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Give Pervez Musharraf Support

I cannot be a blindfolded person like you. You walk like a robot without using your intellects. Can u justifiy abducting a person for 4 to 6 years without being presented in any court??? let's say if I would put an allegation on you that you were part of the Al Qaeda team that carried out shameful attack today on Ahmadis Mosque and on these one sided charges you are grabbed by agencies, how would you get yourself out of this situation??? may be you don't have the slightest idea what our General Musharraf did to our generations! you praise him if you want but I can't because a person who sells nation's daugther Afia for few bucks, what more can be expected from him!

hahaha dr.aafia again this is the best example you got! first of all im not blindfolded but you are.

1.fought three wars against india on battle ground for survival of this country.
2.economy at his time boomed people begin to feed themselves(but may be this not a valid point for you.)
3.our defence capability increases ten fold.

Dr. aafia:
1.an american national.(what does this shock you yeah she was).
2.musharraf didnt know about her till the media announced.
3.what the hell she was doing in afghanistan.
4 .did second merriage to the teliban supporter.
5.talibans used to use "daughter of islam" for her.

allegation against terrorist:
1. lal masjid people it is open to every one who is behind this and who was running hiding inside burqa(lolx).
2. full trial was done and also given warnings.
1.fought three wars against india on battle ground for survival of this country.
A. fought an unwinnable battle in Kargil despite the recommendations of the PAF
2.economy at his time boomed people begin to feed themselves(but may be this not a valid point for you.)
Gave up this accomplishment during his own tenure when he neglected the economy in his efforts to hold on to his powers.
3.our defence capability increases ten fold.
Actually we were losing territory to the Taliban on a weekly basis. Kayani has only recently managed to regain hold of most of the territory he lost.

Dr. aafia:
1.an american national.
So was Shaukat Aziz
2.musharraf didnt know about her till the media announced.
That is worse. People are being illegally detained and handed over to foreign law enforcement agencies, without the consent of the President?
3.what the hell she was doing in afghanistan.
She was a prisoner there. She was picked up on her way to the Karachi airport
4 .did second merriage to the teliban supporter.
No proof of her being a Taliban supporter, even the Americans didn't bring this up during her court procedings.
5.talibans used to use "daughter of islam" for her.
How about innocent woman jailed to cover up excesses and brutality of POWs from coming out?

Don't support incompetence either.
my point was to show that he did.why would he if only he knows is to make a buck.
economy increases to hundred fold no one can deny that.
we were not where you are living dude my millitary i mean jf 17,al khalid,personal,missiles.
So what shaukat aziz have to do with this good live in lala land.
No one was illegally detained do you have any prove mister.
I dont support taliban so who ever they support i am against it.
Musharraf did rely on extremism to stay in power. In fact because he did not act when terrorism was becoming prevalant in Pakistan we now in a big hole because of him. Actually I am now re-evaluating my support of him because of this.

Zardari has actually taken swift action against these extremists despite him being an incomptent president.

But Musharraf did alot of good for this country.

Anyways anyone who was against the attack on Lal Masjid or the kidnapping of "pakistan's daughter" are terrorist sympathizers.
Musharraf did rely on extremism to stay in power. In fact because he did not act when terrorism was becoming prevalant in Pakistan we now in a big hole because of him. Actually I am now re-evaluating my support of him because of this.

Zardari has actually taken swift action against these extremists despite him being an incomptent president.

But Musharraf did alot of good for this country.

Anyways anyone who was against the attack on Lal Masjid or the kidnapping of "pakistan's daughter" are terrorist sympathizers.
The things have change know people perspective of terrorism have changed but at musharraf era people used to think taliban as a warrior to save islam and even a revolution.
he did , he initiated it and did many operation against them.
But i have to admit he some how used them did double game but that was best for pakistan itself.
my point was to show that he did.why would he if only he knows is to make a buck.
economy increases to hundred fold no one can deny that.
we were not where you are living dude my millitary i mean jf 17,al khalid,personal,missiles.
So what shaukat aziz have to do with this good live in lala land.
No one was illegally detained do you have any prove mister.
I dont support taliban so who ever they support i am against it.
The former President was a complex individual. He had his positives, but perhaps he would've done better if he wasn't fighting a war, since he had to be COAS and President at the same time and he ended up giving less than his best to any one of the roles.

His secularization efforts were good, but did not last as he got bogged down with the war and then political blunders.

He freed the media only to impose the ban on the media before leaving the Presidency.
For sake of record:
A. fought an unwinnable battle in Kargil despite the recommendations of the PAF
CA. i don't agree it was unwinnable war... IMo technically it was a winnable war without the participation of PAF.

Gave up this accomplishment during his own tenure when he neglected the economy in his efforts to hold on to his powers.
I don't remember any such tenure... he was involved in WOT and media propaganda.

Actually we were losing territory to the Taliban on a weekly basis. Kayani has only recently managed to regain hold of most of the territory he lost.
What territory are you talking and starting from which year? I only remember TTP formed in late 2006!

So was Shaukat Aziz
They are no parallels

That is worse. People are being illegally detained and handed over to foreign law enforcement agencies, without the consent of the President?
Such worse dosn't seem to hurt other states!
Those involved in un-Pakistani activities deserve no chance.
Our corrupt judjes simply wanted to mint money out of it, as usually they do.

She was a prisoner there. She was picked up on her way to the Karachi airport
So does it matter from where she was picked? why present govt. failed to help an innocent?

No proof of her being a Taliban supporter, even the Americans didn't bring this up during her court procedings.
Agree, the term Taliban is being used mostly wrong.

How about innocent woman jailed to cover up excesses and brutality of POWs from coming out?
To my sense, it would complicate issues further and help the stories of POW or what ever.

What ever educated persons i meet in Pakistan support Musharraf and regret his ouster but Some people in Pakistan from media, judiciary, and politicians moved against Musharraf's regime and till todate they can't come to the terms that infact it is them who are responsible of present day Pakistan by facilitating regime change conspiracy.
We all came to know the cancer of terrorism after 911. And now we know these terrorist are inside country like cancer, few hardcore hostage the whole nation. Its Musharraf who started war against terror. It was shocking to see how they hostage the Islamabad. Isn't it enough eye opening.....
hahaha dr.aafia again this is the best example you got! first of all im not blindfolded but you are.

1.fought three wars against india on battle ground for survival of this country.
2.economy at his time boomed people begin to feed themselves(but may be this not a valid point for you.)
3.our defence capability increases ten fold.

kargil war was a biggest maistake that i cannot imagine an army chief could take....he didnt deserved to be pak chief the way he behaved,,,,he was insane,,,definitely india had a better airforce so they can retaliate harder and they did,,,musharaf lost hundreds of soldiers and called them the jihadis when they died and couldnt recieved the body how foolish he was...
if this decision was good then only Allah can save us now..
In mush era economy was based on consumer market which was so foolish, it means how much you can consumes products....It should be based on production market but he didnt....how india and china is more stable than us in this financial crises because they are production based..

our defence budget is definitely increases but in what respects handed peolple to Us,,,,killing afghanis,,,,killing locals..

Dr. aafia:
1.an american national.(what does this shock you yeah she was).
2.musharraf didnt know about her till the media announced.
3.what the hell she was doing in afghanistan.
4 .did second merriage to the teliban supporter.
5.talibans used to use "daughter of islam" for her.

allegation against terrorist:
1. lal masjid people it is open to every one who is behind this and who was running hiding inside burqa(lolx).
2. full trial was done and also given warnings.

who is behind lal masjid????
kargil war was a biggest maistake that i cannot imagine an army chief could take....he didnt deserved to be pak chief the way he behaved,,,,he was insane,,,definitely india had a better airforce so they can retaliate harder and they did,,,musharaf lost hundreds of soldiers and called them the jihadis when they died and couldnt recieved the body how foolish he was...
if this decision was good then only Allah can save us now..
In mush era economy was based on consumer market which was so foolish, it means how much you can consumes products....It should be based on production market but he didnt....how india and china is more stable than us in this financial crises because they are production based..

our defence budget is definitely increases but in what respects handed peolple to Us,,,,killing afghanis,,,,killing locals..
Kargil = weak arse nawaz.......Dr.A.Q Khan says tht he was scared of doing Blasts coz of US pressure...His cabinet and COAS asked him to go ahead.....US embassador called him of being in pathetic condition and scared of withdrawing from Kargil while his visit to US.....Clinton had asked (pressurised) him to withdraw him or he wouldnt ge 100 million$....etc etc.
He was a weak dude.His brother is a bigger moron........Adressing taliban not to attack punjab?
Kargil = weak arse nawaz.......Dr.A.Q Khan says tht he was scared of doing Blasts coz of US pressure...His cabinet and COAS asked him to go ahead.....US embassador called him of being in pathetic condition and scared of withdrawing from Kargil while his visit to US.....Clinton had asked (pressurised) him to withdraw him or he wouldnt ge 100 million$....etc etc.
He was a weak dude.His brother is a bigger moron........Adressing taliban not to attack punjab?

your advocating the use of nuclear weapons during the Kargil war ? R u stupid ? do you know what would be left of Pakistan if Sharif had consented on using Nuclear weapons ? He was smart enough to realize that. Musharaff was the worst thing that could happen to Pakistan and his coming back will surely add the final nails to the coffin.
your advocating the use of nuclear weapons during the Kargil war ? R u stupid ? do you know what would be left of Pakistan if Sharif had consented on using Nuclear weapons ? He was smart enough to realize that. Musharaff was the worst thing that could happen to Pakistan and his coming back will surely add the final nails to the coffin.

He is talking about the nuclear tests. Which did happen.
your advocating the use of nuclear weapons during the Kargil war ? R u stupid ? do you know what would be left of Pakistan if Sharif had consented on using Nuclear weapons ? He was smart enough to realize that. Musharaff was the worst thing that could happen to Pakistan and his coming back will surely add the final nails to the coffin.

STFU.......u moronic dumbass troll.....before ranting ,personel attacks try using tht pigeon brain of yous to comprehend wat the other person is saying.

About Musharaf ever wonder why indian junta was in love with him?
In his era our economy was awesome our GDP was at 7-8% regular.......and even peaked 11% at a time.
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