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Give Pervez Musharraf Support

Billl Gates wasn't kicked out. He dropped out like many software revolutionaries to pursue a profitable career that demanded full time attention.

And don't start the Andlusian and Arabic contribution to science vs European/Post Renaissance contribution debate. Anybody not versed profoundly in political and scientific history probably is going to indulge in gibberish by stating whatever the Zia era books taught where the first chapter of Physics for tenth grade was dedicated to "Muslim scientists" as if students were going to learn something about science from that.

FYI :- Modern European secualr thought emerged from the writings and works of the Andalusian scholar Ibn Rushd, commonly known as Averroes. Tahāfut al-Tahāfut, rejected by reborn Muslim orthodox and conservative scholars of today, was an important work and rebuttal of earlier works and remains one.
kindly do bother to understand in which context it was replied to

ps: we are least interested in your views so dont bother sharing... thank u!!!
I said? It was VrSoLdIeRs who said, not I! Did you really bother to read the contents to which you attempted to reply?

And the people mentioned above are considered smart by you? Destroying an entire country on the fabricated evidence of WMDs (which were never to be discovered later) was a smart act? Making your secretary doing **** *** in the Oval office is a smart act? That is how smart people act and behave? No wonder you support Musharraf.

:rofl::rofl: Look who is talking a person living in US is telling us that they are dumb you know what this is the height of hypocrisy living in a country and calling them worse. If you hate america or think they are dumb why living there. now this shows the intellect of people who are against musharraf no vaild points just BS talking. And this even not matters you are against him or not how many years it have been eh 3,4 or 5.What do you know the condition pakistan is in after three years democratic gov have taken control how do you know what they have done to this country. NO WONDER YOU ARE AGAINST HIM
Did everyone forget that Musharraf relied on extremism/militant activities to remain in office?

But he did alot of good for the nation.

I guess he is the best of the bunch.
I will return to Pakistan: Musharraf

21 May 2010, 1603 hrs IST,IANS

WASHINGTON: Former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf has vowed to return to his country before the next elections whenever they may be held.

Musharraf told CNN Thursday that he was not sure about the timing of his return, but "it is related to the elections in Pakistan".

"I am very sure of one thing, that whether it's end-term elections or mid-term elections, I will be there before those elections," he said.

Musharraf, who ruled Pakistan from 1999 to 2008, added that Pakistan could see a parliamentary election next year.

He stressed that his return would also be shaped by security concerns.

"Maybe my wife and my family (are) more worried than I am. But there are security issues which one needs to take into consideration. And that is why I'm not laying down any dates for my return.

"But, I do intend launching and declaring my intentions formally sooner rather than later," he said.

Would Musharraf want to rule Pakistan again?

"The question ... of whether I am running for president or prime minister will be seen later," the former army chief replied.

"We run a parliamentary system there. So you have to - your party has to win in the election. Then only do you decide to run.

"Basically, you are heading the party, you are running for the prime ministership. In Pakistan, the chief executive is the prime minister, not the president."

He also spoke about the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, who died soon after returning to Pakistan in December 2007.

"It was (I) who warned her about the threat to her. It was I who stopped her from going to that venue once before, to which a lot of political aspersions were cast on me that her movements are being restricted. But she decided to go again.

"All the security, wherever possible ... by the police was provided to her (Benazir)."

Musharraf came out strongly against US drone attacks targeted at Islamist militants from Pakistan and elsewhere.

"I wonder whether this Faisal Shahzad incident ... has he been affected by indiscriminate bombing by the drones," he said.

Pakistani-American Shahzad has been accused of attempting to bomb Times Square May 1.

I will return to Pakistan: Musharraf-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times
He did better than anyone in PAKISTAN !!!
In his government 1$ is equal to Rs.60 and now it is 84 !!
He should comeback!!
He did better than anyone in PAKISTAN !!!
In his government 1$ is equal to Rs.60 and now it is 84 !!
He should comeback!!

Can you explain to me how the value of a currency is maintained, calculated and how its exchange value changes?
Of all the contenders to save Pakistan, Musharraf is the only solution as of now.

10% is ruining our nation. He is not worthy to lead an army of ants, yet he is elected to lead a nation. :disagree:
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