multiplied by sanctions and the largest brain drain in the world.

Yes, because the best Saudi or Arab students are not flogging to the West? Just look at this forum. Brain drain is a MAJOR problem in the entire Middle East. It is not only limited to certain countries, regions etc. Of course some countries are better off than others.

The best educated Indian, Chinese etc. students are also settling in the West. But the difference between them is that they have 1.2 BILLION people to choose from and enormous countries and thus resources. Nothing to brag about IMO.

If the diaspora returned to their countries they would be at least 1 times better off. No doubt.

Oh, I doubt that the level of corruption, unpractical laws etc. are that worse in Iran.

Oh, and I am mainly talking about KSA here. UAE is not that bad hence why they are doing extremely well no matter how you look at it considering the population.
I dont want to carry on arguing with you because your very arrogant and would never accept the truth just because of your jealousy , whatever i say you make up an excuse.Its very funny to say oil and gas in not always a blessing, its like saying to someone sit at home and earn money doing nothing as you have alot of assets while the other works hard to earn money.

The difference is that the guy who works hard to earn his money is forced to find other ways to make this money, which often leads to innovation, efficiency and independence. In the long-term, the guy who works hard is much better off than the guy who sits at home.
Well, they you can say the same. In fact, many countries in the region could. People tend to forget that the Middle East is the most unstable region in the world, and that setbacks in the region are heavily affecting the economy of these countries. Lets face it, Turkey lies not really in the Middle East. They have never (like Iran or any other country in the region) faced the setbacks of internal and external wars, sanctions, refugees, etc.

Look at Iran:

Iran-Iraq war.
2 million Afghan refugees.
You name it.

What? Turkey is very much in the Middle East. Their entire culture is that of a Middle Eastern culture. There is not much European about Turkey. You should know that living in the Netherlands. You must have encountered Turkish immigrants or their descendants.

Turkey has had their problems too. Wars also. Forget their Turkish-Kurdish conflict while being a half Kurd?

Iran has only had one major war in the last 100 years. Compare it with Iraq then. Or Yemen.

How are 2 million Afghans refugees a bad thing? They are doing cheap labor and contributing to the society. How are they a burden? Are there social benefits in Iran that they misuse? Last time I checked then that was not the case.

Those sanctions are not effective you even posted articles that claimed so. Now you say something different to suit your agenda. Since when was Iran ever a major trader with USA or the West? Never. Aside from oil and gas. As I told you then the West has had no interest in the region in terms of import aside from natural resources such as oil and gas for the past 200 years or so. What are they going to import from our region otherwise?

Also have you not always claimed that Iran was the most stable country in the Middle East? I have seen many Iranians claim that here.

How is theocracy worse than absolute monarchism? The Shah who was just a son of a commoner and officer who took the throne, was just a Western puppet and the Iranian-Western trade was based on cheap oil and gas imports to the West and nothing in return.

Also how can you compare Iran for example with UAE? How bigger is Iran and thus resources or the population for that matter?
What? Turkey is very much in the Middle East. Their entire culture is that of a Middle Eastern culture. There is not much European about Turkey. You should know that living in the Netherlands. You must have encountered Turkish immigrants or their descendants.

I am not talking about culture, but about geography.

Turkey has had their problems too. Wars also. Forget their Turkish-Kurdish conflict while being a half Kurd?

Iran has only had one major war in the last 100 years. Compare it with Iraq then. Or Yemen.

One major war is enough to set the country back for decades. Tell me, which other country in the region (besides Iraq) lost hundreds of billion dollars in one war, hundreds of thousands of its population, major infrastructure, etc? Comparing the Kurdish conflict with the Iran-Iraq war is laughable.

How are 2 million Afghans refugees a bad thing? They are doing cheap labor and contributing to the society. How are they a burden? Are there social benefits in Iran that they misuse? Last time I checked then that was not the case.

How many of them were women and children who needed shelter, food and other basic necessities? Iran spend tons of money to help these people, with sometimes little international help.

Those sanctions are not effective you even posted articles that claimed so.

When did I claim that sanctions aren't effective?

Also have you not always claimed that Iran was the most stable country in the Middle East? I have seen many Iranians claim that here.

Most socially stable country, yes. Still the wars and other things around us affects us in every way; refugees, drugs problem, terrorism, etc.

How is theocracy worse than absolute monarchism? The Shah who was just a son of a commoner and officer who took the throne, was just a Western puppet and the Iranian-Western trade was based on cheap oil and gas imports to the West and nothing in return.

Who said I am a fan of the Shah? The Shah did not much better, and the country was still in its early days of (social) development. Iran has significantly changed since that era. Not only negatively (politically), but also positively.

Also how can you compare Iran for example with UAE? How bigger is Iran and thus resources or the population for that matter?

The larger the country, the more difficult it is to govern.
I am not talking about culture, but about geography.

One major war is enough to set the country back for decades. Tell me, which other country in the region (besides Iraq) lost hundreds of billion dollars in one war, hundreds of thousands of its population, major infrastructure, etc? Comparing the Kurdish conflict with the Iran-Iraq war is laughable.

How many of them were women and children who needed shelter, food and other basic necessities? Iran spend tons of money to help these people, with sometimes little international help.

When did I claim that sanctions aren't effective?

Most socially stable country, yes. Still the wars and other things around us affects us in every way; refugees, drugs problem, terrorism, etc.

Who said I am a fan of the Shah? The Shah did not much better, and the country was still in its early days of (social) development. Iran has significantly changed since that era. Not only negatively (politically), but also positively.

The larger the country, the more difficult it is to govern.

Geographically speaking then Turkey is in the Middle East region (Anatolia was always part of the Middle East). Only a tiny part of Turkey is "European" but that part of Europe is located further to the east than all of Libya.

Well, basically all the countries in the region who have been plagued with wars. Yemen, Lebanon, now Syria, Palestine just to name a few.

The bigger the country and population is the bigger the causalities tend to be. One must look at the percentage. If 100 million people would die in China in a supposed war then less than 10% of the entire population would have perished.

Now if a major war happened in let's say Lebanon and "just" 2 million died then half of the population would have perished.

The destruction in Iran mostly happened in the Kurdish areas in Iran, Khuzestan or Arabistan as it was once known as and a few other provinces.

How much of Ishafan, Shiraz, Tabriz, Tehran, Mashhad or Qom was damaged? I don't know but I imagine very little.

The brain drain is a much bigger problem.

So all the 2 million Afghans who come to Iran are all beggars who don't contribute to the society? Are most of them not Turkic/Mongolian Hazaras who are nearly all Twelvers?

They contribute like all immigrants elsewhere. There are hundred of thousands illegal immigrants in KSA as well and they contribute too. You just don't see it.

I really doubt that the supposed help from the Iranian regime to those Afghan immigrants surpasses their contribution to Iran. How could it when the Iranian Mullah's can barely feed their own population in large parts of the country?

Well, many of your fellow countrymen did and besides I have read many articles that claim the same. Your export to Iraq last year was 4 billion dollars strong. That's some weak sanctions.

Anyway you can see some articles from this year (spring) that say that the sanctions on Iran are not working:

Commentary: Why the Iran Sanctions Don't Work | The National Interest

Why Sanctions on Iran Aren't Working | Stephen M. Walt

Why Economic Sanctions Rarely Work - Businessweek

U.S. commander says Iran sanctions not working – CNN Security Clearance - CNN.com Blogs

Is this sufficient enough to make a claim?

What does socially stable mean? I think that KSA is referred to as the most stable country by most analysts and that is not always seen as a good thing in our region.

Are you not a monarchist?

That is often the case but that has little to do with the economical perspective in this case a countries GDP. USA would not have been the biggest economy in the world had they had a population like Qatar.

Qatar tops the list of the world's richest countries by Forbes.[10]

Two very different things.
Im rather surprised to see Middle east score well. That must be the affect of the camel milk and lizard meat,as per the 'regional rationality'? ;)

@Mosamania @Yzd Khalifa @BLACKEAGLE

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Here is where real innovation index is. Countries that patent products for themselves to use in the market. And regarding patents NO ONE can claim effects of "sanctions" and other bullcrap in it as no one sanctions patenting.

Patents By Country, State, and Year - All Patent Types (December 2012)

And a gift to @Surenas the Persian supremacist check out the difference in science production between KSA and Iran for yourself :)

Everyone enjoy.
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