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Gita to be taught in Muslim Madrasas in Madhya Pradesh

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Why not introduce a textbook that shows the BS of all religions and thereby teach the children that religion is not everything..
No, how can a religion be a choice of individual in todays world when you are being killed for not following a religion?, whole nation are get destroyed in the name of religion?. Disturbance in mayanmar but bomb blasts in India!!!!

BE PRACTICAL!!!! Religion has become most important entity in 21st century than it was ever before!!

There is clear difference in what should be and what it is. We have to act on what it is but not what it should be.

I disagree these types of move only spread intolerance,india has no reason to get involved in this hate bullshit and have communal flames engulf the country to satisfy few fundamentalists.We ill deal with any extremists..whatever their religion as they are harmful for india.I mean whats ur problem man,nobody's bothering u people on what to read, why u have to tell people what to read.Bullshit.How about other religious scriptures were also made mandatory reading in schools ,how would u like that?

Why not introduce a textbook that shows the BS of all religions and thereby teach the children that religion is not everything..

Exactly,don't only say how great god and his children are..also do enlighten them on how many millions have been slaughtered worldwide throughout history for organized religion.As a history student,ALWAYS be wary of organized religion.
Why Madarsas are given recognition, Why they are govt aided,
Uniform education system should be introduced. If any one has to learn Islam or Islamiyat make Madarsa of there own fund.
There are many institution of Hindus in Varanasi and Haridwar where vedic Dharma are taught. No govt help is given to them. They are runned by mere charity.
Stop this vote bank politics. And teach only those courses in school which will help students in making there career.
I remember one article written by Salman Khan's (Actor) father. He wrote that some people says that environmental problem is biggest problem, some says that unemployment, some says that corruption but according to me, Madrasa education is the biggest problem. What will Madrasa educated will do once he is out of Madrasa? He further wrote that this is an age of training (Talim). Madrsa taught Urdu in which No Higher education book is available. He further wrote that I am worried what this Marasa educated student's future will be? He further wrote "In my opinion this is the biggest problem of India".

I see a lots of pseudo secular crying foul here. If Gita or science or Maths is taught in Madrasa, that is going to make them batter human being who will worth something more than being a suicide bomber Material. They are our citizens. We should think some thing good for them. We can not allow them to be unproductive and useless for a false ideology called Pseudo secularism. Madrasa education will make them totally frustrated and intolerant towards all other faith including their own faith which do not believe in their own version of Quaran. Are all of you blind? can't you see the route cause of problem happening in our country to some extent and in our surrounding in a large extent. It is duty of all of us to protect innocent Muslim children from being contaminated by Madrasa Education. We should teach them Science, Maths, engineering and Medicine. We should also teach them to respect and tolerate other religion. We should not allow them to be potential suicide bomber material. I was never taught any religion in school or through out my academic career. That made me less Hindu? Same way if Islam will not taught in school and Madrasa that will not make them less Muslim.
Agreed but Mullahs will not agree to it.

Neither will Hindu religious leaders, don't make this seem one sided, because it's not.

That is why we allow Madrsa Education In India though India is not a Muslim Country.

Madrassas are not government owned (right?) so it's not up to the government to dictate what is taught there, especially since India's secular constitution forbids the government from interfering in religious matters unless they involve national security.

The government pushing for Hindu teachings to be taught to Muslim students against their parent's will, is a clear sign that the government has overstepped it's boundaries and is no longer secular in it's nature.

This is going to have a big backlash.
No, how can a religion be a choice of individual in todays world when you are being killed for not following a religion?, whole nation are get destroyed in the name of religion?. Disturbance in mayanmar but bomb blasts in India!!!!

BE PRACTICAL!!!! Religion has become most important entity in 21st century than it was ever before!!

There is clear difference in what should be and what it is. We have to act on what it is but not what it should be.

I can recall an Incident in Pakistan. One french cartoonist draw some cartoon on prophet mohammad. Muslims of Pakistan got offended. One boy carried out suicide bombing killing more than 40 person in Pakistan.

Recently, in protest of one nonsense documentary called innocence of Muslims, Re 10 bn property was distroyed in Pakistan and more than 10 people killed.

Neither will Hindu religious leaders, don't make this seem one sided, because it's not.

Madrassas are not government owned (right?) so it's not up to the government to dictate what is taught there, especially since India's secular constitution forbids the government from interfering in religious matters unless they involve national security.

The government pushing for Hindu teachings to be taught to Muslim students against their parent's will, is a clear sign that the government has overstepped it's boundaries and is no longer secular in it's nature.

This is going to have a big backlash.

Man you have got wrong Information. Minority institution can be government funded but not majority. If they are not funded by Government, Government can not tell them what to teach. And yes, they are not teaching Gita, but some part of Gita which says about doing karma without the worrying about the result etc.

If quoran says that all human being are same and son of God and if it is taught in text book, can any one have any problem?
Muslims' should demand which version of the Bhagavad Gita is to be taught, there are more than 10 interpretations of Gita , e.g the Advaia, Dvaita schools , the Hare Krsna etc etc and each school opposes the interpretation of the rival school.
Madrassas are not government owned (right?) so it's not up to the government to dictate what is taught there, especially since India's secular constitution forbids the government from interfering in religious matters unless they involve national security.

Not really.. Education is a state matter and Indian govt has a stronghold of any institute imparting formal education.

The government pushing for Hindu teachings to be taught to Muslim students against their parent's will, is a clear sign that the government has overstepped it's boundaries and is no longer secular in it's nature.
Yeah! but it will get stopped like all such past attempts..

This is going to have a big backlash.
It wont.. Its an election gimmik
Man you have got wrong Information. Minority institution can be government funded but not majority. If they are not funded by Government, Government can not tell them what to teach. And yes, they are not teaching Gita, but some part of Gita which says about doing karma without the worrying about the result etc.

If quoran says that all human being are same and son of God and if it is taught in text book, can any one have any problem?

I think you're confusing government funding with government oversight. I'm not sure about India, but in Canada, you can get government funding about anything really, as long as you show that it's for the betterment of the nation, or is helping people. If you don't break any laws, the government can't dictate anything that you do with the funding, as long as it's spent on what you say it'll be spent on.

I'd also like to say that even if it's a part of the Gita, why don't parents get a say in this? Why are people being forced to choose between keep their kids at home, or sending them to learn things that they may not agree with religiously.

And no, the Quran doesn't teach that humans are the sons and daughters of God. We believe that we are God's creation, not his children.

Not really.. Education is a state matter and Indian govt has a stronghold of any institute imparting formal education.

Yeah! but it will get stopped like all such past attempts..

It wont.. Its an election gimmik

No offence, but that's a scary thought. The government shouldn't have that kind of a hold. Sure, they should have a standard, but this is beyond standardization.

Anyways, if it's an election gimmick, then it should wear off in a while, but even suggesting such a thing should be watched out for.
I'm pretty sure much of the teachings of Gita is consistent with Islam, but for a political govt it's a PR disaster to decide to teach Gita in Islamic schools.
No offence, but that's a scary thought. The government shouldn't have that kind of a hold. Sure, they should have a standard, but this is beyond standardization.
The books are prescribed by the govt to ensure standardization across the country.. So is the content..

Anyways, if it's an election gimmick, then it should wear off in a while, but even suggesting such a thing should be watched out for.
And thankfully it is watched out for.. Hence the uproar.. :)
This is actually very good news in my opinion.

I hope they carry on with this initiative through out the country, Geeta, Mahabharat, the whole library.
People with fooked up priorities :pissed: Modernise education not retrograde it.
I'm pretty sure much of the teachings of Gita is consistent with Islam, but for a political govt it's a PR disaster to decide to teach Gita in Islamic schools.

I do not know but in any Hindu religious Literature, you will not find anything against any cast, creed, class or faith because Hinduism is a Dharma. Dharma is for whole human race and not for any group, sect or for any people belongs to any geographical area.
Neither will Hindu religious leaders, don't make this seem one sided, because it's not.

Madrassas are not government owned (right?) so it's not up to the government to dictate what is taught there, especially since India's secular constitution forbids the government from interfering in religious matters unless they involve national security.

The government pushing for Hindu teachings to be taught to Muslim students against their parent's will, is a clear sign that the government has overstepped it's boundaries and is no longer secular in it's nature.

This is going to have a big backlash.

I think there is a huge misunderstanding.

There is no muslim school or so, only syllabus of Urdu origin added some part of Gita, thats it.

I studied in Christian School, (Im sure alot of ppl in India) and they just followed state syllabus, thats it.

The same school has 'sunday classes' for christians where they study bible only.

PPl are acting like govt. insisted to include Gita in 'Christian's sunday bible classes.
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