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Ghaznavi Missile Tested

I wish that in near future KRL will going to show the final version/finish version of the NASR with 7 Missiles on a single launching truck. One thing that is making us weird was that its range, its such a big missile with just 60K.m range? I am sure there is something that they don't what you to know!!!:pakistan::whistle:

NDC (NESCOM) is developing Nasr, not KRL. And the final version will have four Missile canisters.
Rawalpindi - May 10, 2012:
Pakistan today conducted a successful training launch of Short Range Ballistic Missile Hatf III (Ghaznavi), which can carry nuclear and conventional warheads to a range of 290 kilometers. The launch was conducted at the conclusion of the annual field training exercise of Army Strategic Force Command. The exercise was aimed at testing the operational readiness of a Strategic Missile Group.
The field exercise of the ASFC was witnessed by the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Khalid Shameem Wynne, Director General Strategic Plans Division Lieutenant General Khalid Ahmed Kidwai (R), Commander Army Strategic Force Command Lieutenant General Tariq Nadeem Gilani, Commander Karachi Corps Lieutenant General Muhammad Ijaz Chaudhry, Chairman NESCOM Mr Muhammad Irfan Burney, and other senior military officials and scientists.
Addressing the troops in the exercise area, the CJCSC commended the troops on displaying a high standard of proficiency in handling and operating the state of the art weapon system. He said that the nation had developed a strong nuclear deterrence capability and expected that the officers and men entrusted with the task of deterring aggression would continue to train hard and maintain professional excellence. He said that Pakistan’s Armed Forces were fully capable of safeguarding Pakistan’s security against aggression.
The successful test has also been warmly appreciated by the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan, who have congratulated the participating ASFC troops, the scientists and the engineers on their outstanding success.

This is just waste of money. Instead of testing hundred of these, Pakistan should test a few ICBMs. If that cannot be done, Pakistan should simply focus on something else.

This is just waste of money. Instead of testing hundred of these, Pakistan should test a few ICBMs. If that cannot be done, Pakistan should simply focus on something else.
Making an ICBM is not child's play:lol:, and Pakistan does not need one in anycase......
Actually india does not need any ICBMs for any practical purpose. People like you should advise the indian government to alleviate poverty in the slums of mumbai. As for Pakistan, when an indian says that Pakistan does not need something, the opposite is most likely the truth.
Well actually India needs an ICBM for its global ambitions,everyone including u knows that US is not an ally of ours,in any case there is a conflict between the 2 then we are at the loosing side,so we need one
and to be honest Pakistan also needs one for its safety,maybe after it US will stop the drones
but it needs to be handled carefully,i m saying these because as i was going through 1 of the posts,a member said that if we are on the losing side then we will make sure that no one survives by using A bomb on most countries
these kind of attitude is really deadly
SO cute of you!

loved the reply

Bro, let not do it, this is an informative thread, let all share some thing useful and get our share of knowledge and information!
troll wont help anyone, neither you nor anyone else! the real information will be side lines, and will be difficult to find for those who are here to look for it. Brother, no matter whcih country you are from, you are a member of this forum, i hope, infact i know you will contribute something constructive!

by best wishes with you,

best regards!

Thanks bro!
I am not the only one who is thinking this is tit-for-tat missile launch, which I guess mostly directed at domestic audience.
You may not agree with my view but how is it trolling.
Mods please consider revoking the infraction.

Mixing your Carrots and Peas......do you even read the dates on the links you so determinedly provide. ??
Pakistan had tested a Shaheen-1A Multi war head missile on the 25th April. (Your Link)
However the Ghaznavi system fired a couple of days earlier was part of a field training exercise. !!
i think pakistan may be shifting its nukes from uranium to plotonium that is why it is testing oild missiles
When Pakistan first tested this missile it was kept a little sidewards and than tested but yesterday test has gone straight up wards why is that ?
it might have some technical fault in the previous experiments......:smokin:
Mixing your Carrots and Peas......do you even read the dates on the links you so determinedly provide. ??
Pakistan had tested a Shaheen-1A Multi war head missile on the 25th April. (Your Link)
However the Ghaznavi system fired a couple of days earlier was part of a field training exercise. !!
Windjammer bahi ignore him - he has his had up his A$$.
in my personal opinion its better not to name missiles after people. there are a lot of cool words in urdu to name a missile right?
Instead of ICBM, Pakistan should concentrate on Short range and medium range Missiles with the upgraded technology with more speed and stealth tech which can break or deceive Indian ABMS.
Well actually India needs an ICBM for its global ambitions,everyone including u knows that US is not an ally of ours,in any case there is a conflict between the 2 then we are at the loosing side,so we need one
and to be honest Pakistan also needs one for its safety,maybe after it US will stop the drones
but it needs to be handled carefully,i m saying these because as i was going through 1 of the posts,a member said that if we are on the losing side then we will make sure that no one survives by using A bomb on most countries
these kind of attitude is really deadly

must have been kidding comeon whats the point of using it against india if we are at a war with america or the other way around. nukes are a last resort and by that i mean last resort and the other side must be expecting this too thats why nuclear capable pak and india have avoided so many wars :p:P:Pbut yeah agree with rest always have something up and considering how america is becoming its becoming more and more for us to have one but its all offtopic so more discussion :P;P:PP:P

anyway good we are testing missiles i believe that range is important but not as important as accuracy, speed and payload.
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